254112 .. ' � 1.� ' t • �'V��� . " INTERMEDIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE N0.��2 By File No. � 17525 ' , In_�he Mat____.ter of----__._ --_-_.__,__._ _, . , � � � .�, flpen, w��iden and exter�d I�1�FAYETTF 1;C�AIi fr�r1 East Sevc=�t►1 Str,e���: to Grave Street . (l'ity xrajcyct �10, TlrnL�s4J�i?,) t;y cc�r;der�c,int; �2t�.d t�e,�l:i���; a=��r �f;x'eeC purposes the fo?1��,iing descril�ed �:-�� 3, o'F lar�c� �., � ' � , __ I.c�e�.i r>�y a�� ac��i�t� II�o 21f��+ �n�rae�rer ��, I'���d C�ctober 'LU "1 �:� � ' - 7 y �'e n 1�.i_1Q ti tl�� l, 4>:�r z T F 9 � � °C�.TiIC'.i11� C),c k:(A47 A](„ tf�'3 "1C>� `�'�'1�iE 7c'�.1'�u cs.,: I��t 1, _eYCe��t- �±�z c���., � �,� f� ���T•�r� sr�1 �eL �r��d t����,��a�r,, ai��i t��ca�e�t alley . � ��7oi.nin�; in ��o�ic �`�, , s * ,;�,n° ,` ���c1iti��.l t:s� Si_o P�ril.Y �yin� I�?c�r�;heas�erly oF 1 �. a�� 7_f3.�J feet .,r�li �1�%�� . E �-ly ci:: znc� �>ar-al�_�! �ii�h t,lie 11c��t-�ca::t�crly line� of « :1 I�o�s 1 a�iid 8, � i� � c te��; irtl tl��pr.ei_��<: f�l:;r�, i.1 C7�c� �'} lr'i"� o�E� �.,'tSY_ 7, e2CCept � h� �E��� ��;, ��i7d I.ot 8�, e �_z.,,: r i�,;��h�r :�� ancl exce�a�_ t}�c t(� �,:h��.:t:erly 28 f_Fet tka��reof, � � '� 8�.�,r_�. lr�� Jy1tY.S'C)1'o" � ���.t� ��t:Lt,., CO iLopE�t11.� ��:i_Tl� f�.3S�"C'.�`�.�Y� d1:l: ��18 �01�.0?71T34� � iE ;t:.�1�)�'Cj 71T1P_ f)E�r�la '_ Z,t 3 �}L�'?lt' G?Y t=]l(? :iC?lll:�lc.c2SrE'� �.Z3 �IIIE' CS�: Sc?li� 1�Oi.` 7y. `3x»�t' �-1?f'� �i0U1}74`iPS( ('i ,;�` f>:C' �f"_el�_ T:?1)r N..�;f'_�7"Z.V Cu�i1C'.r C?'L :';�'a'iC� ��0�� C�' �l"i� CZ' ,� � . 1? li"i:Ylt'_���J �3.�.C)��� 41 .`>l � ?1��} � 1_l t1c �:O 1 �;:�111L C7i'1 �:}]@ R ?-� � 17 � �c� .Ize i;Y�rly li.ne o� said i_C�l; Up .rJ�)o�Z i'E'C'i= rYr�l �i-,7c.r��,4-1�r ;.{3J �'}7i? 1llCl.it �'.�35i:E:T`l� ��• c�7.ner �S �� id i,n�: � anci t�i�nr� �er;*,in�tlzz�. ��1 .c,, �1 ,,:.>c� .�,�rt�s o�fi T:ci� 1, c��:e.ep� �tre�Lt, I,ot S, e�cept- ci_reeY�.>, �n,i -t�z�. it:�d ��� 1 � ��. 't�"`;i"iti�> ;� , . . ; .J ��? Ba,caclC l�, Kzt 4_sa� ,��Ar1�3iticn t.o Sta P:LuI, and :.k�e �rac�:tt��cl Sci�t-� < <t� t� ; ty 1£3 .t, E>t: c7$ iTi_nt�Pt �tF �et a�joznzng lying ' .Tr�rt�ieasP:erly �i� a i�n � ' b O fer � ;��: ,titl��c�r� :t�:rLy � ,°� ��.a�c� ��ra�?