252103 OR161NAL TO CITY CLRRK 252�p R� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� 'r �i' " ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�E NO. I,ICENSE �OI�KITTEE COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � Jg�klB,T'� �(� z97i COMMISSIONE ATF RE50LYID: That applic�.tion for R�statarant, On axid �ff Sale Mslt Beverage aad Cigarett� L3.cen��a� applied for by �live Y. Taylor at 275 Ea�et Fmur�h Stre�t (First Floor) bee and th� saae are her�by grant�d� on the soatlitiog that withir� � � clays of this date sa,id Oliv� �. T�ylor �shall eoaply �ri.th s11 reqwireffi�ntz oF the Betreaue of Fire, Health� an8 Polic�, and th� I�i.cense I�spee�or Pureuant to the St. Pa�al begislative Code and all other applic�ble ord3naae�s and la�we. JAN 2 6197=.1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y� Na� ,�aN a s �srt � Butler Caxlson App ve 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka J r Tedesco Againat Mr. President, McCarty JAN � a �g7� PUBLISHED ,��� CITY OF S�1INT,PAUL Capital of Minnesota c� /� ��'�- �CJe aNtdnevtt o u��C'c �a et ����c� � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ro�c� DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH AALP'H G.MERRILL,DeDnky Commiasioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN, License Inapeetor danuary 26, 1971 Honorable M�.yor and City Couneil Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Olive V. Taylor makes applieation for Restaurant, On a�nd Off Sa1e Malt Beverage and Ci�ar�tte Licenses at 275 East Fourth Street, to be located on the First Floor, and is loca.ted on the North s3de of the atreet betw�en Waaouta and Rosabel Streets. This �uilding ia occupied by the North Central Ins�rance Compa�y and currently they are lie�nsed for a rest�,rarant and cigerette business a,t this a,ddress. 'I'here i� one 3.2 place within two bloeks. 2'he cloaest On Sale L3.quor pl�.ce is about one hl ook and the cloaest Off Sale Liquor place is �,bout four blocke. The neareat school and church are about four blocke s,way. Mr�. Taylor haa� been operating the food bu�siness in thi� building sinc� 1961. Very truly your�, � � C �� License Inspector O � CITY OF S�9,INT PAU�,, DEP,ART�NT CJF PUBLIC SAFETY LICENSE DNISIOIJ Date January 13, 19 71 .......—.,. 1. A,pplieat3.on for On - OfL _:,,le iialt i�everage L3eense - -------- ------, 2. Nams of applicant Olive V. Ta lor 3. Buaines� address 275 East Fourt4i ._.treet Residenoe 1087 [1. Jessamine Court �t. Paul, �iinnesota 55101 • u , i ne 4, Trade xLa�, iP any G1dc ToGm Iczn 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp RQtail Liquor �ederal Tax $tamp xill be u�ted. 6. (�i what floor located First Floor Number of rooans used Five 15' 7. Betvueen rovhat arosa atraeta Wacouta & tJa"11 qPh3.eh �ide of atree� North 8. Are premiaes now occupied ye.� Y�hat business P,e�taurant Haw long 2-1/2 years 9. Are premises now unoacupied i10 I3aw lon.g vacan� Previoua Use 10. Are you a neqv owner �do Have you bsen in a aimi],ar busineas before ...r._____.. Whe re �flhen 11, Are you going to operate thia buainess personally Ye�. If not, wi�o will operate it 12. Are ynu 3.n any other business a� the present tiaba :.�= 13. Have there been any oomplaints against your operation �f thia type oP plave ^I<; _.._...,.�.,...._ Yrhen _;/A 71fhere :1/A 14. I�ave you ever had any licanse revokee3 �lo �Vhat reason and date i:iA -�._._�_,_ 15. Are you a citizen of ths United States Ye<� Native Ye�� Naturalized .�_.._ 16. 1Nhere v�ere yoa born �iin�leapoli�, i�inr:�csota j,�te o� birth 4/l0i 26 (��i�:ur:; 17. I am vx �.