254102 E�rls�W Cib Cierk , • , � ORDINANCE 254102 � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ,f � �f�� �--` � A�` ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO WHIRLPOOL —CORPORATION, tf50 ARCADE STREET, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN THREE ADJACENT 4-INCH DIAMETEa UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL FEEDERS AT A DEPTH OF APPROXIMATELY 4�-FEET UNDf R WELLS STREET, APPROXIMATELY 10- FEET EASTERLY FROM THE EASTERLY R16HT-OF-WAY LINE OF ARCADE STREET. � � THE' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � � � Section l . Th�`t permission and authority are he�by granted to the Whirlpool Corporation, tS50 Arcade Street, Saint Paul , Minnesot�, to con- struct, operate and maintain three adjacent 4-inch diameter underground electrical feeders at a depth of approximately 4-� feet under Wells Street, approximately 10-feet easterly from the easterly right-of-way line of Arcade Street. � Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Whirtpool Corporation for the construction, operation, and maintenance of said underground electrical feeders upon and subject to the following terms and conditions; a. That said permittee shall construct said electrical feeders entirely at its own expense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and � in accordance with the approved plans and specifications of � , Whirlpool Corporation on file in fihe Qepartnre�t of Public Mlorks; � such construction shall be made in strict com�pliance with the City of St. Paul Electrical Code and be authorized under a per�nit issued by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buiidings; b. That said permittee shalt pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all resolutions passed in relation to said ordinance; ' c. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administra- tion, engineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaki�g; said costs are estim- ated as a sum of $300.00 to be a�counted for under Department of Publ ic Works Project Number E-1091,� � - - � d. That said permittee shall properly prote�ct all exca- vations made in the streets, sidewalks and bouleva�ds both day � a�d night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shail properiy fill and tamp said streets, sidewalks, and boulewards to enoid settling and shall restore said streets, sidewalks and boulevards to their original condition; ' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson In Favor Levine Meredith A gainat � Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk May �� Form approved Corpor��ion Counsel B , o�.t so c�c,�t , � . � ORDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO �" ���� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO .I � � �� -2- e. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify, hold harmiess and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees from any and ali damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the construction, operation, and maintenance of said electrical feeder and by the permission and authority granted herein; f. That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless said City from all liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and expenses that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same; g. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are a part of the Con- tract or incidental to its execution including but not limited to addendums, award of contract, sum of contract, "as build" plans and tracings; h. That said permittee shall notify the Construction Eng..ineer of the Q�partment of Public Works when the construction starts and notify tfie'same said Construction Engineer when pro- ject has been comp1eted to allow for a final inspection; i . That said permittee shall , during the term of this per- mit, restore and repair all property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction, opera- tion and maintenance or presence of the electrical feeder pro- vided for herein; j. