254211 �54211 Counoil PYIe No.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT anci PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderei�nedherebp propaeeethemslc�ngof thefollowingpublioimpmvement bq t6e City ot tisint P�ul��s.: � - - _ _ . Grade and snrface with bituminous material the following: all a part oP CONCORD TERRACE - 1971, City Pro�ect P-0518; Alley in Block 20, WEST ST. PAUI, PROPER, from Clinton Ave. to Greenwood St., to a width of 16 feet. GREENWOOD AVENUE from Delos Street to the North line of Al1ey in Block 20, West St. Paul Proper, to a width of 16 feet. ................�,,��,1--�---•�.,.-l�l- (P.���I..",�. Couacilmew. PRELIMINARY ORDEIt. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the following: all a part oY CONCORD TERRACE - 1971, City Pro�ect P-0518; Al1ey in Block 20� WEST ST. PAUI. PAOPER, from Clinton Ave. to Greenwood St., to a width of l6 feet. GREENWOOD AVENUE from Delos Street to the North line of Alley in Block 20, West St. Paul Proper� to a width of 16 feet. cnerecore, oe�ti RE80LVED, That the Commieeioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direcP,ed: Y. To investi ate the neaeesi t for o g y , r desirab�l�ty of, the malnng of eaid improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and eatimated ooet of eaid improvement� and the totaJ coet thereot. 3. To furnieh s plan, pmfile or aketch of eaid improvement. , 4. To state whether or no�eaid improvement ie aske�lfor on tt�e petitio�of three ar more ownere. 15. To report upon aU of tbe goregoing mattere to the �Cammieeioner of Fiaanoe. Adopted by the Couaail................................MAY. 2.5 1971 ............ Y�se Counc i lman But 1 er —#��-�9�- �IAY 2 8 1911 Ca r 1 son ' Approvecfl...-•........................ ............................................._ Lev i ne --- - „�� Meredith � Sprafka � Tedesco ......_...._........_......................... .... ._..._ Mr. President McCarty Ma. r. �000 s.� �� �usLIS�D JU N 51971