254179 ` � .5��.`79 OR161NAL TO CITY Cl6RK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONE ~ � � ATF RESOLVED, That upon and pursnant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by Victoria Company, owner of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul and descri.bed asa Lots 14 and 15, Block 6, Winter's Addition; that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor and the density and buffer requirements for said premises are hereby relaxed so as to aceo�oda�e a 7-unit apartment building and parking lot, subject to the condition that said appellant, and its successors and assigns, otherwise, shall make due compli�nce with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinanceg, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having a� � cognizance. � 0 .'� U c > o .� � � 4. a �- o <C U � N N ° ¢ MAY 21 197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But�er Mpy 21 197� Carlson ve� 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka �� .�Against Tedesco :, Mr. President, McCarty pUBL�1SNE1� • �"'''"t ' MAY 2 9 1971 � •• !,`� 1>'+f I��ri 1 `j`���� ' ti � �,R � � � r �. Y� 1 1 A K;;�` � _ . :a � . BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 May 4, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the appeal of the Victoria Company to relax the density requirements and the buffer requirement on property located on the northeast corner of Englewood Avenue and North Victoria Street. This property is further described as: Lots 14 and 15, Block 6, Winter's Addition. This matter was heard at the April 15, 1971, Board of Zoning meeting, at which time the staff stated that this parcel was rezoned from "A" to "C" Residence last year. Those who were members of the Board at that time indicated they were reco�nending approval of the rezoning with the understanding that the proposed development would meet all density and parking standards. The staff explained the present proposal and the amount of variance involved. A letter was received from the Thomas-Dale Development Council expressing opposition to the density appeal. Representing the appeal was Mr. Neil Convery, who explained the proposed development. He said the appellant could limit the development to 6 units, but would have larger units, as a result, thus providing more people per unit. He stated further that if parking is placed where it is now proposed, they would be leaving open space rather than blacktopping between the apartment building and the adjoining dwelling. Considering this matter, the Board noted that when the property was rezoned, the petitioner did not guarantee that no appeal would follow. One member mentioned the Housing Authority's plan for a high-rise in that area. Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to recommend approval of the appeal. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 4-1. Very tr yours, / ���V�� i PE�ER J. A Secretary; Board of Zoning PJM:gaf PLR Z. F. �k7129 T � �-��` � ��,., v v O ' . Narry E. Mars6all • � c�TY o,� Albert B.Olson �ity Clerk and �°� '� Council Recorder �, Commissioner of Repistration } -� _ � :a . � ��'' � r� M1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS �88 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5510� February 18, 1971 �, � t�] � tl l( 1� � FEB �l 81971 zoning Boara, �ommnerce B1c1�. CITY PLA�INING BOARQ $aint Pa�il, M'snn�sata Gentlencen: The City Crnmcil referred to you for recaa�endation the attached zoning appeal of T2�e Victoria Campany, 885 West Minnehaha Avenue, for a variance of density requirements on Lots 14 and 15, Block 6, W3nterts Add3.t3.on, located at the corner of Victoria and Englewood. Vei"Y �Y Y�'� �-�� a%� Ci Clerk �, hP � �� , ` �� ZC����G ��LE ��:� � � -� � n� J� ,,c.i �`" . � �� �� � � � � � � Q� � 0 . � . � . � ��\ � � Q ��� � �� � , � ` �( � �/ February 17, 1971 ��'� The Honorable Mayor and City Council c�o City Clerk Room 386 City Hall and Courthouse St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemens We wish to appeal the density requirements for lots 14 and 15, Block 6, Winters Addition under "C" zoning in order to erect a seven-unit apartment building. We have 10234 sq. ft. contained in the above mentioned lots in place of an area 10500 sq. ft. Information required as per the outline for drafting a zoning appeal is as follows: a. Victoria Company, applicant b. Address - 885 West Minnehaha Ave., St. Paul, Minn. c. Telephone - 488-2541 d. Property description - Lots 14 and 15, Block 6, Winters Addition e. Corner of Victoria and Englewood, St. Paul f. Property now vacant g. We propose to erect a seven-unit apartment building. h. We appeal the density requirement: land area required is 10500 sq. ft. - actual land area is 10234 sq. ft. i. Ordinance under L�gislative Code Chapter 64, Section 03, Paragraph i. Two copies of our preliminary layout are enclosed for your information. Yours truly, . I. Olsen Vice-President The Victoria Company RIO:e Enc. ZOI�I �G F� LE ���� _ - i , � � THOMAS-DALE DEVELOPMENT COUNCiL, INC. � 537 N. Dale Street�St. Paul, Minnesota 55'103�227-702J April 14 , 1971 Zoning Board City of �t . Paul 1010 Commerce Building �t . Pau]_, Minnesota 