254111 � - OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 254111 ` ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Bl' COMMISSIONE • ATF RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby avthorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City _ of Ssint Paul, agree�ent betMeea t�e C3ty aRd tfie County of Ramsey, said agreea�ent pertainiag to the establish�ent of aa Urban Cvrps Tntern work prugram to provide college students with positions in the C3ty aad County government and providing funds for the position of Urban Cerps Co- ordinator, a copy of sai�d agreement beigg attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. �ORM A OVE Asst. oi oratio uns WAY 1918� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays MaY � 9 j97� Butler Carlson 19� Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka J Against Tedesco MAY 2 2197� Mr. President, McCarty p��,;;;�D - . - � �5�� �1 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul, through action of its Council, hereinafter ref.erred to as the City, and the County of Ramsey, acting by and through its Board of Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the County, both acting pursuant to the provision of Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59. . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The City and the County each have the authority and the desire to establish an UrUan Corps Intern work program to provide college students with meaningful responsible positions in City and County Government under a program which is funded primarily by Federal Work Study money, which pays 80% of the - student's' stipend while he is employed by local govei-nment in an internship capacity, and ' WHEREAS; The objectives of the program are: l. To provide the City and County with the slcills, motivation, creativity, and enthusiasm of college students. 2. To provide the college student with a valuable work �xperience in local government and at the same time expose him to some of the realistic, pragmatic problems in City and County Government. 3. To create a liaison between local government and the academic community, thereby enabling both to utilize more fully, the resources of the other. NOW, Therefore, by mutual agreement of the parties hereto, acting by and through their respective governing bodies as aforesaid, the following agreement is entered into and made effective as follows: 1. An Urban Corps Intern Work Program shall be carried on under the super- vision of an Urban Corps Co-ordinator whose duties shall be as follotas: a. Introduce and describe the operational procedures of the Intern Program to the various departments. b. To develop �Tithin the departments meaningful internship. c. To be responsible for the training and orientation of the intern's direct supervisor. d. To recruit and place worthwhile interns. from the various colleges under the Urban Corps. 2. The Urban Corps Co-ordinator shall work under the supervision of the Ramsey County Auditor. Appointment to be by the Ranisey County Board to serve a L-erm at the pleasure of the Board. The salary to be that established for the F.amsep County Classified Civil Service, Grade 27. 3. The City and County will contract with the City of Minneapolis, Office of Urban Corps for the services of.. studenfi interns under the Urban Corps Program.. Such contract may provide, among other items, for payment of the salary of student interns by the City or County department concerned, in such proportion with tlie ." - page 2 - . � Urban Corps of the City of Minr.eapolis, as may be determined by the co-ordinator subject to the approval of the City or County department head concerned. Depart- ments are authorized to provide funds within budgetary limitations for the salary of interns, and reasonable administrative overhead cha.rges. The salary of the co-ordinator and expenses of his office are to be paid from an account to be established by the County Auditor as the Urban Corps Co-ordinator Fund. This Fund is esta.blished by an appropriation of $6,000.00 from the Ramsey County 1971 Sudge� and $10;000.00 to be paid into said account by the City effective immediately. Payment from this account to be by Auditor's Warrant in the usual manner for such payment and salary to be paid as county employees are generally paid. The County shall give an accounting of the expenditures made from this Fund at the end of 1971 and any balance remaining the-rein shall be distributed between the City and County according to the proportion of funds contributed by each. 4. City and County Departments or agencies are encouraged to design worth�,rhile intern positions and to create internships where the student will be employed in performing a necessary and meaningful service for the City and County, and where at the same time, the student will be engaged in a responsible position. �s In Witr�ess Whereof, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed the day and year first above w-ritten. THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY Appraved as to Form Chairman of the and Execution: Board of Commissioners ATTEST• Assistant County Attorney THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY � Mayor Approved as to Form and Execution: ! City Clerlc Special Assistant Corparation Counsel ��►7��: . ��PdVEp City Comptroller • � � y � , �i,�t�;,or�aration'`v� nse! ��, __