252149 ��2�4� Counoil Ftte xo.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ancl PRELIMyNARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpublioimproveffient F�v the City of Baint Psul�v�is.: �construct _and/or recanstruct the_.sideWalk on.both sides of P�.�ace Ave . .. „ ., ,. . from VieW .............................. St. .to Fulton St. and by doiag all other work which is nece nd ia ...................---_..-----....... ........... ......................._..................................._.......ssarq.a...........cidental--.... .�.xQ...as�m��z�._sat d..�oogx�ax��m�-............................................................................................................... _....�i......._................---_......._. Dsted this.......25th......day oi...................Janua�'................�.. . ............., 1 : .................... .., ...._ _...4� .. ..._...... ........_. • ... Counoilman. PRELIMINARY ORDEIt. WHEKEAB� A �vritten propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: coastruct and/or reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Palace Ave. from View .....�..................................................................•--.................__........_...---............._..................................---........__....._....---...._..._.. St. to Fulton St. and bq doing all other work which is necessarq and incidental ...............••---.....---•--.....---.........._---..._...--••-..........•-•--...................................._........................_......._.....---......... ��to com�lete_,said im�rovemeat. ..... ......... .....................--..-•........_....................--•---........._._........................._.............._....---•..............._._ ..........................._.........--•---.............._.............._..__---.........,.................-----........---.................._......._.........__..._....................._......_ haviag been preeented to the Council of the City ot 8aint Paul.........................................................••---........................ therefore, be it RESOI.VED, That the Commiaeioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the neceeaity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvemenB. 2. To investigate the nsture� extent and eatimated ooet of eaid improvement� and the total ooat thereof. 3. To furnisb a plsn� profile or eketch of said improvement. . 4. To state whether or no+�eaid improvement ie aeked for oa tthe petitio� oif three �ar more dwnare. S. To report upon all of the foregoiag mattere to the �mm�esioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the (:ouncil..........................................�(�..2i.7.1 y j�..... Yn�►e Counc i lman But 1 er JA N 2 71971 Car 1 son �PProved......................................................................._... Levine �Mered-i-t�h-- S praf ka Tedesco •--.- ............ ..._ Y � �. Vice President Meredit� � � JAN 3 0 1971 � PUBLISHEll