254183 OriQinal to C1ty Clerk OR � INANCE �5r:i --.�83 n �7�� , � � COUNCIL FILE NO. � � y' � / 11, , �RESENTED BY �7 ` ` �" �' ORDINANCE NO — An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "A.n administrative ordi.nance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6, in Grade 1 under the heading "Attendance and Inspectional Group", the title Service Worker. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. - Approved: 1 e vi e o is sione r d a � o � Q � � a c� ' � ia C� O � � � L !�t r' �^-i '�'a N � "� � wmM Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council J U N 8 1971 Butler , Carlson In Favor Levine Meredith ' '" Sprafka � , � Against . Tedesco JUN 10 197� Mr. President (McCa y) Approved A test: �`_ \- Cit Clerk ayor � Form approved Corporati ju a 1�e11� �'[TBLISHED Doyiksa�Prtac�r OR`]? INANCE COUNCIL pLE NO �54 8 PRESH�TED BY ORDINANCE NO � An ordinsac� smss�a= Ordiasnce �o. 3ZS0, aat�tle�d: "As �iaistrsti� ordia�ace rela�g to ti�� Ci�il �sz�iee Bures� of the Cit� o� �tlat Fs�tl. ipgro�fa= sad :d,�►� a�tl�s ssd r+rr�at#ons th�ssfos,n sppro�red Af,��tst Z0, 1914. sa am�dsd. � T8� C4UI�CII. ��' THE CI3'�Y OF SAII�iT PAiTL I�OF� C3BDrAII�t: �eclion l. Z'hat Ordinsa�s No. 3Z50, sppro�al A�g�s! a0, i9I4, a►a sm�aded, be snd the ssme is �er�J fasrther �+mded by i8sertias 3a S�ctiaa 6. fi Gra+d� 1 m�da �e h+�rad3ug "Altes�aa�ce aa�i bup�ctfe!�1 Groip"R the tltla Senica �osksz. Ssttioa 2. �is ordiaaa�s e�slt tske effac! aad ba ia forca t�irt� dsTs �s fts pssss��; sppro�►s1, a�d p�►l��oa. Apps+a�rads � s sioaa�r L ��� a �sr Yeas Councilmen Nays Paeaed by the unci Butler Carlson . ��e n Favor Meredith C� Sprafka 48'ainat � �. ��t ca��c�� A J U M 10 1971 Attest: PProved: City Clerk Mayor �� ' Form s�►proved Corporstitul �ouneel By _ _ _. ��,. ,. f Is+ -, � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app b � —Adopted Yeas Nays \' Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson arlson Levine � ��vine �'5�1�.83 �. Meredith `�Aeredith ,,. Sprafka �'.$prefka `� Tedesco �``.Tedesco J Mr. Presiden+ McCarty �Mr. President McCarty O irLtey 2].� 19�1. i'i'L', t,�O�tTl :�.].dG�Z• .ii"1.Y`E3C+.^�T` :�i : +`.',1 SOY3Ttt�. lr:l.V:iL.i. u�2'V:LC� �'lIY't;F3.Li ir{:i� a:i.T': "1'xi� �:�t�; t;ou.�c�.I. 'cc��.a;;F �;�.tir�; -a='°►.r::� ����.d���.r'� �::� ����� io�.lat�ixa, � J14�d:2'1;�:L'C:':i .,'I12s:..��i ;i3..E..L ^va:2�'_. uri :.G` ...EA31 .�»' ::c�..�.,r,ti.1..;..a'�6; rJ31 +�U.32f'. y .1.J�f's.s ;� _. _ ,,-. _,_, y � � �S v�i�• �J��!f,Jav� w: �st':1:�.::� ��.,,..:� s�:)o �Lti,� r,�;� r.tl:sv:b"'''.s.IE�y :Ll`�a ..�i .o 'p7f"L�`'�9'L::t €�.L.��rlc'T,L+t L:l{;�il. C.�':?L': �;BF: 'i'.3.v�..€: £4YlCj ,a,�.�,�C.'ll���t�'ill�ila i�'vi i:�E'.'l"l'7.i:� !•'C3�"}:a".�..'T'f �.r o �?����3 amer�c�3n� t7rd, :�c. 3254 �►y i�ertin�; �g �e�. �i 3t� (�r�de 1 ��ex• „Attendanc� and Tnspectit�n€�7. urc�p" �the �title ;�erv�s:e i�xk�r. `4�g:Y'j+� f Z'tL'9.y` �'0112°3� City Cl.@rk �