252136 ORIGA`1QAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�2��� - CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF W�iEREAS, s of Minnesota 1967, Cha.pter 636, fixed the compensation of elected officials within the City of Saint Paul from and after July l, 1968, until otherwise amended, as set forth therein; and WHEREAS, Said law provides that the compensation fixed there- in shall be payable on an annual basis in such installments and at such times as the governing body of the City of Saint Paul shall designa.te; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds and determines tha.t payment procedures established for elected officials are not in conformance with Laws of Minnesota 1967, Chapter 636; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, That elected officials be compensated in conformance with La.ws of Minnesota 1967, Cha.pter 636, on a basis of 365 calendar days; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� Tha.t said annual compensation be paid on a semi-monthly basis and be excepted,from the hold-back provisions for payment of City employees as established by Council File No. 217886; and be it finally RESOLVED, that the proper City officials ar� hereby authorized and directed to pay FORM APPROVED: _ im�ediately to aforesai.d elected offieials � � , any amounts due atgd owing, pur�uant to ; this resolution ar�d aforesaid Laws of Asst. Corpora�t�orx Gauns� Minnesota, 1967 , Chapter 636 . �aM a 6��i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �, �97� Butler �AN 6 Carlson o 19� Levine ,�n Favor Meredith Sprafka yor Tedesco v A Sainat Mr. President, McCarty �pN 3 0 1971 PUBLISHF.D_.�= �� o,��,�.��,� 25213� � : • CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GC-�IERAL FORM PRBENTED eY COMMISSIONEp �A*F WHSRBAS, Lawrt at MiYmasota 1967, Cl�apter 636. lix�td tht c�o�rnaatlan of elact4d officials vithia t.�u City of Saint Pau� fro�u euad a!`ter Jt�ly 1, i968, until othariri�ae a�wndad, �u► sst fQrth thsr�ein; and W'H�REAS� Said 1aw providee that the com�eusation fi�ced tb�rse- ia shall b�e paqable on an ata�usl ba�is in �wch installmsnto atid at such timss as the governing body of the City of Saint Paul shell dliigDttt; 8rid WHERBA�, The Council of ths City cf Saint Faul fit�L a�d dsts�mit�ea that t procadurss •stablislud for t�octed officials ar�a not n cant'o�e with La�a o! MiYmesota 1967� Chapter 636� naN, th�rafore, bs it . RLS�LVSD, By the Cau�cil �►! the City of Saiat Paul, T�� elected off�ci.als b�e co�nsated in conform�ace xith Lawe of l�i�aa�,ir 1967, Ct�ap�er b3b, aa a �aais of 363 cale�clar day�i and be it FURTHBR RE�StiLVET�, That aaid arn�ual comp�nasatl.vn ba d da a •+�d.�moathly b�asis and ba txcapt�ed fxom th� t�old•back pro�vl.siot�s forp aY'�a b it�fin�.]��e�s as �trta�bliahed by Cauncil File No. �21?886. � RE30LYED, that the proper City officials are hersby authorfsed and diract�d to pay imnediately to aforesaid elected o�ficiala any amo�nts due and owing, pursuant to this resolution and aforesaid Laws of Minnesota, 1967 , Chapter 636. �aN a s� COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Councii 19—. Yeas Naya But.ter ,�AN 2 61971 Carlson � ApPrnaed 19_ Levine Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor ro0A7711it Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ^�^� �