252163 252��63
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File No. �75�&
� In the Matter of �s�ing, widening as�d eztendiga �IA�t�TA ST�Z't - 3onthaast corner
at Seventh Street (�i� Project Uo. P-ASS28) by co�desmin� a�d ��akiug- for street
gnrroaes the parcels of land as sho�a on dravin� 1to. 2111, drawer 4, on file in tLe
Departaeat of Peiblic Vorks aad as ieacribed as �ollavs: Ttse Soathwesterl� 15' €eet
of LOts 11 aad 12, Blk. 6, Whitney at�d S�nith's Additioa; also thaC part af said `I.ot
' 12 �onaded by the follv`►ing desaribed line; Beginaiag at a p�int c�n the lforthvesterly
line of sai� lot 12, said point beinS 15 feet 1lortheaaterl� of the �ost Nesterly corner
of said Lot 12; t�ence Sontheasterly a diatance af 5 f�et alang a lin� parallel to tb� _
Sogth�rest�rl� line o� said I,ot 12; thence 1�ortherly alaag a strai�ht lige to a �oist oa
the .Herthw�sterly li�e of said Let 12, said point mein� 5 feet U�tit�asterly fro� tke
point of bq�nning, theuce to the poiat oi begigaiag- aad t�ere tersiaating,
under Preliminary Order 251297 approved gwvesber 24� 1979
The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance
upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: .
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby ordered•to be proceeded with. '
2. That the n�ture of the improvement which the Council recommends is
to opeu, �rfdes �a.d sxtes�d WACl�A S?IEET - Soathesat co�oar at Sev�n�h Str�et (Cit�
Projeat tto. ?-OS52&) by co��emming aud tating for street pe�r�ose� the paraels of
laad as a�ra`-os draniag Am. 2111, draaer 4, �n file in tl�e �p�'rt�eat"of. ?�rkic. �rks
and as described as follo�va: The Sonttmesterl� 15 feet of Lots ll a�d 12, Elt. 6, -
Yhitne� a�ad S=ith's l�ditiea; also that �art of sai�l Lot 12 tie�ded br tke f�1lo�wiaa °
_ described li,ns: seaiaaiag at a p0iat �a the lk►rtLvasteri� lisa of said Lc►t l2, said
'poiat bei� 15 feet 1lortheasterly ef the soat Nesterl� cerner `if saii Lot 12; tbence
Seatheaaterly a �istaac� of 5 +Eeet along a line parallel to the Sonth�resterly lise
ef said Lot 12; thence ��rtherly along a itraight line to a peist on the aertbweat-
erly liae •f said i,ot 12, �ai� poiat l�aiag 5 feet BorCheastarl�'fr�a the poist of
begiaaia�, theuee t� the pc�int of �eaianins aad there tersiaatiag,
` with no altQrnatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Z�000.eA
Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the '23rd day of
Febraarv, 1971 , at the hour of 14 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Gharter, stating the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost .thereof as estimated.
COUNCILMEN J F�I�! ��+ ? ��
Adapted by the'Council
Yeas Nays
BUTLER � ? 'I97I
CARL;�N _Approv
LEVI;�iE �
Tn Favor
SPRAFKA � ayor
���ESCO P�L��D JAN 3 0 197
A gainst .
M�:s�e t�t'lleredith