254185 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK /��i��}�[K � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��-- -�- vv " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. OU CIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATF � �AS, the Subcc�ittee on Handicapped of the Special Study Cc3martit�ee on Civil Servi.ce has recctmnended that the follrnaing changes be made in the City Hall Building. l. Restroams be adapted to be accessible and usable by wheelchair oecupants. Alternate floors could be adapted for each sex (e.g. first floor Por ma1e; aecond floor for fe�aale, etc.). Entrance door should be li�t enough to be pushed. open fram wheelehair and at least 32" wide. One toilet sta11 on each floor should be 32" wide; if this ie not possible iamiediately at least the door to one sta11 should be r�noved and a cuxtain hung instead. oP the door - this would allaw saaneone in a narraw wheelcha3r to enter iP the opening is 28-29 inches. Grab bars �hould be provided in these special etalls. Mirror should be hung at the end of waenen's restroosm lcw enough so person in wheelcshir can see herself. 2. The telephone canpany be asked to lower at least one of the public telephones in each section to make it aceessible to ind.ividuals in wheelchairs. 3. Swinging doors to a1l work areas be re�noved in order to make entrance wide enough for a narrow whee.].cha�3.r to pass through the space. The protruding knob on the door should be rmioved fram entranceway� so they wi11 npt be an impediment to wheelchairs. Sane entranceways will need to be COUNCILMEN _ 1 _ Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� . � OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '��'��� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF widened rather than only re�oviag the swinging doors. �+. Door wl.dths should be 32r', if that is impossible 29r' wi11 accommiodate narrow wheelchairs. 5. Handrails on stairways should be extended 18" beyond top and bottoon steps to guide the elderly and thoae who need help in goir� up or dorym steps �uch as the blind and those on crutches; nc�w therefore, be 3t RESOLVED, that the foregois� recom¢nend,a�ions be forwarded to the City Hall and Courthouse Camnission For consideration. - 2 - MAY 21 i� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �� , , 1 �9�� Butler Carlson App ve 19� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka J yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBI•ISHfD � �"y4� MAY 2 91971 �� � ��.���� �;: � ���.��� � ���� � ,,� �� ,• �..,.,~ .� RECOMMENDED COUNCIZ ACTION OF HANDICAPPED `" 1) adopt physical changes 2) adopt Service Worker 3) direct Civil Service to draw specifications for Selective Placement Counselor OFFICE OF TH I COMPTROLLER SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 1 ALL ■■■ LOU McKENNA C. THOMAS OSTHOFF City Comptroller Deputy City Comptroller SPECIAL STUDY COMMITTEE ON CIVIL SERVICE SUBCOMMITTEE ON HANDICAPPED, FEBRUARY, 1971 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Selective Placement Counselor It is reco�nended that an appointment be made to guarantee the success of the program. By appointing a "Selective Placement Counselor" to coordinate this program the Civil Service Department will have assurance that all handi- capped applicants would be able to take advantage of the available employment opportunities for which they can qualify, The responsibilities and major concerns of the Selective Placement Counselor are as follows: 1. Responsibility to be the liaison between the handicapped applicant, departrnent managers and supervisors and vocational rehabilitation facilities. 