252151 � 252�5�_ ccuncu Y+'ue xo......_...... PROPOSAL FOR YMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderaignedherebq propoeeethemal�ingof thefolYowingpublioimprovement by the City of 8eint Psul�vis.: reconstruct,the�8idewalk oa_both.sides.of�Viaw .St.__ from.Ranaoipn. _ Ave. to James Ave. and..by doin�.all other work which is aecessar and incidental to ---• -- .. .. Y. . •-- .complete,.said im- provement, Dsted thie...._25th:.......dsq of.............................January............::.........._--•...........----i----------................____......... _�.. � .................... .. ___._Z..........._...... .. ._..._......... ... . •----._ ...... Counoilwan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREA$� A �vritten propoeal for the makiag of the following improvement� vis.: �reconstruct,th�.,sidewalk_,on, both,_���g$_Q�,V�g�,..�t.�.��Q� dol A ..��t �t�.. Y��__.xst..J��..Ax�.. _..and by.doing,a1l,oth�r...La4r�4..�ki��h..��..cl.e���E�#�X.At�d..�l0��i�.�G���l._.�51...�Q]Q�g�.�tX�...��.d..�,�4-. __P royement,............................•-.............._...___.............------.........................._.............---.............---...._.__..._..._....................._ ............................................•--•-•--•---._.................___._............----------................_......._..............---.............----..............-----------•-•----- 6sving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul........................•-•------•---•------•-••---............_........._............ therefore, be it RE80I.VED, That the Commiesioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby ordered and d�reoted: 1. To inveatigate the neceseity for, or deairability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated ooet of said improvement, snd the total ooet theraof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of eaid improvement. . 4. To state whether or no+�eaid iffiprovement ie aeked for ot� tthe petitiom of three�r more� ownere. b. To report upon all of �tbe foregoing mattere to the �ummieeioaer of Finanoe. Adopted by the �ounoil........................_.........._.....�A.�..2.�.19 7�.... Ynss Counc i lman But 1 er JA N 2 ? 197.1 Car 1 son APProve�._.................•--..........._......._..........._......---•---••------ Levine �Me�re��ttr Sp�afka Tedes co •.-.-.-. .. ° �y MAyo . � �. Vice President Meredith f� � JAN 3 0 1971 � PUBLISHED