254197 � � 2541�7 :RIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �,a, CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BT COMMISSIONE �►TF WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its resolution, C. F. 253814, approved April 28, 1971, authorized an Application for Special Food Service Program for Children; and WHEREAS� The City now desires to amend its said Application so as to request a greate�r number of free meals to be provided; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the amended Application for Special Food Service Program for Children, and the Ma.yor, City Clerk, and City Comptroller are hereby authorized to execute the same amended Application on beha.lf of the" �ity, a copy of said amended Applica- tion being attached hereto; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That Council resolution, C. F. 253814, approved April 28, 1971, be and the same is herewith superseded by the action taken herewith. FORM AP OVE As� ra o ou I MpY 2 519�i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_. Yeas Nays MAY 2 8 71 Butler Carlson A ved 19� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka ✓ Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty �U N �-�7� PUBLISHED O �°`+- �- - <-n, � DU}LICAT6 TO lItIMRR � �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fc�NCi� N� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r PRE�SENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DAT� WH�BA�'i� T!� C�OU�t�Cil Qf t�t City O� �al.rit P�u►1 w by i!� resoluticra, C. F. �.53814, app�wdd Apr�ll �8� 1971, authorl.zad �ra. Applicatioa �cr Sp�c�1 Food S�s�H.c.a Progra�o�t �`or Chf.ldr�y a�d �xEAS, T'hs t�.tq now d�s.ts�s to �a�d ita aa�id J�pl��.tra . �ww as to s�aqv�st a gr�aa�e� numbss c►f ��sa t�1s to ba paro�vic�d; , �� t.1�ss�t!`oss, bt it �ES4LYBn, T'�at t� Gae�ii of t�t f�ty c� ga�.nt Pa�'1. dc►�s ' �s�t�r ap�arov+e thr �sd Ap�licat.ie�a l�ac Spe`o�,al F'� S�r�►#.cs Prc��c� !or Child� ead t!u Mayor, City Clar�t, �d CiCy Ct�ptroller ars bs�by a�e.hori�a�d to sar�� t� saar� aa�wa�l�wd Ap�li�a.�.io� o�at b�1�E af tlu City, a co� o# s�sid a�r�d App�+�e» ticm b�i�crg a��a+c�d hs�eto� a�d l�e it ` Ft3�'"i�SE R�84LVSD, That Co�il rwts4l'�i.+�n, C. F. 233gI4, ap�co�d Apri,l �$, 19i1, b�e �nd fi� sa�s is tur�ri�h ��s�d!ad lyy �hs �atiost �t1�c�n bss�ith. ��Y �5 �a�� . �� COUNCII.MEN � Adopted by the Counci� 19_ � <:� Yeas Naya '':ti MC..}`t' BU WGi �: V ; . . . . �R�•' Carlson APProved. 11AY Z S �9 � 19� Levine : Fa'�trr . Meredith ,�, ��r Sprafka ;�' Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� � ,i n i�•: �i� �t[��r-;5o'r'n Ar�:NDED � T)epartmcu� bE l�:ducncion F22-37 Sc'�c�I Lunch Sccticn AFPLICATION � SPCCIAL FOOD SERVlCE PROGRAM FOR CHiLDR[N ��� -�9� I. NA.Y�L AND AI>DP.ESS OF SPO:�SOR (Street end No., RFD 2�0.. City, 2. 1JAAiF A:.'.� ADDRP:SS OF SERVICE INSTITUTION (Street and No., RFD Stetc end ZIP Code) No., City, State and ZIP Code) City of Saint Paul � Service institutions include a number thru the P�1a �ar's Council on Youfih Opnortun'ty of centers 918 City Ha�l, St. Paul, i�xinn. 551G2 3. TYPti OF INS'I'ITU- S. AGE GROUY ATTEND- o. TUITION CI-I�IRGE 7. AT'TENDA:�CE DATA (Estimate if necessery) TION (Check) ING (If eny) DAY-CAKF CENTER gLq'TLF_?dENT }IOUSE 1 to Z1 a. Averagc dailp atcendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yi�RECk:EATtON CF,:�TF_R S p�r � 5. HOlJt2S OF OPF;Y.ATIO;� b. Pc[ of children with workin�monthers . . . . . . }� OTf{ER �sp���r � �'1� ,round 7 a.m. R p.m. Free . . . , to c. Pct of ctuldren from low income femilies . . w�r si es R. OPF.RATII�G DATA -- SERVICE ItiSTITUTION'S CL'RREtiT FOOD SEF2�'ICE PKOGRA\f (a) PREVA ILING PRICE "b} ���'F;HqGE DAILY ?