D001118Otigiteal- C�I Gletk Copies- Fin. 8� Mgmt Services Public Works Axourrting Engineer Corrtr�tor • . !_ � Dffie: CITY OF SAIINT PAUL - OFFICE OF TSE � MAYOR �.° AD�IPIISTRATIVE ORDER �� for ; .� CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1 1? ,��� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Wherea5, adddiwis which proved to be necessary to the _� �� 232��?« � �w pc� 1996 "� �ieceived E Pubiic 4Vorks Construction � ient descnbed,�s�' _� �fn,� , c�� \ � •� .r . • • • . -« . '' :1'• •• :1 Danner, Inc. CorAr�tor, is composed of the folbwing: Waener Roa , � d , � / ( Railroad Tracks Sewer Repair Lump Sum 1 $19,08 �r��2i1�a��siw/�ii�'vii'j si . iva:ajr �i'ai�:i 1 �V137��Y1.W Construct Manhole, Type 4A Special Each 1 $1,700.00 Construct Concrete Step Risets Each 9 $125.00 Clearing & Cmibbing Lump Sum 1 $800.00 TOTAL • $19,086.00 $i3�,941.w $1 $1,125.00 $800.00 $162,652.00 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Sairtt Paul, through Rs Mayor, approves the foregoing addiEions made in accordance wfth the spec'rficatans in the sum of $ 162,652.00 , said amourN to be added to the lump sum consideratan named on the corKract, krawn as Activity No. 29192 , and which amourrt is to be financed trom: Additional funding has been added to the proJect financing. Assessments 94 C.I.B. Water Department Water Surcharge Ciaw Back Sewer Repair F'unds APPROVED AS TO FORM c Assistant C' ttorney � Engi eer !—� �y �l7 �a-/a� , 9 96 / / i , r .�/ � iv / � /�,� � . �' �� , Public Works Consmiction Daniel A. Haak 266-6084 PAGES �� GREEN SHEET� 1 ��o. 34624 wRUUO�h wmun ��ra�croa � crrrcou�ca ,tTroar�r � crrvcxEwc ;Erowwroe n Fe+:u�tsF P� k1. �oCA7�01m Fan OK�MI�TUip Q3 rrov;ae compen4ation r� e�zua wo�lC ana e�nergency stamn sewez repaus pafuim«t »y me Conrtactor at the �equesr of the En� HAZELWOOAMCLEAN SEWER & PAVIIdG; City ProjectNos.44-S-8(KIG & 94-P-8078 Contractar: Danner, I�. a�corwa+wnas-Ar+a�wa�tm v�asorutsFaav�cartw�ctswsru+sw�tn+ewuowx+caiesrwNS: _ PLANNaM'i WAIMISSION _CN0. SEFiVICE COMMISSION �. t+� m�8 r+�r�� e�r wo�d u�der a cmo-ecc tw m� ae�rm�nn CIB COMM(fTEE _ yES Np A�,� 2. Hes diis pera«vCvm ever been a dry emplqee4 — —' YES NO _ 01S'rttICfCOlR1Ca _ 3. Doea tlua peraoNfirm Possess a aWll not normalty P�Bessed by any durent eitY emPbYee? SuPaoaisWHxYlcOUt+caoeJEC7NEt YES NO ExpMfn all y�s anw�rs on »prM� tlwt and �daeh ro yrwn shwt INITIATWp PiqBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY (WFID. WHAT, WHEN. T'he Conuactor was directed to perform extra work not included in the original contract In addition, two lazge stom� sewer failures, due to taaentiai rain in 7uly of 1994, necessitated emergency repairs. The cost for these two repairs will be funded with sewer repair funds. The sewer repair at Warner Road(Highway 61 disturbed DNR property and required remedial action untii the fall of 1996 to satisfy DNR concerns. This contract change agreement is for $162,652.00, on which $159,027.00 is for the two sewer repairs. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The project can be built to acceptable consuucflan standards. The Contractor will be compensated for extra work �omied at the direction of the Engin�r. ����� ��� R�CEtY'ED DISADVANTAGES 13one SAN 46 1997 MAYOi�S QtfiCE fl�G 31 1996 RECElI/ED 'JAN 171997 C�T1' CLERt( DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVED: The project could not have been completed to accetpable construction standards. s $1(2,b52.pp cosro�NUEeUOC,�D(dxc�a�q � No �rnr�csourx� (See Below) ACt1VITY NUMBER C9¢2Tb27-0784-29192 FINANCIAL iNWpMA7qN: (E7�Ult� Assessments, 94 C.I.B., Water Department, Water Surcharge, Ciaw Back, Sewer Repair Funds i, n ' L vv