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Works if the construction, operation and maintenance`of said electrical feeder shall make necessary the closing of W�11s, 5treet or part of; all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing and removing of barricades, signs and other control devices, shall be paid by the permittee; k. That said permittee shall remove the electrical feeder or part thereof in such manner as is satisfactory to the Commission- er of Public Works whenever the City Council shall so order; 4 Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Council Butler Caxlson T� Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: � City Clerk Mayor �� Farm approved Corpor��ion Counsel By oa�.��aa c� , T �� � ORDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO �����"' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE N0���1� -3 1 . That said permittee shall not proceed with construction unless and until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works Specifica- tions for Street and Sewer Construction, dated April 1 , 1959, Section numbered 1 .44 of said specifications, as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purpose of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said specifications, number 1 .44, as amended, shall be read as though the Mrord "permittee" was substituted for the word "contractor", wherever the same appears in the aforesaid Section 1 .44, as amended, Ssid Section 1 .44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by refer- ence as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with provisions of the aforesaid section shall be in such ;form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1 .44 shatl , after submission to the Corporation Counsel , be filed in the office of the Comptroiler of the City of Saint Paul ; m. That said permittee shatl submit bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works; n. That the said permittee shall , within thirty (30} days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk; Section 3. Tt��s ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from an T after its passage, approval and pubiication. JUN 31971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � Btrt�r ,/ � � � �� Tn Favor Levine A�eredith- Sprafka � ASainat � � .�u� 3 �r� � � A ,t� : Vice Pre ' t � Ap , � - C' erk or ��� Farm approved Corpor�,�ton Counsel By PUBLYSHED .11�N �1�71 n.�.�.w r� � , =�- � CtRDINA �ITCE �� : - ������ � � : PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO I� ��� � o�e�w►�cE s�ri� ����ssioM �ro ���t.roct. . CAll�9ltAT10�, 850 ARCAOf STI�ELR, 3AIMT *AY{., M1MtESOTA, TO tON�TRUCT, tlfEtt�►TE, 111� 1�11iNTAiN TMREE 11D.lACEMT �-1 NCft D i Al�R t1�IDEtt�11�tD ELECTRiCAL FEE�RS AT A ��Ttl OR AP'RA�tlllATE{.Y �-FEET �R i�LLS STREET. A�1�XINATEL� i1F- FEET EIAS'!'ERLY FR�OlI T�E �Y Rt6liT-�'-VAY LlIIE ��' ARCJIDE STREET. T� C�0!!!IC 1 L OR TME C f TY OF SA!11'� �A�. DQ[S !l�ill N t S�ttte�u 1. Taat parsl ss 10� aM �thori tr aer l�vbY �raatad �e tMs YMlrl�ool Ca►r�atlou� �SO Aresd� Stnst, Sa�at Pa�i, Ml�so�s, t� c�e�- str�t, opee�ate ae�A �t�tsi� thr� �JacMt ��fn�eA dta�tsr �rgr+�� s1Kt�tcal fe�ders at, s dpth � pprooclr!trely �-} f� �dsr Ka1is� �tr+�t, �r+0oc1�■at�Ir 10�fa�t �stuly, ft+a� ths yst�rl�► �i�t+of-�wy l,i�s of Arcars Stre�t. Secti�en 2. Tlat tha Ca��issiaAS� of Pv6i ic Ybrks is har�,�r srtAarlsN