254196 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 254196 ^ � " CITY OF ST. PAUL . �ENCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • C�QUNC RES LUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF RESOLVSD, by the Council of the City of Saint Pa�l, that Chapter 474, Laws of Minaesota for 1971, approved the 21st day of May, 1971, entitled: "An Act relating t� tha eity of Saint Paulf mergiag the �ers and d�ties of the affice of ecaptroller with the office of the chief aceouataat", a certified copy vf which is filed her�witl�, shall be �md said Act hereby is ia all thiags app=oved� RES�LVED I�[TRTS�R, 'Tl1at tlle City Clerk as the chief cl�rieal officer of ffi�id City of Saiat P�t�l shall forthwith �ile with t�i� Secretary of �tate a certificate, ia form p=escribed by the 1�ttorney General, statinq the e�seatial f�cts necessary to �aid apprcval of said Act hereuad�r and iacluding a eopy of this resolutian of approval of said Act. E ,..'YSlv�l f;i�1"'�1�.3V�d o _.,.,-�-�_ �, .�_�n Asst. Corporation Cou � �Ay �5 �97� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 19�,� Butler ��� ,' Caxlson 19� Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka Q Tedeaco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty J�N 21971 PU�� �� �, r � J `� r � � CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOYERNI ��G BODY (Pursuant to rJlinne�ota Statutes, 645. 02 and 645. 021) ST�TE; DF P;IITI�TESOTA Ccun��� of ��' TO T��; SECRETARY OF STATE OF ldIPdNESOTA: �'LEASE T�T''�, NOTICE, That the unders.i.gned chief clerical officer of the City. of Saint Paul (name of governmental uniti Dt�ES �iEREBY Ci�RTIFY, tYiat in cor�pliance with the provisions of Laws, 1971, Cnapter 1 �7�+ requirin� approval by a * majori+y vote of the governing body of said local goverx.;��ental unit before it becomes effective, the City Council (designate governing body) at a �c�eting duly held on th.e �5th day of MaY, , 19�-, by rescluticn CouncaW]. File 25�+196 did approve said Lavrs, 1971, Chapter �+7� �If other than resolution, specify) by a majority vote of all of the members thereof (Ayes �_; Naes __II.__; Absent or not vo�ing ) and the following additional steps, if an�, required by statute or charter were taken: ResolF��ion to �e pubZished in the St. Paul Legal Ledger, official newspaper of the City of Sa�nt Paul on June 2nd, Z971. � copy of' the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by re;�erence. � , l" R '°�r/� Signed: `-� ._ �� �T�'.AL C' Y Clerk fficial designation of oificer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in fJ;innesota Statutes 645. 021) �If e�rtraordinary majority is required by the special law iaisert ,fraction or �ercent- a.ge �iere. STATE �F MINN�S�TA DEPARTMENT OF STATE FILED JUP11 - 1971 G�- � ���i� SeCi etdry �f ����`� �'RIGINwL TO C17Y CLHRK " ��Tl' �3�= 5T. P,�4�L couNCi� ������ • � r�;��c� a� �-�E c�� L��d� F,�E NO. • ,;�?� COUN�E� RCSOl�U�iQP�—C�ENE�L �RM , � -- : r��. PRESENTED BY � p�. ��; f ��l t l/"' � 'S� r., , ,h COMMISSIONEIt—r'-" � ` _ DATF RESOLVED, by the �Q�ancil a� �.he Cit� of Saint Paul, that Chapter 474, Laws of t�iinne�ota �or 197.I, appraved th� 21st day of i�ia�, 1971, entit�.ea; "An Act r�la-�znc; ta the city a� �aint Paul; merging the po�a�x�s anc� du�ies of t�e ���ice of comp�raller with .the office of f:he ch7�� a�countant", a certi.fied copy of whzch is fil�d herewith, Shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approv�d; RE50LVED E`�IFTFiER, Tkaat the Ci�y Clerk �s the chief cl.eri.cai offic�r of said City of Sain� Paul sh�l�. for�Ehwith file with t�e 5ecretary of State a certificate� in forni prescribed b� the �.ttorney General� stating the es��ntial �acts n��essa�y to saic� approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of thi.s resolution of appraval of said �.