254213 254�1�
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Theunderaignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City oi aaint Psul,vis.:
Condemn i ng�and _taki ng .an_easement i n the. 1 and.necessary .for__the..s lopes?_.cuts..and_.f_i_11 s?_.,i nclud i ng
r i ght of remova 1 ,of 1 atera 1_.support.,f rom_.sub1ec�...1 and_.or...�ema i nde�;,..�hg��Qf.�4�&��I4ngd._bx..ex�avat i ons
thereof or construction of slo�es_.in_.the..grad,ing,and�surfacing,wi,th, bituminous material the alley in
BLK. 1 , WINTER'S.ADDITION.from Avon_Street..to.Grotto.,Street_,�G-1�J�,�.__._..�..._...._ � .. . ..,___�._.r__..
Dsted thie......�5 th.......dsy og.........MaY.................................. .............. 1..� .
............. --- ... .. ... ... unoilman. -.
WHEREAS� A written propoeal for the making of the following imprnvement, vis.:
Condemn i ng and tak i ng an easement i n the i and necessarx for the s 1 o�pes_?._cuts._and f i.l 1 s�..i ncl ud i ng
....................................................•-•--•------....._..............._......___._... ........... .
.�... ..................... .. ..............PP....................._---•.1--•-----........d o�;.rema_i,nder thereqf,,occa,�ioned__bx.excavations
right of removal of lateral su ort from sub ect lan..___.,_ __.._ _..__.
thereof or construction of slopes i.n the grading.,and..surfacing,_wi_th,bituminous material the alley in
_._.....-•----------------------------•.......... .........---............._._.................,..._
BLK. l , WINTER'S ADDITION from Avon Stree�,.tQ_.�rQ�.xQ._�t.r_��x...LG-1�7.9.�.....................
...........................................................................__ ................._.....-------..._..
6sving been preeented to the Counail of the City of Saint Paul..................•-----•-••----.._......._..._.............._........................
therefore� be it
8E80LVED, That the Commisaioner of Public Works be and ia hereby ordered and direotsd:
1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of� the making of esid improvement.
2: To inveetigate the nature� extent and oatimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total aoet thereof.
3. To furnieh a pl8n, profile or eketch of said improvement. �
4. To etate whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeker� iFor o��the petitio� of three ar mor�ownere.
b. To report upoa a1D of Bhe goregoing mattere to the �mmaseio�er of Finanoe.
Adopted by the �Couacil.....-•-•........................I�A AY.2.5.1���.............
Counc i lman But�er II�IAY 2 8 197�
Carlson �PProvec9....------•..............._..............._......._.._._..--•-.._.....----
Levine ,
5 praf ka �`'"�--
Tedesco -..........._......._.................... .......... __. ._._.. .�<'`
Mr. President McCarty ayor.
�000 s.s�
'� ' � PvBL�sx�, JUN 51971