55101 Gentlemen: After a thorough review of the Victoria Company rezoning issue and its more recent appeal for variances , the Thomas-Dale Development Council is recommending a denial of the appeal of the Victoria Com- pany to relax density requirements on property located on the north- cast corner of Englewood Avenue and North Victoria Street , further described as Lots 14 and 15 , Block 6 , Winter's Addition . At the meeting at which time this decision was made , the Council heard arguments both for and against the issue , and made the above recornmendation with the belief that those residents opposing the appeal do have legitimate complaints in regards to the number of multi-family units in that area and the problems resulting from them. We thank you for your consideration of our recommendation in this matter. Sincerely, �� \ ��( c� ���� �i�� 'l���l.e_� � � 1 � Adolf T. Tobler, President Thomas-Dale Development Council, Inc. ATT : jn � � WIL � � � � APR 1 � 19�1 ���� �� �'��� � �`� ClTY PIANNING BOARD 6aMt Poul�Minnesota � sF � ,,.� . BOARD OF ZONING REPORT ANII ACTION April 15, 1971 Plat Map �� 26 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 - passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. File No. 7129 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : The Victoria Company 7075 Also 2. CLASSIFICATION : D Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other Relax the densit re uirements X- 102 3. PURPOSE , Y Q and the buffer requirement 4, LOCATION , Northeast corner of Englewood Avenue and North Victoria Street 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 14 and 15, Block 6, Winter's Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING . "C" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter• 64 Section: •03 Paragraph: i (density) � 60 .23 (buffer) 8� STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: Date: 4/9/71 By: PLR A. HISTORY: This property was recently rezoned from "B" to "C" Residence. T3. PROPOSAL: 1) DENSITY: The appellant proposes to develop this site with a 7-unit apartment l�uilding; and 2) BUFFER: The appellant proposes to build the parking lot within 4.2 feet of adjoining residential land. C. NEF.D FOR APPEAL: 1) DENSITY: The Zoning Code requires an area of 10,500 square feet for 7 dwelling units . This site of 10,233 square feet is 267 square feet or 2.6% short of the standard. 2) BUFFER: The Zoning Code prohibits open parking lots to be located closer than 8 feet to any adjacent property zoned or used residentially. Thus, the variance requested is 3.8 feet or 47.5%. D. AREA ZONING: The two blocks north of Minnehaha Ave. and west of Victoria St. are zoned Light Industry as well as most of the property north of Pierce Butler Route. The property adjoining this site to the north is "C" Residence. The area adjoining this site to the east and across Englewood Ave. to the southwest is "B" Residential. The property itrnnediately south across Englewood Ave. is Commercial. E. SITE AND AREA CONDITIONS: The site is presently vacant and approximately at street grade. The house on the lot adjoining to the east is set back 17.5 feet from Englewood Ave. and is approximately 2 feet from its western property line. Plans submitted wi.th the appeal show an identical setback from Englewood for the apartment building which has a length of 80 feet running along Victoria Street. The proposed building has a width of 34 feet and allows 38.2 Feet between it and the eastern property line. I�. REPORTS : The Thomas-Dale Development Council, the area PAC group, reco�nended that the density appeal be denied. (�. REFERENCES : 1) DENSITY: Zoning Code Chapter 60.24; 2) BUFFER: Zoning Code Chapter Fi0.23 (5) (d) . 9� BOARD ACTION: To Recommend �X Approval � Denial Council Letter Da ted : Moved by . McPartlin Yees Nays 5/4/71 x Ames - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Mrs. Cochrane x Cochrane Hearing: x McPartlin Secretary's remarks: Maietta x 5/6/71 Mansur Council Action: X Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel . � _�� � ,. . --- -.. ,�°��� _ ; .� _ _ .. _ � , S T � Q _ .� �, _ ^ _ �i � !'r vJr ` — — �- _ � _ '4 � I ` ` ' — - � _ � —� ` -- ; - ___ __ � H�4CiAt�� ��vE . , , - - �� . . _ - -- . ____. — ! � ^L�� ,y T � Q � � � � � � `� �,�~ � +/iV a , � � � � ' �s?�j� --�-- � � � � � a � � 1 � ' ' �� ��� C, �a � C) O O C , ., � � � � � PtE��� 4uT�.�r� � ' '�` . 1 � � z3 , � � � �,�� � w � -�_ ��- - ' ' �i��r ��� � �'vDr/IT/Zy , 2 � �O OOC� � O t� U O OOGQ �"> Q � , d � ' ' �hk�L�.W�O O D �1�/E ' - � . � � � Q � :,,�0 O C3 0 � O • ¢ c_� o �� 6 �_—� �I N � . �� `�'► � . � �? � 1� 1O Ct '� � , ��M�� s� � �� 4+ �' Q _ � r Q �oo oa � oa c� e� oo � , _ ' � �u N11Ni�1� 1�14.H q qvE � , n � _ u � ¢ �'� ¢ 00 �C=� O40p o0000 �� � . � � � � � O b � � , Q � v , � � a OOc'� 00 � � c:� :.� � �� C, a � ;�, � • � � � � ~ .� ' ! k/AN �URCN f i�f L��f al�t 1 The Victoria Company L�G�C`� P[ '����� Relax the density requirements and � A�t� t '�� V the buffer requirement 4.2 feet Wl�a 61 O ONE-F/��71LY F�ESENT ZONING "�" Residence -O- T1�^dQ-Fqli�i!!