252165 _ � , 252�65 � � � - INTERMEDIARY ORDER �OUNCTL FILE Na By ' File No. 1753a-S In the Matter of �oade�nin� aad taking an easeneat in the lax�d aecessary for the slopes, cuta aad fills, inclnding right of reaoval vf lateral sngpc�rt fras sabject land or re�ai�der thsraot, occasiemed by excavatioaa thereaf or cosatructioa �i` slopea ia the �rading and snrfacia� wf AI.�S�T SYBR�BT fro�a Haytoa Av�aue to Isarshall Avene�e (G-1968), under Preliminary Order 251543 _approvec� Heae�ber 16. 1l7� , The Council of the. City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commisaioner of Finance upon the above improvement,'and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ' 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impxovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is to coade�m sad take aa �aaement ia the la�d asaessary for the alop�s, a�ts aad fills, iacl�diag ria�t of reno�aZ of lateral sg�port fr� aubjeat land �r r�- aainier tkareof, occasioned by ezcavations thereef or con�trnction of el�pes ia the arading anei surfaciag of ALBEST STB��? frv� �ayt�+n Aveaue �o l�tarshall Ave�ne (6-1968), in accer�ance vith �he bineprint hereto attached asd aa�le a gart hereof, the hatahed portioas shaving the �uts aad the shaded portions sha�►ing the fi�l�, ` with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 20•n� ftesolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of t�ebrnar�, 1971 , at the hour of l0 o'c�ock A.M., in the Cauncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City af St. Paui. That the Commissioner of Finance g�ve notice'of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof'as estimated. ` J�AN 2 71971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by;the Cvunci� Yeas BUTLER Nays , 197� CARLSON . J H N Z ? : Approv L.EVINE P�� ` SPRAFKA n Favor TEDESCO � or Against PUBLISHED �p1N 3 0 �97� p�qa;z�tice��-�ered ith :