to i ssw a psn�t t �o Yhi ri gsot Corp�st 1on for tt�ss �+onstnictio�, aparattaa, a� �s#*twwie� of sitd anda�+grow�d elactrica� ��rs opoa aad srbja�t b < da 1'at la�+tag ten�s and oo�d 1 ttons;. a. Thst said penalttes shsil ca�sttict sat� elrrttttcal . fe�tets �t1rel�r at tLs � sxpaass, ma�r �b� snp�vistaa a� �s tM satlsfaetle� of th� C�ls�i� N` Prbi ic M�ic� �d tA sex�rd�e w�th tbs ap�rwNi ptans sa� sp+�ctflcartioos of Yl�irip�i Corp�r�attoA on fiie tn tl�s D�pa�iw�t of tn►Itc Mbrks; snch eoastrocttoei sha11 be �rde in strtct cow�llsac� vfth tht C1t�r of St� �sr� Electrtcsl Coae aA# bs wtto�ari:ed �er a 'sr�it iitsde� byr tAs Deprtw�at of ptMcs, �crui� a� Ih�bli� wt»t,�:; b. lhat �M 1� �snt1 tt�e sha t 1 �sr th� ctut of pw�1 i cat J op of thts oNina�qe s�d- a1T resciuttons passed 1n ratattou to sa i d or�i r�ance; c. Thst saia �ar�itt�s sl+s�l���r tMs easts of sitststra- , tie�, MgieNSrt�g snd ins�actto� incnr�d bY t!M �part�t of PeiiTtc Yorks �s+� of�this �drereskt�g; ssid easst3 are �stt�r► atal as a sw of 5300.QG to !� accorAt�i tor �da� Dep��b�ant of Pnb��c 1�Ibrks': ProJect Nuwb�r E- i�9t d. Tbst s�id pe�ittas sl�a11 prap�rlY pr�t�et al1 �ccs- vstioas-w�e inI Lhs ste�ts, sidawtks aNd bool�arrsrds both dar� a� wi�t K+ aa to ayoid alI daws�s or� tnjury tio per�oas o' 'r.�e�; :�.11; pe�ope�ly �r t l an�t tanp s.id :t�s, :irw.iks, a�i b�or��r�t to s�ro�d s�ttt i� a�l sbs11 r�s� sat� strssts, sidwwl�cs a� bodlwaNs to th�1r �ri�t�i c�ltt�on; Yesa Councilmen Nays PaeBed by the Counci� Butier Carleon �� T++ Favor �6F�1�1 �cninnt sp� Tedeeco Mr. Presideat (McC,arty) APPrnved: Attest: City Clerk M�yor �� Form appro�ed Corpori�fio� Couneel By _.. _ . . .. .. - : _ . .:.. : . . - .... .� �ytk:a a s,d.t� , � �� ORDINAN � E ' COUNCIL FII.F NO ������ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.�..L�'--s�=�,t- -Y- e. Thit said perwittM e�cpnsssiy agress a�d a�dsrtalues to fat1� t�d�wify, I+oid t�arwiess a� �lafa�� the Cit�t of Saiat �sui, tts ager�ts, affie,�rs a�d e�plo�rs�s frow a�� �d a11 da�agts, ciai�s, losses, jddg�ts. wits or s�cpee�ses arising a�t of or eccasiou�d by ths ashstrrctiai, rperatlai, snr rl�ta�s�ce - of ssid aleet��icsi femder a�ri by tba Mfstssio� a�Q wthorttY g�'a1l� �1lt"�l�A; f. Tast sat� pernftt�e shsii f�rnish s boad to tbs City of SiIA� �Z �� L� fllA O� f;�! L�fi11�.,-d0��il'� �ss�•�� aonditi� to s�o�p�y with a11 the teras of tl�is ordlna�c� and to inde■wif�► aad sa�re a�rnt.ss ssta c t ty fro. sl) 1 isbi 1 t t�r, {oss, 1��9■��ts, srits, oosts, ct�se�ges ard �cpea�sas thst �► ucr�e to p�rsons or pr�ep�rt�r ocusioned � ths �ici� of tA� iyror�w�at o� a�i s i� a�t of ths sa�ws; � 9. Ths! saia psrsitt�e sball f�raish ths 0�psrb�t o� P�1 tc Mo�tcs a11 iec�ats �f ree�ord thst aro s prrt of tfis Co�- t�rut or i�cid�tal �0 1ts exse�t�M i�clwl+i� Mt �st 1 t�ItM to �, a�wnl at aMtrsct, sr ef oe�tract. "as Mt�1�" plans asd ttyrct�ys; � h. Thst sia�� Mrwltt�e sb�t l aotify the Ga�estt�ttte� Engtn«r af th� peps�t�nt of h�l,l te Mbtks �en th� e�onstr�etioA start� and �oti�fy' the sans satd Constructioei Enli�r v� pn►- J�ct bss bara csonplet� to al taM for a fi�at in�p+ctioA; i. Tbst safd perattt�s a1�s11. durta�+ th� tar� of tbis psr �ait, rest�or� a�d rpsir s11 Prop�, wb�tAe� prblic or prfvat�, �i or �Mieb n�► i� �el d�es to ths ooase.�tio�, op�ra- . tia� a�i �alAtanance or �resu�ce of the el�ctricsl fe�der pro- � vt�sd for 1�erein; �. Ttiat ss t� p.n.1 cts• sha t 1 na►t t fy t.he Traff�c �nw of Rh. �.