�L'SIBFR OF StEF.I_S (c) FINAtiCIAL CONDITIO:Q OF � 01�b1EALS ScRVED CURRE\TLY SF{K\'ED T'O CFQ�nRi;^: [ood service pro 7')'pE If ineels f�riced separately FREE OR –° (Check)._ �vAILY WEFKLY FL'LL PRICE RED[�ED PRICE }3CflkfaS[ Funds now on hand . . . . . . � NONE b�idmo:n in^ su �lemcr.t �� . Value of food on hand �_ I�unch (Estimate) . . . . . . . . . . . �lidafternoon supplemenc -None-- -- 1.9onthly cost of operatioat �� Supper including :abor(Estir.iatc) . h1i11: only � Amount of program �� defici; (It ar}') . 9. DE�CP.IPr GE\ERAL ECON01fIC AREA FROhf A'HICFi INSTITUTIOV DRAICS ATTENDANCE (See instructions. Attach specia! statement if necessnry) Saint Paul Target Areas 10. PLA:�NTNG DATA – AM1EALS FOK RTiIG-I A£SISTANCE IS NEEDFB 11. PROBAI3LE PROGRAII PER10D a) ESTI�U�TED CHARGE (b) E�TiSL4TED ?:U.`.iSER OI' �tEALS ' TO C}3ILUKEN TO I3F. SFR�'ED DAILY TO C}-IILDRrN a. Date to�e�;s� . . . . . . . June Z�F PAYItiG FULL YRICC•. � �TOTAL "I'YPE ' FREF OR (Paid, tree or b. Date to close . . . . . . , Sept�. 1 "Check) LY NFEIiLY RF_{)LCED PRICF re:i::ced .rice I3reak�ast ��0 .l per C � 12 ESTIRSATED tQU\iF31?R Or DA1'S I��idmornin�; supplement 18�� � .�0 per C1111 pROGRAdt VALi. OPERATE Lunch � 6��� � ,45 per C�"11�. a, Per week. . . . . . . 5 Da�•s I�fidafternoon su�plemen. I80� @ .l� er chil .ciu eL � 75� � .45 per C�111 b. This fiscal ye2r . . . 57 Deys 13. Is service institution exempt from I'edere2 income tax under the Intemel Revenue Code? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X Yes �Ne 14. Is service institution ne�+�participating in the Special�tilk Program? . . . , ICl .SOIit2 1riSt1tUt1011S – �ES . . yes No � � 15. Does a privote food service managemeni compenp operate a food service program in the service in5titutiun? . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes � No If 'ycs" describe or attach copy of contract with food management cor.�pany. ' • 5ome • 16. Will a la cnrte tood service or snack bar facilities be avaitabl_ to chiidren during the hours in attendance et the institu:ion? ,� Yes n No C�ON PI2EhIISES �IN CENTRAL KI'I'CHr^.\ �jC01tF31�iATION PRLt.11SES r�ND CF.NTRAL KITCHE\ In caterin ki.tchen contracted �oith 17. K'here will foEd be prepared? (Check) �OTHER (Specifq) _ � _ _� ___ __ __ . 18. I3riefly describe space and facilitics evailable for preparing nnd serving fnod. (Ir.clude general� loration of sp�ce, approximate sGuare [out�ge, kind and amount of equipm�iL Attech additianal statement if needed.) Food �will be �Y'0�3.YE'CI by caterer - servea 1C1 n°nt2�S CER7IFICATION: I CERTlF1"C:iAT the above intorma;ion is trur and cor.ect tu the b�st of my knowledgc, end Lhat rtimbvrsemer.t will be clr�i:i�d on2y for the types of ineols specified in item 10 above scrved to children during the hours they are in ettendonce nt the sorvice instito.tion. City Comptroller Lou McKenna (DATE) . (('ITi,L) (;?GNATURE OF AU"I�I#OR17_ED f2EPRESENTATIVE OR SPU:;�OF; H'hrn s��onsor-is a nonprofit aperry (civic Frocy, ctn�rch orgcnize!ion, etc.) tt:e foiloktir.� Ded�ra[ion of Acthnrity must be complcted. :�t�c sponsor shoun above is hereby autharized to cnntroJ and oper:�te the too� service prcEr2m ter ctuldre�n in ttic scrvice ir�s'itution ria:ncd nbove anii ' to er[er into nn agreement wi[h the U. S. llcpnr[rnen[ef Agricultwe ia conrr ctlon with the operution of Ihe progrnro under lhe Speciel Food Service ' Yrogrem!o; Children. . r�ayor a e `��fii- e igna�ur�j _. �,Git� Cl_erlc (DATL) i1'fTLI:) (SIG,'QATURIi Ol�51;1:VICG i:9$TITVl'i:;.": 01�1'ICfii_) —'�.��� .