�t. t �.�rtic{ ;i:i'`ti�.,'Vi�� �� �� �,,,,;,.•:.,i„� ��,-£- :•y`=t._ ,�� ( 'i ; `'�.. I'��s�. C,crE:C�a:'IOn COUf7S�. �d°E� �� '6��:� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19� Yeas Nays p 1 1�7� Butler ,r.?��� Carlson �Pr�ved °�'��-- 19�_ _. . ' - �„M` �;..=�.� Levine � s�,� � `-....°' �'� �`:� n Favor � __� �, "'��--..�, Meredith - �"''�'�'�- Sprafka � �' m��T� J Aga�nst STATE OF M�NNESOTA � Tedesco DEPARTMENT OF STATE Mr. President, McCarty F I L E D � JUPd 1 — 1971 G� � Secretary of 5+.,`�� "��� . � � �°�� � -� , OFFICE OF TH I COMPTROLLER SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 � /zj 1 ALL ... ■■■ LOU McKENNA C. THOMAS OSTHOFF City Comptroller Deputy City Comptroller rr�y 25, 1971 Honorable Mayor, Charles P. McCarty and Members of the City Council As a part of your approved legislative program, the State Legislature has adopted an Act allowing the council to appoint the City's Chief Accountant to assume the duties of City Comptroller. This act provides for the Chief Accountant to maintain his civil service status, and assume the duties of the City Comptroller until June Sth, 1972, I am therefore submitting to you a certified copy of the aforementioned act as well as a resolution adopting that act, and my own resignation, Sincerely, i/��� ��"'°"^- Lou McKenna City Comptroller . / . '� � / � v . � � Z June 2, 1971 Honorable Ma.yor, Charles P. McCarty and Members of the City Council Thank you for the confidence you have placed in me. I am humbled, proud and grateful, I am humbled when I continue to review the many responsibilities of the City Comptroller which I have fallen heir to. The burden is heavy but the cross is sweet. I am proud of the confidence you placed in me to properly administer these most important functions. I am grateful for the fine staff of personnel in the Comptroller's Office and in the Civil Service Bureau. I am sure that I shall call on these people many times and i feel confident that they will respond above and beyond the call of duty. I am grateful that I can call upon you, the legislative body, for the pro- pitious conclusions to many problems that will face our city until the demise of the Comptroller's Office, I am grateful to the City Clerk who has always exhausted every effort to search out my many requests for exact details on so many important ma.tters. I am grateful to the Corporation Counsel and his entire staff. Their unique status is described in "Principles of Governmental Accounting and Auditing - Citrae 1968 - and I quote "A unique characteristic of governmental account- ing is it's dependance upon a complex system of laws and legal regu�ations," This acknowledgement of the dependency of the municipal accountant on the legal staff is further put in it's right perspective and again I quote, "If there is a conflict between legal provisions and generally accepted accounting principal applicable to governmental units; legal provisions must take precedence. Finally, I must acknowledge the roll of the taxpayer who is, in fact, our boss and finances our expenditures, The office shall continue to be open to the public who will always recieve a courteous "Hello" and attentive "ear" to the problem at hand and a "polite" response, so "Mr. Taxpayer" shall not leave empty-handed, Thank you again and now let us all get down to the business at hand, Sincerely, �� ��� Clemens J. chleck Chief Accountant Comptroller , �— • ,�.