252150 ������ Couaoit �+'ile No..... .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theandereignedherebq propoeeethemalcingof thefollowingpublioimpmvement by the City of 88int Psul�vi�.: re.construct.the.sidewalk.on .the�south__side of Palace Ave. from Fulton St to .. ... ..-- - --- ---- -.�.................... Clifton.St�_aad b�_doin�,all.,other Work.which._is necessar�._and iacidental_ to _ _ complete said improvement. -�--------------»..............._____...................................................................................---..............--•---•------............................._.._..._.... -----•--- Dated thie....».?Sth:.....daq of................•------............Januar�►-•--• .........0 19 71 , ..................... �...... _....�......J ... .... ...._.. ��Counoilmsn. PRELIMINAR3� ORDER. WHER,EA$� A written propoeal for the making of the following impmvement� vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the south side of Palace Ave. from Fulton St. to ----------------•----._.................................-----••---.........................____.-•------..........._......---••----................................---........................__ -----C 1 i f to!l4..���,..�,�a_bY.dQ�nt..��.�..Q�li�x..leto.xk..wb�i�b�..�..u.������t._aA.d..im��.de.�.t al.._�sa............. c om�le te.said_fa�ovement. _._._ .... ........___...................••-•---..............--•-•-••-•--•---•--•----•---......._..........-----•--....................._ ..............•--.._..-•----•-•-----•-•-•----..........................._..___..-•---...--•-----•-----.....---......._._......--••----•------•----•---•••--•••---........_............__.........._ hav�ing been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul................•-------....-------.............---.........._...._..........._....... thesefore, be it RE$OLVED, That the Commieeioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and dtreoted: 1. To inveetigate the neceseity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigats the nature� extent and eatimated coet of said improvement, and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan� profile or aketch of said improvement. . 4. To atate whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked for on �Ehe petitioa� of three ar mor�dwnere. b. To report upon all of �tbe 4'oregoing mattea�s to the �CGummieeioaer of�nanoe. ........�AN 2 ? 1971 Adopted by the Counail....................................... ............._...... Ysss Counc i lman But 1 er �pN 2 71971 Ca�l son APProved._................. .......-•---..........---......._...__...._.__ levine .�4e�d�i-ttr- Sprafka •� Tedes co ........-- - -----•-... .. Msy � �-6NAr. Vice President Meredith �AN 3 0 �97� FUBLISHED ��` /� /