252134 � • ��2��� ORIGIN.'�J.TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WI�REAS, pursuant to Chapter 1103, Laws of Minnesota for 1969, the City of Saint Paul is authorized to issue and sell general obligation bonds of the City in an amount of �4, 500,000 for each calendar year during a two-year period commencing with the year 1g'70, for acquisition, construc- tion and repair of capital improvements; and WHEREAS, the Counc il of the City of Saint Paul on January 19, 1971, by its resolution adopted the City ' s " Capital Improvement Budget for 1971, , which Capital Improvement Budget for 197•1, contemplates the is suance of �4, 500,000 in bonds of said City, Now, Therefore , be it RESOLVED� That the Counc il of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of said City in the par value amount of �4,500, 000 , for the purposes contemplated by said Ghapter 1103, Laws of ` Minnesota for 1969; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That said bonds shall bear date -� the first day of the month in which they are sold; that p such bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds , a portion q � of which shall be payable each year after issue , but none " of said bonds shall run for a longer period than thirty o ..�o years ; and the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall by o � its subsequent resolution fix the denomination and form of c� p said bonds , the dates of maturity thereof, and the details � m and date of the sale of the same ; be it c FURTHER RESOLVED� That the proper City officers are � hereby authorized and directed to initiate preparation of the appropriate documents ].00king towards the sale of such bonds . JAw �6�9T1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya JAN a s �s71 Butler Carlson App ve 19— Levine ?_In Favor Meredith � Sprafka U Tedesco A gainst J��y � 0 197a Mr. President, McCarty PUBLIS�ll - �� � �,� • 252134 .���,� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �COENCiI NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBENTED CT COMMISSIONER DAT� 1�S�AS� guraataat to Chspter ��03i LaM� oi Mians�rota ior i9b9, the City oi 8aiat Psul ts aa��horised to i��us and �ell seneral obligation boads o! the Cfty ia aa a�onnt o= �4,g00,0�0 !or eaoh eal�ndar y�ar dnrin� a trto-year period oo�usencin6 rith the ysar i970, tor aoqui�ition, oon�truo- tioa and repair oi oapltal i�prove,eats; aad 1�8BR�CA3, the t3o�o il o! t�e City ot 9alat Paul on Jan�axy 19, 1971, by i�s r��olutioa adopted the City�s Capitsl I�proveseat Hndsst ior i97i, , rrhioh Capitsl Ia roveoent Hud�et ior l97� oont�aplate� the issnanoe ot �i�00,000 in bc►nde ot raid City, KaM, T2ae s�e io rs, be it BSSOLVED, Tbat f�i,• �ouaoil oi the City ot Saint Paul Loreby snthorises t�e ��usnee a�nd sale ot g�n•ral obli�stioa bonds a� said �ity in the par valne �moaa� ot �i,S00,000 !or th� p�i�pasee conte�aplstsd by �r�'i`�" Chapter 114;, Laxs ot M3nns�ota ror 1969; be !t .,,�.,, P'U8'PSEB �E30LY�D, That �aid bonds �hall �sr dste tHe iir�t day o! th� �onth tn Mhioh they are iold; tbat �uoh bo�l� �h�ll be in the iora� oi serial �ad�, a�portioa oi Nhicrh shall be payablo eaoti ysor sitsr i�n�s, but noae oi �aid bonds shali rva �or a loa�er period tn+� t,tiir*y ysar�; end the Counoil oi the City oi Ssint Panl a�hall by 1t• rnb��quent rs�olhtion :ri: th� deao�instion +�d ior� oi sald boa�l�, t6s dste• ot �atnrity the rsoi, and the detailr an� Qate oi the •ale oi the aaae; be it 1�tTxTIIEB RESOLYED, Tliat the proper City ottiaers are hereby snthorised aad dineted to i�i�tiate preparstion o! �h• eppropris't� doom�ent• �ookia� toNards t6e �ale ot �u�h boad�. rAH a��s�a COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Y� xa� JAN a 61971 Butler Caxlson Approv� 19� �� � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka v �� Tedeaco Ag�t Mr. President, McCarty �