2, Responsibility for implementation by publizing the program widely to promote an atmosphere of acceptance of the handicapped. 3. To establish an effective recruiting program for the handicapped, 4. To establish a good relationship between the Counselor and the super- visors. 5. To analize and identify the job requirements. 6. To arrange special examining procedures. 7, To provide follow-up services for the handicapped worker, and 8. To provide follow-thru services for the employees who have become disabled during the course of their employment with the City. 2. Service Worker Pro�ram It is recommended that the City of St. Paul establish a classification of Service Worker, It is suggested that the referrals for this classification be coordinated through the St. Paul Field Office of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. That office will select candidates from its caseload and make referrals to the City Civil Service. An examining board would be estab- lished and made up of the following: 1. A specialist in vocational rehabilitation who would be a representative of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation 2-. A specialist in mental retardation who would be a representative of the State Department of Public Welfare 3. A department head from one of the departments of the City of St. Paul, and 4. A Selective Placement Counselor as described above, The function of the examining board would be to: 1, Determine if the candidate is employable, and 2. Assist in determining the type of position for which the candidate is best suited, ,�..>...�,ss - 2 - � RECOP4IENDATIONS (cont.) 3. Architectual Barriers It is recommended that the following changes be made to eliminate the architectual barriers: 1. Put ramps on curbs of the block on which the Court House is located 2. Provide wider parking spaces to allow a person to transfer from an auto to a wheelchair. 3. Entrance doors should be light enough to be pushed open from a wheel- chair. 4, Doors into and within offices should be widened to 32" wide. 5. Restroom doors and stalls should be widened to 32" wide. Grab bars should be installed and mirrors should be lowered. 6. One public telephone in each section should be lowered to make it accessible to individuals in wheelchairs. 7. Handrails should be extended 18" beyond top and bottom step to provide guidance and support for the handicapped. 8. A ramp should be installed between the courtroom and office adjoining. 9. Passageways within offices should be widened and telephone cables and cords should be eliminated so as to allow passage by a wheelchair user. 4. Supervisory Training It is recommended that a Supervisory Training Program be established which would be aimed at familiarizing the supervisors with the various aspects of disabilities, and, more specifically, training them how to supervise a handicapped worker, Some of the more important components of such a training program are outlined below: 1, Vocational implications and disability 2. Types of and facts about various disabling conditions 3. Exposure to rehabilitation facilities and services that are available to the handicapped person 4, How to identify positions a handicapped person may fill, or, job analysis 5. How to identify employees within a workforce who ma.y be in need of vocational rehabilitation services (for example, alcoholics) . ACTION TAKEN ON RECOMMENDATIONS I�SADE BY TFiE SUECOb�II�fITTEE ON HANDICAPPED 1. The committee recommended that a selective placement counselor be appointed to coordinate a program for hiring the ha!