�l- ��Tith the � .�* ' lti,r�rt�:ea�8:eri.y I i�e c��� ,yzxidl �,��,-� 1 a;,i � a �,,ci �z_�.ezas�c��z t1��re�nf�e Als�= those i f3r::Y'�;: (�F 7�i)t �'� '}�Ct� js c C=7 C'L'C 7.�'!. J.i�C)C;�C ��� � r ! a , T iti:.,au 5 �ddi�i_c�n ta St. Pau1, ?Ild ��1E� �T:'7t ��?'d 1�Cf�"It�7( (; �i.J.V �.�i �(?4.e: C?f �1[lY:�l ��t - r < Y. <<<ijcaini_z�g, lyin� �,aster'ly - �� �: i�ne fo�11«�, r ri� cles , ihcc? �i_��:: �;r V,_n;�:in; �;i� a paint on th<_ I�ortl�east�rly � 9 �ne af s�a�d �i<,c�c �.(), I��+,E�� Feet '�,.-t:l��,� ��:e,,•1�,� o� t��:he r�ios� l:aster.ly eorner c said I,ot �; �- �;�n��y Southerly al��-�, a st��ai_C 1�:. line to a Point on the South- c �st��rly �i.n� f�t >ai_d l:,nt Fi, 29 �eet Sc�tz�.r�•�estc3rlyr c�f th� T�st East�rly corn.er C)1 >31 'J i,C;l: �� (kl'Tz�'�', contir��ling .ciO�:l�i1�'1-1�r dlOLif; ti}lE? uc{1C1 Cli?cC�l`71TE?(j LlIlE' C'X— tended T v t�tze Sou4lie � x.r:L ly line _of tlie tiac��cl.Ng�tizcaester:�y 1F3 ieet of Ninth SVtreet,. arad rhere terrre�3i��3�ng, : �150, thQSe� �r�s of Lots 2, 3, 4 and S, in _. ' �slock 9, �!itt�s;n°s �'s�lditi,.ii �� SL•. �'aul., and tt�c� t�ac«tc�d I�Iort.hF�*esterly I9 feet � c�f I�linth �-'�;-eet ac�jc��riing., lyi��g �°�es�ter7.y oL t)�e fal.tor��i_nf, clescribed line: Be- � c,in�zing ai: <<. pc3ir�V c��� <� iine 7 ;�et RIort-1}e�s�c-A-I.y a�� r,r7d }��r��Ilel wi�h Che rti�a:t3G,re s�;�Y•ly Iin� oa= s<�ic� �Lot 5, �a;ci pnint t��i:ng '?�?.iS iect SouthE��sterly of ��i' .�ci ��e�ster.-1,� l:f.i�� U� s�id L�� 5; th�>nce blo�rt:�erl}* al��iz�; a ��urJe ro the right � i <in��zit cv the l ��st <ic�scri.t�ed li.ne tai_t.tz a racliY�s e�f 2�`;5 �<�c�L- anc3 a eentra1 an�Ze �` 33 d.eKr-ees, 43 mi�?ut�s, Ut) sy�c�n�is, a dista�_ic� of 155�Jr feet; thence Nartherly on a strzi�ht line �a i�en� �ra sa'id: curve �nc� 3006 feet �aster�y of az�.ci parallel � i.4:lz the ;a<�sterly lin� ��f' I �s�'ayette Ro:�d Noi-th af C7r���� S�reet extenc�ed Southerly t a i:1ie tlorx !� li��c c�t� 5 iicl T.�� ?_ ��<i there ter;ninati_n;;� E1:�so, co�icie;T,riing and i ��l�c-i.n� t-er,��,�,ra:�°� cr�z�s4ri�c� i�;��a easemen�;� in the land zlecessary for sio�es, cuts � as�.ft f'� lls, ;,yclud�.r�� zi�;ht r�f remo��a;� of la�:eral support from suhject land o� �°��r�iai�lder t�,ex�of, �c:casi.onr_�d u,� e�c.avati��xis thexeof or constru�tion of slopes irz ��i� g�•�;�rzirfg arid pavin�; ��r Lafa}�ci:�e R�ad fro�n East Sevenfi:h Street to Grove SYrr'-et (City Project Naa I-..