02-930oR������ Council File # �— 9�,�] Green sheet # �,p s3o 9 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Committee: Date �a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appoinhnent, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the Civil Service Commission. APPOINTMENT William Carter, III The term of this individual shall expire June 13, 2008. BY: BY: Mayor: • BY: Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �� . �0�� Adoptiory�ertified by Council Secretary oa -`l3o IF Mayor's Office Kurt Schultz 6-8512 BE ON COUNCIL AGQJDA BY (DA1E) October 9, 2002 10-2-2002 co� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET N� 202309 u��� u�� ❑ an�na�r ❑ arvaEnK _ ❑ Fwu¢w.amvcESm� ❑ wi.xcuuao � WYOR1oRA83�srAMI� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICaNATURE) Approving the appointment of William Carter,.III to the Civil Service Gommission. JUA� 10n ApprovE (A) or xeJett PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE � CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 1150NALSERVICE GONSAqCiS MUS� ANSWER TNE WLLOMRNG QUE57ION5: Hss Mis persoNfirtn eeer worketl under a coMrac[ fw this departmeM') VES NO Has Mis VersaNfirtn ever heen a cily employee9 YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normalryDossessed bY any wrreM city empbyee? YES NO Is this pelSONfrtn a[efpetetl ventlM YES NO COSTJREVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ONE) ACTNITY NUMBER What. When. Where. YES NO (IXPWNj O�.- °I'3 0 Cl'I'Y �F'• S'AIN PA�. 390 Ciry Hal[ Telephone� 651-266-85T0 RandyC.Kelly,Mavor ISWestKelloggBoulevard Facsimiie:651-266-8513 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 To: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bosh�om Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lanhy Councilmember James Reiter From: Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor Date: October 2, 2002 RE: Civil Service Commission Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of William Carter, III to the Civil Service Commission. Mr. Carter's term will expire on June 13, 2008. Attached is a aopy of the xesolution nominating this individual as well as the applicarion for his appointment. Please remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any questions regarding the appointment. Attachments cc: Linda Crosby, Civil Service Commission Staff Person � lb/bl/[bb2 09:14 6123591357 MCTC PAGE 02/03 Application for Committee, Board, or Commission O .�_.� o Ylease return to Mark Engebretson ivlayar's Office, Room 390 City Rall �5 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Ml�' S5102 khone: 651-266-8533 �ax:651-266-8513 T6z Minncsota Crovcrnment Data Practices Aec (N the inFortnation containcd in thi5 application. Som private data under the Act. The reqaestod mformai out the City's official appointmcnt respons�bilities However, failuTe to answcr the applustion qucstic applicacion. Ihe majority of items contained in thi employmrnt, skills, tYaimng and ex.pericnce, and a remam�ng itetns on [be application fotm aTe cla5si you and co otSar persons in [he C�ry Who, becassse mformation. Name: William R. Carter, ITI �ta Stamtes Chapcer 13) govems the City's use of ,e infocmntion sought in thu spplication u ill be used by tfie appoiniing au[honty to cazry are not requircd to provtdc any infarmanon. y cause the appoinhng authonry to rc ac your tcahon sre publtq mcluding namq a�dress, rcfore avail�ble co anyone requescing it, The > private. The prrvaee daca �s available only to rk assignments, reasonably require sccess to the Home Addsess: 1700 Eleanor Av� 5t Paul AdQress City 14�i i State B-mail Address: Nexv acconnt being established Planning Aistrict: Council: 15 Prefened mailing a@dress: 1700 Eleanot' Ave Address City Scate City Council �Vard: 3 St. Panl MN 55116 'Lip 55116 z�p Occupation: Administrator and CoilegelUniversity Tnstructor Place of Employment: 1vlinneapolis Community and Techn�cal College Employment address: 1501 Flennepin Ave, Niiuneapolis, i�IN 55403 Committee(s) applied for: Civil Serviee Commission 4Vhat skills/training or experience do you possess for the commi.ttee(s) for which you seek appointment? x have e��tensive expereiuce and background in the theory, law, and application of hiring, training, recruiting d'sscipkneng aud other employment pracGces. I provided technlcat expertise to state agencies and municipal and county of5ezals on a wide variety of topics: managenaent, develop�.ent and implementafion of tvritten poficies, employee investigafions, discipline ptactices, due process, and labor reaafions. Also, Y have expertise in employwent hiring practices, testing, and recruihnent of women and persons of colnr. I served as an expert witness for civil and administrative lifigation in public sector hiriag standards, allegations oF miscondnct, discipline and training. I have testified in state and federal courts too. Additeonally, attorneys, union oYiicials, government leadezs, legislators and media members have soug6t my assistauce and advice on these topics. I have assited in the development aad lobbying of legislation in tLe area of luring, human rights, data practices and employement pzactices. Also, based on state law, Y developed a comprehesvie process and trainiung progrsm for the invesfigation of allegafions of police misconduct that was used by local units of government throughtout tbe state . I have expetience in caaducting, snpervising, and managing investigations of violations of law and administirati�e rules. T teacU cissses in management, human resonrce management, applied research and leadership. Also, I did reseasrch on the history ot civil service commissions and systexns, traced their deveiopment, and studied their impact durzSng the early parf of the 20 th century. This p+as lates published. page i of 2 10/01/2002 09:14 6123591357 MCTC PAGE 03/03 Personal l.tefereuces Name Mary Pat Y2aimondi Address 1895 Lincoln Ave. St. Paul, MN 551105 Telephones 651-690-9284 Ylease include Area Codes home work other Name 'Wi�liam Patt Address 1846 Highland Parkway St. Paul, NTN 55116 Telephones � 763-287-5400 Ylease iaclude Area Codes home work oFhev Name i�'Iike Smith Address: Suite 104 1380 Energy Park Lane St. Paul, MN 55108 Telephones 651-643-3434 Please include Area Codes homc work othcr �_��O Reasons for your interest in this pazticular committee: I believe that it is very important for citizeAS to actively particpate in governeanent I see th3s as an oppurtu►ty to paYticpate and to share my background, expereience, and expertise for t6e hopefu) betterment oi t6e citizens of St. Paul �Iave you had previous contact with the committee for which you are makino application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? NO In an atteznpt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicabie to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Asian or �acific Islander X Male Tiiispanic Black (African-Amezican) Aznerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Female If special accomttiodations aze needed: NONE FTow did you hear abont this opening? 1�tayor Kelly's Of�ce page 2 of 2