�dicapped. It has been recommended to the Council that a new position, Selective Placement Counselor, be established to be responsible for coordinating a program for recruiting� selecting, and placing the handicapped and minorities. This program will include selling department heads and supervisors on the advantages of utilizing the services of the handicapped� placin� handicapped applicants in positions, and counseling and guiding both the handicapped person and the supervisor on�the �ob. The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the St. Paul Area of the Governor's Commission on Employment will cooperate in carrying out this pro�ram. The Selective Placement Counselor will also arrange for special examining procedures to make it possible for handicapped peraons to compete in examinations on an equal basis. Thus provision will be made to supply readers for visually handicapped applicants and interpreters for deaf applicants in taking examinations. It will be the responsibility of the Orientation Coordinator to identif�r positions in the City Service that can be filled by handicapped persons and to notify appropriate agencies such as the Division of Vocational Rehabil3tation that sucb vacancies exi$t. � ?. Ttic cc�r.�ri�tce recom�nended th�t a service work�r class be instit�zi;ed to permit the employment of inentrill,y retarded nrnl.icants. An ordinance to establish the position of Service Worker is before the City Council for approval. This will enable the City of St. Paul to employ mentally retarded applicants on positions for which they have capability. The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation will act as a referral service and make intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and vocational evaluations of persons interested in Service Worker positions. The Selective Placement Counselor Will w�ork with city departments in identifying these positions and placing mentally retarded applicants. 3. The committee recommended that architectural barriers to employment of the physically handicapped be removed. The removal of architectural barriers to the employment of the handicapped will require extensive renovations to the City Hall building for complete implementation. A resolution is before the City Council to refer these recommendations to the City Hall and Courthouse Commission for action. � 4. The committee recommended that a supervisory training program be established whose aim would be to train supervisors in supervision of handicapped workers. This recomanendation is under study and will be 3mplemented by the Civil $ervice Bureau in cooperation with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation of the $tate of Minnesota. A progrsm for the rehabilitation of alcoholics is presently in operation. .s � �5��85 1�1►, aN s+rai.o.i.ssa. .e �+�a .�r �ir �.a�t +�Mmv a.rlet�.. � Cttrl,i �tlM 1w� sw��■M�R 11� iM lrli�lti �M�rt M a�Mi Zs Mr� �i� �t !si)�ti�. 1• � M ai�q� 1s 1r� Me�liL� ��rt wM�"Ur � ��+�1�Rr �t+t. �1�► l�re�t oirat+i Iwr 4M�OM lM�r M�It wt �i.�. !� !"1�rrr 1'Mr rl�j s�awrr �oe�r !�' l�rl�, �.1. ��� in�ne rM11r�� 1w 1f�R w�r� w► 1wt l�MwM +� !`rw► ��M�s �i rlt 3�rt� �"' rLi�. 1�r �� �,11 �t �tt llvot �ai�, � �"' r�r�t� !! �t i,s �t �i� !�i#�r�t�r � 1wt t� p�r #o �t �r�l ,��t 1� r�rnwQ aad a s� � l�rqrri �t /1� i�r • � � a11a�r � ia s �sr�ar �l,�3r i�, i�i�ts i! t�rr � �r +11�•�,1 iso6N. t#�D b�nr si�i� Ls yo�onrL�t !�► 1ltr� �iv, �1'l�. Ifl� �i�t b�r ]� �R '1i�t � ot w�u,ta r��w �wr �r�r M �rt�w ia r�iarr�s rwt ,� 1rrr�t. �. !M '��MM� ���► 11� MM+� � 1�r aoe 1�M� +1N ilt '�rr �ii1� � 3s +�It Nstl,w t� rrar ��R �►Nr� � ir�itvl,rai� Lt rM�rrl�sar. 3• � M�rer� � a3l wa� �r�r 1� �e�t i� w�i�r #� �i�t �ra�r� �l,�r �r�t !