�t of rael r� i�,rks �f cfie �:t,r�aettea, e�s�a;�oa �d aalataiancre of sald ei�ct�tcat feedsr shstl �ke #autssary tM closi�g of 9��fi# �� or part of; slt sspa�sas i�rnd b�r the Traffic Br�eau tn fcrrntshiAg, tASts11 ing snd �wro�►iag of bsrricsd�, slgns snd otbsr oo�trol N�rices, sh�i t 1� pi� b�► tM p��+l�i ttN; k. That said prrstttss sl+a11 rw�re the ���ctrfest fiedsr or �srt thanof i a sacfi ra�r �s i s sat t sfactory t4 th� Caw�t ss lar a� of bbi ic li�rks vih�e�er the Ci�ty Camcf 1 sbst 1 so ordar; Yeas Councilmen Nays Par�ed by the Counci� Butler Carleon �,� T*+ Favor �Cltl�4li roC1II;� . Sprafka Tedeeco Mr. Pr�ident (MeCarty) Apgroved: Atte�t: City Clerk �dayor �� �,> Form approved Corpo�r�ioa eouneei By. ._ ;� ' te Pela/�e � � r� ORDINANCE � COUNCIL HLE NO ����� PRES� BY ORDINANCE I+tO /� � I � _3 1. That said pe�itt�e sha11 aot procaed v�Tth oo�stn�ctioa unless and u�ti� ssid pennittee shall ha�ro �llr ca�plia� with the prorlst�s regarding insuranca� snd in�e�nifiuttoa co�tsiMd ia ths City of Saint Panl, Depart�t of Pd61tc 1�brks Spscifica- t ieas for Stnat a�d Sarer Construct ion, d�t;� Aprt! 1, 1959, Seet ioe� n�ered 1.�4 of sa t d spae i f iut toas, as �. sppl iuble tt� contrsato�s. For ths pnr�osa of tbi: o�dt�w, the aforssaid s�cttoa_of said sp�ciftcstions, rw�bsr 1.44, as aa�ded, str I 1 ba read ss tt�wgh the nord "pe�i t�ea'' w�ss sgbstttat�d for tt�e aord "eontncto�", wheMeyrer tl�e sswe appears in the afonsaid Section l.�t�, ss aMe�+cted, Said 5ectfon 1.�4, as aoa�ded, of tds Spe�c1 f icat tars for St�eet and SaNer Cex+stnret to�+ 1�, ths C i ty ot Ss i�t Pau 1 i s hereby t nc+orpc►rsted teere i n �X refef- ence as fufl�r snd ss oarpletely as if set forth heretn varbatiw, Proof of �a�p)iance MTth provisioas of tl�e aforsesatd s�ctioa sball be 1n s�h lora► as the Corporatia� Carnsel of the citr af ss�at Psul may direct ar�d th� docua�ants roqntred by tha afores#id Seetta+ 1.�4 sh+sll, �fter snbwisston to the Ce�r'oratioei CQUnsei, be filed in the offite of the Co�ptroller of the City of SsTnt Pad 1; � �. Tfist ssid 'erwittea shall su6wtt bnd snd insd��ace dmc�ts to thie Office E�gineer� of tt+e @�prrtwent of hfbl ic Mbrks; a. That t!� said pen�ttt�e si�ail, M��I1�11 ct+trty (30) e•ys after tbe passsge of thls o�di�ee, fite a writte� acoepts�ca thenof with th�e Citr Ctark; Sactioa 3. Tht�s o��ins�ce sb�ii tske .tfect a�d 1� ia forc� tRlrty �3�� �a�rs fro� s�d sfte� its passag�, sppro�rai snd pnbl iution. � � � �IIM ���91��� Yeaa Councilmen Nays '� Paesed by the Counc;l Hat3ef' (3A�leen �� Favor s� ' � Abai�at JU N 319T1 r. iCe resident Mere ith App���� Atteet: City Clerk Mayor �� Form appraved C�orlYtion Cousael By Ju:le 'l, 1�;71 :vnirlp���l Cc1 po:ratlon �50 11�°cac�e c�t. �:��. �'�ul, i��li.nr��sc��ta, �.:;en�tl er�lexz; i�Yc +��nclose a copy o:C �rdinance No. 1�+�13s �;ranta.r�, you permission tu const:�•uct;, o�<.xa�ce ��3 m�,intain 3 �,d j acent ��-incl� ��iara�.ter ui�derground electrica,l reedcrs �t ��, ciepth o:�' approxiniatelsr 1+� _�e�t unae,• .t?ells �3-L-., appx°oxxanat�l.y 1C� i'ee�; e��ste7:•ly ":.resr. i,tle ca.sterl,y ri�ht"Vi�'�41T[�.,�� line o.i' 1�-rc��cze :at.; a.l�o bi11 in t�:�e aurn o:C `�?�2.7� 'to cover the cost o.t' public�.t5.on oa' �;ia:° c�:;�cz:inanc� and of the resolul;ion pertainin� to this :n�.tter, Council I�ile Pao, ?5ZE103. ��de c�,11 yoaa.r special attention to Parag�a�hs f and n of Section 2, which requires the filing of a, barzd in the amount specified and the filin� of an acceptance oF the terr�s of this ordinance. 'I'he acceptance i�ust be filed in �this of£ice, Room 3�, City Hall� within thirty (3�) d.awrs. If not so filecl, �he orcl3.n�,nce b�coraes void, Very truly yours� City Clerk ��g �� , • �,.� Ist 2nd ^ , Laid over to 3rd and app �� —Adopted �"/3 Yeas ays Yeas Nays Butler Bu#ler- Carlson �`�'��O Ca�{so+� Levine evine Meredith \ Mereditk \ $prafka Sprafka Tedesco � �Tedesco � Mr. President McCarty � � �Mr. Vice President Meredith