254150 . ,� ___ _ ,..�;�• ,,,-- -�,�!a'�s,.. fi _ . . ,. „
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` �� � COUNCIL FILE N0. "�����
Rssdlution Ratifying Aase�sment By
In the matter of the asaessment of ��,� �� ,�It � f�" ��� M� �•
O�M!##I�E;+� ����► a�1i �1relt '��l �it � 7N0'"�* ��'�Itt �.
�� �AMII/ �. �,
. _ _ ._ . --- -- - ___ ._
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B�E�g/1s� : ,
�'. . - �to�cabs! St., reat�aid9e fras Foarth St, to ?i�t� St.
1�.0. *2�r9161 • W,�eo�tt4.St„ rest sida !`ros Sixth St. to tht �rth aPPro�c. 100 ft.
l.0. �?.�t3482 - Jackson 8t„ eut �ide fro� Pifth 3t, to Sixth 3t.
F.O. #249026 - Univeraity Ave., north sfde fra+� Dunlap St. to Griggs St. '
�'.0. �248483 - Univeraity Ava., north side from Lezingtaa Ave. to D�mlap St.
F.O. #248482 - Jackson St.,.�ast sid� f�va� ��fth 8t._to.Sixth:St. , ,
�".0, #R4lt��'- �iJniv�rsit� Ave., aorth side fro� Dnniap St.tot�Gr�,gg� St,
F.O. #�4�27 • Ros�bel:-8t., M�st_side fr�a ��� S�. �q Fifkh St.
. _ .
"``l.o.�-�u�ia� -� W.��t� sc., �nst side frcn Sizth St. to the nor�'h =pprox. 10� ft.
. _ ..-. ._ _. it�► Avs,�� .Aorth $id�,frc� 7,aai.agtprn A�ro. ta�la!_St. . .
F.O. 24S4s3 - Univers `
A public hearing h�ving been had upan tne assessment ior trie apove imprwe�r�enc,�� tta��p-
ment having been further considexed by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory�
be it therefore
RESO�LVED, That tlie said assessment be and the same is hereby in all re.spects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the D�iatriet Gourt of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation.
BE IT FURTAER R(ESOLVEiD, That the s;aid assessment be and it is hereby determined to be
I�Yable �n -� eqn&1 inatallments.
Yeas �:'.':;1-£:�? Nays
�I►A� �'� �
:: �,��, ��-��� � � Adopted by the CouneiL �
'`= d3 � MAY 2 01�7�1
':,r�. �--
,-�� � � � �1p�r e � �
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;m::�i, y
�In Favor
., MAY 2 21971 °r
Against �BLISHED,_ -
Form R-2 2M 10.68 a�
, �R
^ � �, �ti _ 254�1�p
. �f '' :' CITY OF ST. PAUL ��°`��y��
;..._ , �� �
Report of Completion of Ass�esam�nt �,
In the matter of the as�esament of ���l�� +I� +NIM � �i1t Mr�'� �I!' �'+M
���1�t irt ��r a�i +�wa�ic �R'�� �aN�t 1�t ��,� i�slRl�r+R �i.
is �!► i��. �. -
�.v����� - ��1`=c:, .�c sta. f�c�. �o�h ac. to astr.h sc. '
1.0. �►llil • Y�raeree st.. �t:.ssa. tra. sLx� st. ro tba wertb a�eeac. iflA �c.
l.t1. fZ41l�2 - Jaciuros �E.. uat ��#As traw �itt4 ft. to atsth it.
l.o. �ux��a • t�iwrsity Av�., ,poice�i`.�d. tra. nmsia� at. to �s,�. s�.
�.0. *Zbs44�3 • �ai�nrr�rity Aw.. aorth ai�s tsa� Ltaciaaton Ave. �a► Dimisp 8t.
t.0. ��4i4�2 • Jacic�on tt.. �a�t s�de fro� lifth �t. to Si.xtb St.
T.A. E�4�6 -� 1�el�rsit�r �w., aorxl� � i� ]fuwti� 8t.l��.+Oir�tit �t; . -.
_ . �.0. f2490Z7 • �,os�bel ft., w�st sid� tro� Todrt4 St. to !'i!'eh 8t.
!,@. �!f►l�i� �►"i1a�Ort+r tt., Nst tt� ts"�0�1' S�t�ktb !R. �ii tl� � �roo[. IOl� tt, _
t.0. #2i84s9 - psiwrsit� Aw., north �ide !`ra� Iwsiu�toa Aw. Co Dnalap St.
To the Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reparts to the Council the following as a sta.tement o�the ex
penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impravement, viz:
Tota1 construction costs . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. $ 15�733 74
Engineering .smd.Ine�pec t ion.. .. .. .. . .... .. .. . $ 2,517 �_
� .V.aluaticm. .aad.�►sses.,s�oev.t.Serv�ees. . $ 314 �
Poata.� carcls .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. ... . ... . ... .. . . .. . $ 3 �S—
Publications . .. .. .. .. . ..... .. . . . . . . ... .. . . ... . ... $ 34 �Il—
Collection costs . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. ...... .. . $ 69 D�_
Court coats for canfirmation . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... � 3 !i5—
Comptroller Co�ts 34 50
TOTAL EXPEND�ZTURF.S . .... . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . $ �R_��n �2--
Charge to . .. .0920-7A1.. .. .. . . .. .. . . . .... . ... . . . $ S D7
. .. ...... . . .. .�Ton-Asaassable.. .. .. .... . . ... .. .. . $ 6R7 �_
Net Aaseasment . .. .. .... .. . . .. . . .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . $ �8,��8 57
Said Commiasioner further reports that he has assesaed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the sum of $ 18,915.57 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefita conferred thereon; that the sa,id asseasment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Co�mmissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said asaessment as
co�leted by him, and whieh is herewith aubmitted to the Council for such action therean as may be
conaidered proper.
Dated A�i�, �97� ommissioner of F�p�'-�
Fo� x-z z� io.es a