+� a rrrw M�aM�ir �e �w► � tM ��, �e ��t lr�M �r t� ir�e i�al+� MR swwr�r�1 !� w��Mw�p� M ilMqr ��3i aa� t�r r l�N�s� � ��arr. /w� �wq� �,ii � �o ts � 1 � �5-13-T1) ♦ ,y . 25��85 rsa...a a� �.,�► a� �o+►sas �. �c ai.�.. 1►. �..�r .ui�1. ar�r.�t�t s� )!'", st t� t. ta�.rst�L. !�" �t �rw�i�► rae�ar r�i�+�lwidssrr. 3. �lr �a ��rt �3�t tr asM�i L�" t� t� a�i �� r�/ i� � tlMl► �� �i � Mr �1M � ##� � �► !e !�r► wrM�rt s�h �MI '�Mt � a�it � �s �el��s� �r #,1ara'+M�nr„ 1�s it �Iw.'�, ty# 1� l�rr�a�ta� � �aerat�ri t�r '�r C�i�,j► �1 �t � c'�a�aria� �ur oa�t#rMs+at3�os. . f . MAY 21 19�11 , MAY 21 1971 (5-13-71) � ;a�.u�,n,��� 254185 . cmr oF s�. PAUL ��p��� No � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEWT�tY COMMISSIONER ^ATF �W� �1! et1bC�'R1ttN G!'l H�C� Of fi�!! �t�� iti�,/ CE��*.tN QI! 4�'�. Ni'r�M �i P�C�MI�� �,#; � �1p,��OI/� a�1�i1�M � � �i �! C��jr Na11 �tilalp�. 1: l�wtroo�s b� aaapt�d to b� �qib�L �md usab�U � �l�air o�'�ant�. J11t�raat� !'Loia�� co�ld b� �t,+�t !'+� s�alt � (�.�. lirst tie�r tr'�' �lo; /�aao�d ll�oor tos' !�a►l�, rte.�. �.rsna� 8oc�' �Lo�+d tie lidtt �on�► tO b� TN�d o� fi� �1�e2tair aa� at levt 32" wid�. t� toilrh •tall aa M�ah �loos' �rhoul.d b� 32p xide; 3! t11is is no�ti potsib�l� !a■N�diat�l,y a�E lwt tl� doaar to oe� �ail �ho�.d b� rio�wd �d a cnrtain hvo� i�d o� 1� doar - 1�tis �wl!! allor �aroo� ia a aarra► ��s to �r it t,� o�ai�lg is �-29 inah�a. Gr�b b�rs siwuld bt provi,d�d in ttiN� Ilpraial �talls. Mirroar �:b� La� at t,�e end c�' �aAea�s r�st�baa l+on �ao��t •o �s�o� ia �].e1iu�►is ean u� b�elt. �. � t�l�rphan� carp�y be aetsd to ].c�er at 1� oo� o? t� pdb].ia t�lf�6oaa ia w�ab a�atian to avc� it �aibl� �o inditiA�ala ia �atr�. 3. 8viagiag doars to au �ric as�sM b�► raioao�vrd in o�r to a�+t �ts� � ravn� !bs a aarrar whe�.cl�air to p�ss throug� i�t ap�e�. '� pt�o��vding le� oa t� d�oor dio�uld � tveav�d fi�+o� �ntra�oa�r �o t1� rill not bit an 3a�dlaw�t �o ��ri1. 8oN �ttw�a�rpi� trill a��d to b� COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Council 19— - 1 - Yeaa Nays � Butler Carlson Approve� 19— ��e Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka 4 ��r ro��a 4 Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� , , .��,�,T6�.�,� �54185 CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� N � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRKHiT�fT COMMtSSIONE� °A� r�.d�� �� � � � '�'� � �'/� 4♦ Door trllL�Eha �e�LQ bi 3Q"�, lt that i� i�osA�l� g9" �i17, acca■i�sds�e naicrmn Mu�labairs. S. Haa�dtail� an �tatrra�a �ould �t �c��d 3�8" b�y�d teD imd betta� rts� to �nid�e t1w ald�sla► wd � �6e aNd h�3,p i:► �Cl,a� u�► oar dp�n sta�� au4h �a tb� b11aQ and � au arntal�at j �wr �1�sr�, b� �� �'i'a�Yi'�, �lst t�ht tos��a� b� !'bol�ai'�d to tb! Ci'Ry Nall aod Q� �o�eat��ion ibur 000�i��'�al.ien. a ~ MAI� � i t� COUNCII�JIFN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeae Naye MAY a 1 19T� Butler Carlson Approved 19� �°� n Favor Meredith � � Sprafka ��� A nninat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� �� �1, Y971 ��n. C�.��,+�� �. P:SC��r't�r, Cx�,�. ;?^r^�a� -� R;:�,�.� ��.�.1 �k: Cmx�t �Ious� 'V�",�`P3�..`°'`a t'�a 1.�.�1 s Y�!� `���'� .���v�;��s•`��, i'�°v �:he z�i�oa��,v��esb� cs.� ��L ��.'�� :.�,�.1 '��(�. '�f9"4Y'� �:O'I]�.,�".�t'� 4vf.1a:;73t°.�.:iw;�I.QY1.� �.»'�^a � x"k.a:sC8�.1.Y'o°4.�.G9Y� $.G�t�'�°if.—`Ci �.'� e"',�$&.f°a;;p'�"3 w.C1�".31C.'�.�. C�'�:vi�� `�i. a`. i���,42�sd Y;i�ix I'1�:, d:G�"f.��1.YL J�'6sW'S��',.4ldt'�'u.i8�71�O18R8 V\./ V1fG �I.4�I� �i� 0./LL��Ve.LdMa �� C✓Cini�Pddfd�ALOr c�.�,'L� -��� 2�z�d�eapppd. 1���",y �+�"b:_.i.,qjr !�L��.Y'.g g Us.B.`�'i�Y Z.��'dw r`:�n+�;.'��� CC. 07�.:1 S'W�21� . :;�,^��� �uc�tor'� o�`f c�.