(i347Fi) , as stioGrn l�p Drac�ing No. 2.104, Drawer 4, da�ed (3cg:ober 20, 1.970, �,z� f i.le �� t;,� ll��pai-��rlera�� c�f Aublic td��rks, said temporary con- .s�rr�ctioi-� �a;;em�nts tc> �:er•,ninai�e upoxt com���lerioii of constructie�n or b}r Ju1y �., 1.972� i = - - -a -. - - - _ _ �_ _ �. ,_ _ . E�loeic 9, Kitt ;c�rt"s �?3clf.#:i.a�n t°�c� :t-� 1'aul? and C�ae var.:atecl Northwe�Te,�ly� X9 ��eet ' C)L 1'�al'[?�}1 =;i:� C''w Fcl ; �j;")�T1S:�y ��71.L1f� [�G,>:�C'?-IV O: f:ilE' f'O�_Lt?C^ii_T2; C'1E?SCY'1�1'eC� �1T1C�: 1_'.,"— gi_nnin�; a.r_ ,� 1�;�_i.,�,�r c:,,� � t �rie 7 f�e� �orthe� �t�e;��7.y c�t a�:cl p��a��.el c•�i�h the ;s�r�i:�x��acs���r�i� ij_n� .r,f said Lot 5, sazcl poiri.; hE�ing �i(1.�� �e�.t So�thet.�terly ok �� � tt�e „s�trtt�easterly lirze c�== sai�i F�n� `i; th�nc•e I�I����t-nerl,y alan; a curae t.o tt�e rig;lt ' tarige�;� �c� t.he last- desc��-ibed lin� ��i_t�h <Z 1,,,]z.tis c�f: ?_G5 f�et ancl a e.en4�ral angle � of '33 de�;rees, �'i.3 inir�.tii;es , OU seconds, a dista�ce of ,155097 feeL-; tt�ence Nc�rtherly c�;t �� stzai.ght liri:� tazi�;ent to said ct�rve and 3��6 feet Easrer.ly of and parallel ��li.1�Ii i�he Easter7.y lia�� fat T,af�_�e�t� Rt���td North of G�,�ve S�reet extended Southerly t�� t.�:e PIo*_-i-.li li_.zc� ,:�;: sai.�l Lat 2 anci t:t�ere terzninating. Also, candemning and ::,�',:�.r�r, ter�}>;�rary c�7il:;t�-ur.ti_cn. elsenents i.n tkle. land necessary for slo��esr cuts :.a��<i �+ 1.1.sj i_ncl;aclin��, righi.-. t�f removal of lageral support from s�bjeet land or '='�=:���irid<,r t:tic�re�,i', occ�.;;i.or�_�d 'ny excavations thereof ox cons�:ruction of slope5 i r, 8-1a�n �;radi�z; :�r�d paving cf' Lafayette Road from I:ast Seven�h 5treet to Grave S�:=i:c;��t: (Ci��y Pz-c�jcct. Tv'o, P-E)3!+%B), as shatan by I)raeaing No. 2104, Dra��er 4, c�ated C�c.i:cri�cr >C}, 1.97�), ��n rile i�, Y�1��e De�art:;,en� of Publfc Worl�s, said temporary con- strr�rtiar� e.aseine��s:.;; ru ter•m.inate �ipo�i ccrr�pletion of construction or by July i, 1.�%2,