252159 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 2j��/��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMS�ONE William 8. Carlsnn A January 27, 1971 In the matter of the coastruction of I�unolithic Concrete Sidewalks in the City of St. Paul, Sidewalk District No. 4, during the year 1971, except such work as the C3ty maq ordes to be done by City Forces. RBSOI.VED, That the specificatione and estimated quaatities for the improvements submitted here�ith by the� Com�issioner •f Public Works be and the san4e are hereby approved, and be it further R1�SOLVED, That the purchaaing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids for theae improvements. JAH 2? 1911 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays _ Butler �A�y `2, � �9� Carlson P 19— Levine �n Favor �1ge�edit� or Sprafka � Agaivat Tedesco � JAN 3 0197J Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBLISH�:D � o�"���,�.�� 252159 � '" �,..-• CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO ;� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��„�g;�N� Mtlli.a� i• Cilla�s e,,,� Jawas�► Z7� 1l71 w..t_ .� s..���., ���. I� tM rtt�r of th� canstraetie� et lls�wlitAic Cover�t� =L�rilb io tiw CiEp •! =t. taal. =iiwalk �iattiiet �. 4� durias tlwr �ar 1l71, ncc�t wa6 wrk u tb� CiL7 na� orlas t�o M � b� Cit� �rca. �dLLYS9, =hat t6! �ciiiaatieo� �ot �sti�at�d �oa�titi�� f�t th� ta�s�a�t� ��ittM INrwrit` �jr tM Ce�i�atarr �f Ta11ie Yorb l� aat t� �is attit Y�riby a�r�i, a�ri w it lnrtlNr �, '11�! tM }oselwin� �rot i� aa� b� is Mr�h �irkt�l to ,Nwstin f�s �i�a �es tMrN i�►rov�ats. � � �� �U �c `: � ,y �x � � �� . � �' zs°� r �_,� • +�— c°s t1•: W `.., >�'" � •Q �a` . � JAN 2? 19T� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc;� 19.— Y� xa� JAN a? 19T1 Butler Carlson Approv�l 18_ Levine �n Favor � Sprafka � ��r . A�OA1Tf At, Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith ��