02-920ORIGINAL F=esz::ceC �y Rz`erred To cc�ttee: Da�e Public Hearing Notice For 2003 Water Rates 1 Be it RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 85.01 dealing with Water Charges, 2 the Council does hereby set a public hearing of the proposed Water Charges for the year 3 2003 on November 6, 2002 at 530 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The City Clerk is 4 hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing, the publication of which is to be had at 5 least ten (10) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation. �� Requeste3 by Depaz�eat oE: Adoption Certitied by Couacl Secetary B y. ApprovedbyMayor/�I�ate !6_ �j �counc3 r_c # �,'�b_— 9 3k� Green She=t r \t � O o� Y RESOLUTiON C1iY_OF SA1NT PAUL, Pr11uNESOTA � r �� �. Saint Paul Regional Water Services B'/�. /(JC�L�i/�{ � �'�iG�'iC� General Manager ���'t� Form � C;ry for � 17 '02 �Y Adepted by Councl: Date_�j_��___� app � DEP.4RT.YfEi7T/O£N7CE'COC.7YCIL DATE IHITIATED 113884 O � — �� 5t Paul Regional Water Services 9/17/2002 GREEN SHEET No.: COhTACT PERSON & PHOh'E: n'rfnauDaTE mtt�,�LD.1TE Bernie R Bullert 266-6274 1 DEp,�x D�x 4 'b CITY COUNCIL ik HliST BE ON COLTICII. 1GENDA BY DaTE ASSIGN ? C � Y `i�ORNEY CTIX CLERK � � FINANCIALSERV DIR. _ FINANCIALiiERV/A Y�G NLMBER 3 MAYOR (OR 4SSC.) FOR ROUTING ORDER TO"1',fI. N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the attached resolution setting a Yublic Hearing date of November b, 2002 for 2003 water rates. RECOMh[ENDATIONScA4A�ve(AJorRe1�B) PERSONAI.SERVLCECONTRACLSMUSTANSWERI'EIEFOLLOWiNGQIIESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? PLANNINGCOMMISSION yes No CIB COhIMITTEE 2, flas this persoNfirm ever beeu a city employce? CNQ.SERVICECOMMISSION yes 1Vu Boacd of W ater Commissiomcs 3, Does this pttsoNFim� possess a skill not normally possessed by any currrnt city empbyee? Yes No E:cplain all y� answers ou separate sheet and attach to green sheet I UJI'fIA1"IlVG PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Wheie, Why): � � To meet expected budget needs for 2003, water rates must be adopted. According to requirements in Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legisdative Code, a Public Hearing must be held prior to adopting new rates. The attached resolution sets November 6, 2002 as the date of the hearing. The resolution setting the rates will follow under a different Green Sheet. � ADVANTACESIFAPPROVED: I I A Public Hearing date will be set. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADV'AYfAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 2003 water rates cannot be adopted. TOTAL AMOIJNl' OF TRANSACfION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: . FUYDINGSOURCE: ACTIVITYNUMBER: SEP 1 H LOOZ FINANCL4L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ���~ ��� �` V�� ����i! C�E' ° �S� b �