254110 Op3GINAL TO CITY CL6RK - � �54110 CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCI! NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authuriz�d and dire���d �0 ��¢ct��td� •a �eha�l� ef the �ity of Saint Paul, agreement for participation ia Urban Corps Progra� between the City af Minneapolis , City of Saint Paul and the County of Raasey, a copy of said agreement being attached hereto aad incorporated hereia by reference. �ORM PPR V t cor c � i�►� � 8 r9x1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Y�s Nay� �►Y 1919T� Butler Carlson A •� v � 19— Levine n Favor Meredith yor Sprafka �A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty M AY 2 2 1911 PUBLISHED�.------=- � ` l . �54�10 . � AGREEr•qENT FOR PARTICIPATIO�t IN URBAN CORPS PROGRAM BETWEEN CITY OF MINPaEAPOLIS, CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RANISEY THIS AGREEhiENT, Entered into this day of , 1971, by and between the City of Minneapolis erein calle3-"Dr�an�orps") and the Ci.ty of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey (herein called � °'Agency") � WHEREAS, The above named Agency, a public organization, desires to p�rticipate in the T.C.A. Urban Corps and in consideration for the �ssignment of Urban Corps student interns to the Agency, we do licreby �.�ree to the following terms and conditions : 1 . The Urban Corps shall have the right to approve or reject reque�ts for student interns submitted by this Agency upon forms pro��ided for that purpose by the Urban Corps . 2. The Agency shall utilize such students as may be assigned to it in accordance with the specifications set forth in its writter� reque��k to the Urban Corps , and shall immediately notify the Urban Corps of any change in nature of assignment, duties , supervisor or lr,'ork Ioca`ion. �a The A�;e�cy �na11 provide such students as may be assigned �o �.t �vzth a safe place to work and with adequate responsible super- l�].S 1 O I2. �+ t The Urban Corps sna11 have the right to inspect at any ti_me the �a�rk being performed by such students as may be assigned to the Agency , and shall have the right to interview such students and their superviJors . S . The Urban Corps sha11 have the right to require su:ch stiidents as m�y be as�igned to the Agency to attend such general or special meetiingsp or to appear at the Urban Gorps office, individually ar as a groupp as shall be nec�ssary for the proper functioning of the prograr�. 6 . In accox�d�nce with the requirements of Federal law, work perfarmed by such �tudents as may be assigned to the Agency shall--•- a, be in the pui�lic interest; b . tiaill noti result in the displacement of employed ��*ork�rs or i.r�pair existing contracts for services ; c. does not i.r�uolv�� the construction, operation, or , maintenance Uf so rruch of anyy faci?ity as is used, or is �a b� �sc�uf f�r SCCtd:'11Y] in�truction or as a � place for re��.�y_QU�; �<,�o,sh�p; and 7 r d. does not involve any partisan or nonpartisan poli�ica� activity associated with a candidate, or contendang facti.on or group, in an election for public or party office. 7. The Agency shall require such students as may be assigned to it to submit time reports and follow such othex procedures as may be established by the Urban Corps . 8. The Urban Corps shall have the right to remo�e any student assigned to the Agency from said assignment and from the Agency at any �ime for any reason without priar notice , and the Urban Corps shall not be obligated to replace said student. 9 . The Agency warrants that it is in • compliance with the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352 , 78 Stat. 252) . 10. The Agency shall obtain at its own expense Workman's Com- pensation Insurance (or shall be self-insured under State Law) for such �tudents as may be assigned to it under this agreement. 11. Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul will employ a full time staff person, at no cost to the Urban Corps , to coordinate the Intern Program for Ra�nsey County and the City of Saint Paul . 12. Perform�r.ce under this Contract shall commence on the day o� � 1971 , and terminate on the day af �� , ,�• Based upon the statemen�s and affirmations made by the Agency through the above document, the Urban Corps hereby agrees to the assignment of students to said Agency� in accordance with said documen� and the applicab�.e laws and re�ulations . CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS BY Mayor Approved as to form and execution: ATTEST: Ci ty Clerk COUNT�RSIGNED; Assistant City Attorney City Comptroller . . , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY Approved as to. 'form T4ayor and exe�ution: BY Special Assis�ant Corporation City Clerk Couns el � BY Comptroller THE COUNTX OF RAMSE�' Approved as to form and execution: Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Assistant County Attorney ATTEST: