254153 . ._ _.., .. �L�.r�. (► OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ���� � � j��^� • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL a couNCa ��' v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. COUNCIL ION— NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY VictorJ . Tedesco May 20, 1971 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications for the Site Work at Edgcumbe Playground., located at Jefferson Avenue and Griggs Street, are submitted herewith, said plans and specifications having been prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and. Public Build.ings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and. Public Buildings, and. the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized. to advertis� for bids thereon in the manner provid.ed. in and. by the Charter. Job #71-26. MA1f 2 019� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays B�rt�r IAAY �� 1971� Carlson / prove __-19— Levine �� _1n Favor Meredith � ayor Sprafka gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty Pus�sx�D MAY 2 21971 �� w r//�� PUP�.ICATL TO rRINT�R . ���J�{ >' CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� N� ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �°R M�M�oN� VictorJ . Tedeac0 nAre Mt tL20. 19T1 RESOLVED, that the plsns aad speaificstionm for the Site Work at Ed�cumbe Play�round, located at Jefferson Avenue snd Griggs Str�et. �are subunitted herea►ith, said plans and .p�citicstiona having been prepsred by the City Architect under the direction of the Co�uni��ioa�r ot Parks, Recrea►tion snd Public Buildinga, be snd the ssme are hereby spproved, the same being sstietactory to the Commisafoner of Psrk�, Recreation and Public Buildinge� aud the Purchs�ing Agent ie hereby suthorised to sdvertise for bids thereon in th� manaer provid�d in and by th� Cbarter. Job �Tl•26. �._ . r,�, .. � a �_ �..�.t � ;'.,.:� � []_ ::-._� � =*� ie�-- .. �_. �.� , ..,�p'� �..e . . �. �"�� . '-�G .._�,. _.. _�<..�t-- �d-.� �._ . ^ ��, _ ^<;y: ,.�- M::,= ��e�: �,y �,o �9�� COUNCILMI�.N Adopted by the Co�m�i� ]9._ Yeas � Nays �� �,Q �97� Carlson / Appr'°°1� 1g— �°�e �� T++ Favor Meredith Sprafka C� �� A aaingt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �8