D001119o�s�+- c�y c�� wopies-- Fin. 8 Mgmt Se[vices Public worlcs Accourning Engineer ContraGor • CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AD�3TRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. No.: D Date: C�flfq f ADMINISTRA7IVE ORDER, Whereas, add'd"ans which proved to be necessary to the Improvemer� descnbed as krawn as activity no. 29214 . City Projea No. 95 & 95 Barbazossa & Sons, Inc. Contr�or, is oomposed d the folbwing: Additional work as described on the attachment • ORDERED, That the City of SaiM Paul, through its Mayor, approves the faegoing additbns made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 122,687.41 , said amourn to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the cornrad, known as Activity No. 29214 , arb which amount is to be financed from: Funding available in the project; 1995 CSSP AS TO FORM isan Manager l Direclor, Dep merrt of Pubfic Works /- 3 19� ,�/ Jq � 19— z���� 7 TE INITUTED � � � ` Public Works Construction 12/19/96 GREEN SHEET :o. 34 623 � ��� cwrucr�r�sa+arEw� DoEremuo+ra p «ncowca Lazry H. Lueth 266-6083 , q ,�. � � �� uusreEOncouNCC�rwsrca� � peuoo�roa+�oa � Fwawcr.sE saa w p.urowonwss�sru+n �i � i� TAL#OF9fGNJ1TUREPAGE3 8 �a�ttwe��awswnaw�unu�! 0 wa �z oEV�a'rM�ur : a,�z� AcnoN �auES� Approval of Administrarive Order far Contract Change Agcement No. l DAVERN OiTfLET PHASE "C' ; City Project No. 95-S-8085C & 95-P-8070 Contractor: Bazbarossa & Sons, Inc. �awransaca�cro«a�acm PLA�d1WGCOMMISSION_GVR�flVICECOMMiSSqN PEHSONAL3ERVICECON7IUCTSYUSTANSWENTHEf-0LLOWWGOUESTIONS: 1. Hasthisperson7firmeverwoAcedurMaacontraGforrtiisdeparGr�ant? ^ CIBCOAIMITfEE _ YES NO � S7AFF � 2. F1881{ti8 pet90Mfvm OVBt beell 8 dly BTp1oyB0? -- —� YES . NO — ds7piCi�- — s. Doea rtes Persorv6rtn Possee5 a sf6n rwt nqmelb Pwaesaed h' anf' eurrentary empbyeez SUPPOfi7SWHICFICIXINCRO&IECTNET YES NO $CWCf $Cp8f8Y1011 � aq y�s answ�rs on srpvN� alwM and aX�eh le p�wn aM�t INITL�TMO PR08LEM. 193UE. OPPOflTUN1TY (�. WHAT. NM1IEN� WFIERE. NMYJ: . Addiaonal work, not originally anticipated, was added to the conuact and/or required w complete the project. This extra work was needed to pmvide a competent sewer system. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Authorize payment to the Contractor for work perfrnmed at the direcrion of the Engineer. ������� �EG 3 � ��96 R�CEiYf4 �I�°Y �TT�R�E�' DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: None MAYOfi'S �FFiGE RECEIVED JAN 171997 CtTY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPHOVED: Authorized payment for work directed by the Engineer would be delayed. TOTAI-AMOlN7TOFTRANSACTiONS $122.687.41 C:OST/pEVENUEBUDGETED(GRCLEONq �E Ip NGSOUFICE 1�S C$$P ACT�VITYNUYBEN C95-2T628-078449214 FINANCW, INFORMATION: (EXPLAIf� Funding available in the contract. ��