=�-�i���� - - _ �� —�-v � + i � :,, =_ - - - � ) � , , ��,E.SOILE LfioRn\ /-- ____.��\\ . �� -' �' ,.� _ �>- � ,� ��\�. ,h. = \ ; c� — � � — -- — i ; �li - � �li �1� — �'��_ � -- -- — ��� � l, Arl en l. Erdahl, Secretary of State of the State of Minnesoto, do hereby certify thot I have com�ared the annexed co�y with record of the original - Act - in my office of S. F. No. 2712, being Chapt�r 474, Laws of Minne�ota Por 1g71, approved May 21, 1971, as filed in this office on May 21, 1971 - - - - ; and that said copy is a true and correct transcriqt of said - Act - and of the whole thereof IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand ond affixed the Great Seal of the Stote, at the Ca�itol in St. Pau[, this / day of Ma A. 0. 19 71 .��%�.e�c. - Secretary of State � ���� �� .-� , - . , � , 'i,, , . � � . . � . . 3.• F. No. 2712 CHAPTER No. _�� � �� 1 � � �� 2 ' , � reletin9 to ,the e� ty of 3e1nt Pau1t . ' � 3 � morqing the:ooNera end dut�es of the 4 � otfice of �onperofle� aith the aff•1ce ot . 5 the chiet accou�tent, 6 8E IT ENACTEO BY tH� IEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNE307A1 7 8ectlon 1. Notwlthstandin0 any p�ovlsion of Che � � 8 �harcer ot the eity of Sa1nt Peu1 to the contrary� end 9 noewithetandin9 any contNe�y p�ov♦slon of 1aw, a11 the � i0 .rlohta� poNehs end dutles o! !he offtce of clty compt�otler ii �e set to�th, In the cttY eharter and the laws ot the stete 12 of� Ml�nesota ere hereby trensferred to and vested. ln� the- 13 posltlon of ch.lef accountsnt� e c�lesslfled posltlon �n the � , 14 c1v11 serviee of the city of Seint Paul � f�om the� �effective � 15 dete of this aat until June Sr i972, � � 16 Sec. 2. Effective Juhe 2� 1971► the chlef accovntant � 17 sha11 assumo the duties end responalb� litles ot the. oity � 18 � comptrollcr in addltion to hi.s ex� atln� duties� a�d 19 responsibilitles. Ha ahait serve at the sala�y rele ' 20 prescribed io� the classifled position of ch�ef eccountent - 21 and aha11 �eta�n a11 extsting t►i9hts� prlvlle9es snd 22 beneflts p�eaentlY ♦n such clesaif� ed pos�tion end ahsll , be 23 entitled to ell further �lghta� privilefles and beneflts 24 whlch may aca�ue to sueh pos�tlon of chlef accountant , in the 25 clasaified se�vtce. � ' � ; � 26 Sec. 3. 7his act sha11 b�ecome�'etf'ective only after ies � 27 epproval by `.a n�alorlty oi the �overnlnq �bodY o� `the eity of � � 28 8a�nt .Paul �nd upon Compliance r+ith the p�ovl�lons of 29 M{nne�ota 9tatutes� 9eat�on �45.021•. , � , _ �, . . . .f, . _ ., . - � • . , , . 1 � , . - , . � �, , . � � : , , i . � , • , � � . , _ ' T' �:y . � . ,r . . � - . � � S. F. No. 2712 ,.. .. . . . , .3 .. � . , . � ,' ' . � ' ,. _ � . .! . ,�� . � , , _ - , � � . . � : ' : � dy G. Per ch - . . � President the Senate. . . . . � . . . � Aubr W. Dirlam . Speaker •of the House� of �Re sentatives . � Passed the Senate this � .?th � day oi' MaY � in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one . � ' � � , /v • . � ' Geo ge G. Goodwin � • Secretary of the Senate. Passed the Ho�tse of Representatives this 15th day of Ma.y in the year of. 0ur Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one. �� • . , . . � . , - . ' . . . . . � � . .. � - � w . . � . � _ .. . . . . . „ , , . . � ' Edward A. Burdick ; �' � Ghief C1erk,� House oP Representatives. APProved ��� . 1�71. , • � , . � , . . � � � , . "��P�JtiG� . . W � endell R. Anderson - . t3overnor. oP the State of Minnesota. � • . , ' Filed %� � � 97 �7 _ • . - . , � � �. 1 ', . . , , , _ • � . , � ���.�.R, cY. � Arlen I. . Erdahl . . . . Secretary of State. . . 2 . . . . . � � . ; , ' ;