252148 �»�o� � No..._.2�2�.4� PROPOSAL FOR YMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY ORDEIt. Theundereignedhereby propoeesthemakingof thefolYowingpubliaimpmvement by the City of Ssint Psul�vis.: �recoaateuct_ the._sidewalk__on�both.sidee of Victoria _. .St;,,.f rc�a_Schef fer,.Ave,_..to__........ W. 7th. St.. and_by doing all other work which is nece and i •- ••----•,--• ..................................................................ssary.._..........ncidental to .............•--............-----.. complete said improvemeat. ..............................._............................................._...............................---•-----......_._.. Dsted thi�........�5th:.....day o4...---......Januar.�'...................... ......._.:............- 71..._..._................___.........._ ................ �__�... ............_ .................. ...... Counoilman. PRELIMINARY OR.DEIto WHEREAB� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: reeonstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Victoria St. fram Scheffer Ave. tv ......--•----------•......................................•-•-•-•.......-•••---......_.._.-----..._._....._..._.. �M_W. 7th. St. aad bq doiag all other work which is necessary and incidental to - ----------------------�•---•-••-•---------...---........................................................._._................-------•-•-----................. ._...con!P��t�..��.�si...�,t�zQx�ca�m�......-•••---••--••-•-•.......................................•---.......................,................-----........ .. . ....................................__----•--...................--•----••--••---........._..............__._......_..-----..._..........._...._..........._ 6aviag been preeented to the Council of the City of 3aint Paul..........................................•--•-----........_._............._......... therefore, be it RESOI.VED, That the Commiaeioner of Public Worka be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the necesaity for� or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated oost of eaid improvement� and the total eoet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. , 4. To stete whether or no�eaid improvement ie aekec� gor on +F,he petitiox� of three �ar mor� ownere. b. To report upon all of the �oregoing mattere to the � ioaer oE Finanoe. JAN 2 7 19�� �aopr,�a by the ���a............................................................................ Ysee Councilman Butler JAN 2 71971 Car 1 son �PProve�.---•....................................................................... Levine Mn rprli.t,q....._�__ "'� Sprafka Tedes co .. ............... -•-•............. .__.. - ------ - �000 �#Ir. Vice President Mere� � '- PUBLISHED �AN `� � 197� �