252135 r r ,sc� �����P� ;.''�. DOIBINIU.TO CITY CL6RK , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREA th 'ty Council has passed Ordinance No. 14314 creating a Department of Mo 1 City Area Development--Summit-University Area, and providing for staffin of such department; and WHEREAS, this ordinance provides for the establishment of classes of positions i.n the Unclassified Exempt Service, by resolution; a.nd WHEREAS, this ordinance provides that the salaries for such classes of positions be established by resolution; now, therefore, be it RESOLVEDs; that the followi.ng classes of positions are hereby established and placed in the occupational groups and grades indicated below; and that the salary rates applicable to each position in each of the classes for the Department of Model City Area Development--Summit-University Area listed below shall b.e the same as the salary rates applicable to the positions in the same numbered grades in the occupational groups in Section 6 of the Civil Service Rules. O c cupational Title Group Grade �� Economic Planner--Model Cities Professional 45 �, �p Eval�:ation Director--Model Cities Professional 45 . .Physica.l Planner--Model Cities Professional 45 n � P�anni.ng Dire�.tor--Model Cities Professional �Z 0 � -p Program Developer--Model Cities Professional 38 ° � Project Coordinator--lVlodel Cities Professional 38 '� � •Social Planner--Model Cities Professional 45 � � -Assistant Commu.nity Organizer-- n _Model Cities Subprofessional 22 Assistant Planner--Model Cities Subprofessional 22 � Employment and Training Coordinator-- Model Cities Subprofessional 30 Public Information Supervisor-- � Model Cities Subprofessional 26 Accounting Clerk I--Model Cities Clerical 22 Accounting Clerk II--Model Cities Clerical 30 Clerk-Stenographer II--Model Ci;ies Clerical 16 Information System Specialist--Model Cities Clerical 24 Secretary--Model Cities Clerical 24 -1- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approve� 19� Levine _�n Favor Meredith . Sprafka Mayor Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty * � � ���o��a���'•ro cirr e�snK rV�l�aly�„�°J . , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ' - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ DATF Be it further RESOLVED, that further positions may be established by amending this resolution; and Be it further RESOLVED, that the grade for Deputy Director--Model Cities be changed from Grade 47 Professional to Grade 50 Professional. -2- JA� 261971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ,��� 2 8197� Carlson App v 19� Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka C/ or A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty J A N 3 0 1971 PUBLISI�:D ��,,,,:f.'�T Y �C LERK � � 2521�5 �s�i, �r. Eit�r c.�u �.. �SS..t fi�awllss�+� lt.. l#�t� s . �rr►� �rt � C!� A�e� D+wr��a�t�►��w'�atvss�lt�r ,Asw��n�� P�rNiiM� �r saah� e� n�sY l��pa�s +�ai '���l�Ai, tfas �s�fr�ss�► t�nrWs !�t tiar �s��R +r[ eir�rr� �t �r� 4a ttt W�sl�sa�i 1t� ��snr�e�. ir� �M�Rt�s aawt ' '�'���, tLls �r�#easc� �►ro�i�s lb�t � rs�axl�r �st �e1� s�as�r�a �t*orNi�r tr�r irt�►li�imi 1� s�s�a�tl�s� �arw. �r�!s��►si, 1� � 1k�iE?L'�; �t iiN t�r►Y#meNr� s�+a� � r►�Mrs asr 1u��r asq�Mlt�i�i aft �r�e�d ts tt��r �ac�l�tiair+�l ��'w!►s u�,t ��raarMs i��be+�� l�tN►� q�tl�ur! tlwe •sls�ry► � qr�i�ta1�1� � �ru��►itN� is �ss1► �tM Elsaras t�a fi�+� �astw�a�t � i�M� C,�r ArM► b�a�t--3�it-1�stvo:sf�t�r A,r�a )ist�i bsl�r�r ri�a�t1 M !tr �aaM a+r /I��rrr a�ias�r n�• a�lsald� t�r t�a �� t� t1a� r� �r�i �t�/�s ir tkt �retap�tiair�►1 =rwRr !s �ret�t�s i� r�!' i�t Cirl1 irrrls� �t�l��. C�isss�i� _.�. �...�.*' .l��l,...,. �... ���fs P��-•►�ri�wlat Ctt1�s Ptats�rr��r�si `! B'�s� Z?lt�t••�+1�1 Citla�r F�sat�l �f Flt�fesl Fli�*••�+ri�l C�s �►sr�t�ssl�l 4f �1�lnf �#r�ea►r--�canl�l �Gtli++ pssErari�i �7 x'x�r ssw �►�l�rs•-�+ti ��ws rs�t�ssla�a� i� Pr�►�i�et �Ri�srt�ar-•�t+ts�i�t �itNs Ar�E�s��lwsi 3• E�#�l Ti�ra��t••��i ��1�s ���►si+r�at �# A�rsl�t�dt ��n� ��r�r#��t•- 1wte�lN Clb�►s 1�+n�r�tirriMal 2� !►sst+�+rrt �"ia�at�►t--it�tN Gt�� �srK+ti�i�l 3i ,law a�i Tr�� Go��+ils�e•• ������� tisi��mt+���� 3� P'�!#s i�ts:ara�ra �Nstlsa:-- �iw�i �#ti�a �i��►s�r[i�a�ri fi Aasw�ty �lsrtk i.-1�►i�i Cl�ia� Cia�at! i* Aes�t� �l�:k �t--�l �lti�� Ci�r�fsal 30 C�sk• �1r,�� �-•�t�iit� C1tMs C��lsa� li �rrew!!Ne �a �}�LN►ttnrt•-� Gt�a Cbslssi 3� f�t��••1�1�s�i�, Glq�s �l��sa1 t�l •l• y � �� r � � 252�`� �r. � a�a.: lt�4L,v.�CD, t�t ttistlut �o�esitleruc �aa� br► �staY�l�rirNt i�► � . qMio s��olt�i�; a�i 1h � t�stlu�s A�LYL33. tYst t�r �sa#� tos 3�+�rt�t�r Disrst�t•-�MY +��►� i� eMy�i ir�aa �t�►i7 !��►+�wt�+r�l+r�1 br G,�riM SO Pr�t�rl�t. `�' J�►wl�6'1� aaopted my th� co,�►c� - � A roved -� '��AN 2 f y9�1 