_Y � TWI��E- (=����ILY PETITION SIGf�ERS � - FOUf�-FAr�! LY � � MULTI- F�,r.;ILY FILE No. �i29 m enCOUiMERCI,�L nIaRTH r-� /� IP�DUSTRIAI_ v uACaNT St. Paul Pianning Board, Date� 41s/�1 � Properfy under consid�ratior MZNUTES OF THE PUBLIG HEARING BEP'ORE THE BQARD O�F Zp�IING on Thursday, April 15, 1971, at 2:00 P,rI, PRESENT: Mrs. Cochrane, Mesarao Ames, Benshoof, McPartlin, and Maietta of the Board; and Neasrse Brown and Roaetter, end Mrs. Frantzen of the staff. THE VICTORIA COriPANY: An appeal to relax �he density requireznents and the buffer requirement on property located on the northesat corner of Englewood Avenue and Nortb Victoria Streete Mre Rosetter s�maoarized the staff report, a part of Che file, stating that this parcel was recently rezoned from "B" to "C" Residence. Many of the Zoning Board membera now on the Board were not members at the time of the rezoning, and therefore Mr. Rosetter atated he feels obliged to point out that the motion to recommend approval for the rezoning recomnended that it be subject �o the condition that this land be used solely for a 6-unit apartment development, and would meet all standards for density and off- street parking, The appellant wishes to develop this site with a 7-unit apartment building, and to build the parking lot within 4.2 €eet of ad�oining reaidential land. The Zoning Code requires an area of Z0,500 square feet for 7 dwelling units; this site of 10,233 square feet fs 267 square feet or 2.6�. short of the standard. The Zoning Code prohibits open parking Lots to be Located closer �han 8 feet to any ad3acent property zoned or uaed residentially. Thus, the bu£fer variance requested is 308 fe�t or 4705%o Mr, Roaetter pointed out that neither the denaitq nor the buffer appeal would be necessary if the densi�y was limited to 6 units; at that rate, only 9 p�rking stalls would be needed to a►eet the 1e5-1 ratio and the buffer could be pravided. Mre McPartlia noted the Housing ,�uthority's high-rise in that areao In reaponse to a queation by Mre Benshaof, Mr. Rosetter replied that �he buffer would be on the east side of the parking lota Mr, Rosetter said this matter wss referred to the PAC group in the area, who responded with a letter expressing oppoaition to the density appealo Upon a queetion by Mr, McFartlin regarding the alley, Mre Rosetter replied thaC it was extended. Representing the appeal was Mr, NeiL Convery, who noted that citizens a certain distance £rom this aite agreed to dedfcate sufficient property to allow an alley. He stated that the site is 266 square feet short of the requirement for 7 units; however, with only 6 units they wouZd have quite a bit of aquare footage over the minimum requireda The proposal is to build 6 single-bedroam units anci one 2-bedroom unit. If they are limited to 6 units, the price per unit wnuld have to be raiaed. Since the whole gurpoae of denaity requirements is Iiving space for people, Mra Convery said it does�.'t make sense to limit this building to 6 units. The number of units will not dete�mine the number of people in the buildinge He noted -23- , . � THE VICTORIA COMPANY (4/15/7I) (Continued): that if parking is placed where it is now proposed, it would leave a strip of open green apace rather than blacktopping. He presented picCnres of the apartments across the street to the Board, and noted that the same owner is proposing this 7-unit development. Mr, Ames said he rem�bers the rezoning of this property, and the question aroae regarding the density reqe�irements. The owner would only be a few feet short of the 7-unit requirement. According to the minutes from the November I9, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting when this was rezoned, Mr. Ames reported the petiCioner did not state at that time whether they wauld file for a vsriance. The petiCioner aceepted the motion but stated before the motion that they might be back with an appealo There were no definite co�nitments m$de by the petitionero Mr. McPartlia moved for �ppxoval o£ the appeal to relax the density and buffer requirementa. The motfon was aeconded by Mrsa Cochrane, and carried by a 4-I voteo l�iro Mafetts noted he voted against the motion since he feels the Board acted faithfully last time aad should stand for the density requirementso SubmiCted by: Paul Lo RosetCer Robert L� Ames, Chairman -24� s � City Clerk ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf House 55102 April 23, 1971 Fi1e X1021, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearfng will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City af St. paul at 10:00 a.m. an May 6, 1971 on the appeal of tt�e Victoria Coaapany to relax the density requirements and the buffer requ�remant 4.2 feet on the property described as follows: Lots I4 a�d 15, Block 6, Winter's Addition. The property ia located on the Northeast corner of Englewood Avenue and North Victorie Street. For further inforneation, contact the Planning Board, Itoom 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. To cca►ply wfth the City Charter, ttie Department of Finaace is charged with informing you of tilis public hearing. If you have any questions� it is recammended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROSALIB L. B1TPL$R Co�issioner of Finance O