02-931Council File # Qa— �� ORIGINAL RESOLUTION crrv Presented Referred To Green Sheet # c� OO�D3 Cou�ittee Date Resolution to authorize a contributian of $500 from the City Council Contingency Fund for a plaque honoring Samuel H. Morgan. t3 1 WHEREAS, Samuel H. Morgan, a long rime Saint Paul resident, dedicated his life to the acquisirion and official 2 designation of park land throughout Minnesota; and 3 WFIEREAS, in Saint Paul, Sam Morgan played an important role in developing the Gateway Trail and successfully 4 advocating for the Saint Paul City Charter and Ramsey County Charter to include "no net loss" of park land 5 amendments, which protect park land from arbitrary dish for development; and 6 7 8 9 10 11 WHEREAS, Sam Morgan took on many leadership roles to ensure the conservation, improvement and enhancement of park land, not only as a founder and charter member of the Friends of the Pazks and Trails of Saint Paul and Ramsey County, but also as founder and President of the Council of Parks and Trails of Minnesota (formally Imown as the Minnesota Parks Foundation), President of the Fort Snelling State Park Association, Chairman of the Metropolitan Park Reserve Boazd, President of the Voyageurs Narional Park Association and the President of the St. Croix River Associarion; and 12 WHEREAS, on September 20, 2002, a trail running 14.7 miles along the Mississippi River from Highway 5 to the 13 Battle Creek Regional Park was dedicated to the memory of Samuel H. Morgan and marked with a commemorative 14 plaque; now therefore be it 15 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes a contribution of $500 from the City Council Contingency 16 Fund toward purchase of this commemorative plaque honoring one of the City of Saint Paul's great citizens. Requested by Deparhnent of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adopted by Council: Adoprion Ce ' ed � By: Approved by a r: By: Date �� � Council Secretary f� AUL, MINN Appxoved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,. ' c�ri co,��a October 9, 2002 DIITE�NfTNTED ioivzooz �:3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oa_°� GREEN SHEET No 200703 VoE.�rt,�rtcae�srart Ua,vcaw.— ❑ urr�noroier ❑ arcctcrtK ❑n�.wcuLLasavcFSOUC ❑..+nx�etmmxcro ❑rarorttortwrssram ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution to authonze a conhihution of $5�� 8om the City C,ouncit Contiugency Fund for a plaque honoring Samuel fL Morgan. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPROVED OF TRANSACTION f SoURCE RSONAL SERVlCE CON7AACT5 MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Has Mis persoNfirtn everwrorketl under a contract tor this departmeM? YES NO Has Nis Pe�so�rm ever been a city emPbYee? YES NO Does this persoMim possese a sltill not normallypossessetl by am/ curterR cily employee? YES NO Is thia pereoNfirtn a targMed ventloY7 rES rio COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO (IXPWN)