252106 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�/rj/�'�j6 : CITY OF ST. PAUL �°NC1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � LIC�ats� cer�Tr� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM158�IONER 'l v1„Q� ,�.o� / �' nqTF J�iL�T� �6s 191+ W�REASs Proper Motice has been reaeivd ae ta ehange i� mff3cers 3a Bola�d�� Liquor and Fcods, Zne. at 685 East 'Ph3.rd Stre�at� holder� of Ott Sal� Liquor L3ceMSe 80. 7758, exgiring Ja�uary 31� �.971� th�r�fare� be 3t �OL9�Ds Thst Richard J, Bolatzd rema,.in� as Presidcnt and Bev�rly d. B�l�d� relinquishes the of fic�a of Vic�«►president whiah is l�ft vacaat atid beoomes Secretary and `Preasurer 3.n plase of �homa� J. Boland (deaea�ed) with no chagge 3.�. �t�akholder�y b� and the s�e 3s hereby �.pp�oved. �n Ss1e L3.qu�r Esfiabl3ahment Chang. ia Officea Ir�'or�a�l.ly approwd by C�uncil Jsa�ary 21, 1971 1970 �p�xi. io�2 1971 lppn. 7921 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou*�N a � �97� 1g— Yeas Nays Butler J A N 2 � + 19— Caxlson pp Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JAN 3 0 197) ` �� • CITY OF SAIN7� PAUL � � Capital of Minnesota , ,. j :� � �,�/a 6 �e a�t�ne�tt o u��CC'c �a et /' � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PBOTECTION POLICE DEAN MER,EDITH,Commiseioner HEALTH RAI.PH G.MERRILL,Deputy Commiesioncr DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inapeetor da,nuary 21� 197Z Honorable Alayor and �ity Council Saint Paul, Aqinnesota Gentlem�n and �iadam: Currently Bolandt� Liq�aor �nd Foods, Inc., 685 East Third Street are holders of OnSa:ie Liquor Licenses No. 7758, expir3.rig� Jatatta�y 31� 1971. The offi�er�e of r e�ord are Richarcl J,B�land, President; B�verly J.H���,n8 �i�e-President; and Thomaa F. Boland, Secretary �nd Trea��rer. Ihae to the death of Thomas F', Boland� Beveraly 1S'. Boland beeomes Seeretary and Tres��tarer, Riehard J. Boland remain,� � Pre�ident; and �he office vf Yice-pr�eident is left eaeant. Thert i� ao ehanga in atockholdexs who re�ma.ir� s�s 8ichard J, and Beverly J. Boland, lttac�.ed i� a eopy of their letter of notification. Pery truly yourss, r��,.�.�0�`� yicenee Inspectar O • � . - , y � � january 15, 19 71 � • Mr. Daniel McLaughlin ', License Inspector , Public Safety Building � 101 East lOth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. McLaughlin: In order to bring your records up to date we wish to advise that Thomas F. Boland is now deceased and the corporate officers of this corporation are now Richard j. Boland, Pres- ident and Beverly j. Boland, Secretary-Treasurer. Presently the office of the Vice Presidency is not filled. �� ��. �` If you have any questions, please advise. 1` �, Yours truly, . �' . � ' • Bolands iquors a Foods / B . ,�� �1i 181920 President • .r. ,� �ir,r,, � J'���' µ'?. �' , 1�'j� N' c •� �+ �r �V �✓'' ���aL` f�� ti �' �if ti ys �' � . � Z� January 21, 1971. Hon. Dea� Mered3th, Comsr. af Public Safety, lOth. and Minn. Sts. , St. Paul, Minrt. .�ttn: Mr. Dsni�l P. MeLaughlin Dear Sir: . The City Gouncil today in�orm,�lly appraved the application of Boland'� Liquor and Foods, Inc. , 6$5 Er�t Third Street, holdera of On Sale Liquor License No. 775$, expiring J�.nna,�y 31, 1971, fbr a chan�e �n o�'fic�rs as follaws: Rich�,rd. 3. Boland remains as Pxeaident, and Beverly J. Boland becomes Secretary and Tr�asurer, replacin� Thom��..s F, Boland, d�eaeas�d. The o�`fice of Vice- President is Ze� v�can�. There is no cht�age in �tocltholders who r�rn€�.�.n n.s Richard J, and Beverly �7, 73olund. t-�ill ycau p1��,se pr��rrzre the customary resolution7 V�:ry tru].y yaurs, Cit,y Clerk �