�,6,bQ. B�fy (wife 's) (husband's) name and address is 18. (If married female) �y �,siaen name is Olive Vir�inia �: lson 19. Sow long have you lived �,n St. Faul 25 year:; 20. Have you ever been arrested J�� �Tiolation of what csrim3.n�a1 law or ord3.n�anoe _........, �i„orcierly conduct. — ` p 21. Sre you a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul Yes xxx �q, (Anae�er full and aom letel . Theae a lioations are thorpu hl aheokad and ax� alsifica�ion will be cause for eni.a . . (OVER) 22. Number of 3.2 places �+rithin two block.§ o�e (l'� . 23. Closes� intoxiaating liquar plaae. �7n Sale 201 E. 4�th �'t. Dff S�le 2.00 E. 7th treet ��/„1�'/e,'�S `z.,�rPrl NP�rt ,� � 24� Nearest Chux'ch °'•^ _' `'`-- : `-�^� �eares�S hool - "cred �.Ieart - 8?5 E. 6th ,::treet 25. Number of ba�ths -0- Tables 55 C�ir� 222 Stools -0- 26. What occupe�tion have vou follov�ed f or �he past five years. (Give names of employers and date s s o employed.� Coolt - Food "ervi_ce C'�?erator ,.. ;'dc rth Cc,ntral Companies �.7 �� �, �,{ �. I��61 - presenL- 27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residents o#' St. Paul, �inn., who oaa giee infor��ion conaerning you, Name .Irs. Ethel '�teward Address 10£35 W. Jessamine Court� _ 't. P���1 Name J. i:obert ..;tassen ,Address 138 Endicc�tt Suildin�;,,,,,?t. Pau1 � _ �i��� � `� Signature o App ean S�ate of &�Iinne s�ta� ss co�ty of ��ey ) Glive V. Ta lor being first du�.y sworn.a deposeS and says upon oath �hat he has rea ths foregoing statement bearing his signa�u�s and lanaws the contents thereof, and that the sam� is true of his o�,m l�owledge except ae to those ma�tera therein stated upon infox�tion and belief and as to those m�ttera he believes them to be i;rt�a. \ G�� Si�nature of Applioant Subacribed and aworxn t� before me this ��th day of Junua� 1.9 71 /��._..�- � i�—��✓ Notary Pubiic, � County, I�inneso�a KRISTIfdE E. IVELSON, ��r CUAIIT119910ri eXp1T'68 NOtary Public, Dakota Counry, Minn. , . Z (No�e t These statement forms are in dup2icate. Both copies mu$t be fully �i11ed out, no�arized, and returned to the License Divisi�m.�r ' AFFIAAVIT BY APPLICANT , FO$ ti RETAIL BFER �7R LIQ�IIOR LTGENSE Rs s C�n-Of f Sale P�alt L'evera�e License _.._.__� Name of applicant G]_ive �'. T��vlor Business address 275 �c�:t :"curth ;'treet - :; tint Paul, _I�nne�ota 55101 .Are you �he sole ov+mar of this business? No , If nat, is i� � p�r�nership? r,o��oration4 Ye� , other? t�hers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwise: Name Address How T.ie �;orth G_ntral Company ?75 �asr Fcurth �treet 0�•�ns the C�1de ToG��n Inn :aint Paul, 2;innesota 55101 If a corporati�n, give its name. Tlie_:aorth C:entral Compan� Are you interested in any way in any other re�ail beer or liquor business? �,o As sole owner2 Partner? Stockho].der? t�hervvise? (Tkirough loan of money, etc. Explain� Address oP such business and nature of interest in same , /�-- � � Signature of applican State oP Minnesota) �ss Gounty of Ramsey � C a.ive `.`. T:�ylor being first dul'tiT sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoin� affidavit bearin� his signature and lrn.ows the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his ar•rn �.ovrled�e, except as to thosa matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he 'oslieves them to be trus. �� // � X 4 Signature of applicant Subacribed and sworn to before me this 1'�th day of January 1g 71 ' � 6. ��� No ary ublic, Coun.ty, inneso a My c ommis si on expires ' xRI�TINE F. A��SOtv, � �ier�►t�—Minn. nGIG�o�mission Fxpi[e� f� 4s 191Z . STA,TE DF' MINNESOTA SS C�UNTY �' RAMSEY __ Olive V. Taylor being tirat duly aworn., do�h depoae and �ay that S he mskes thia affidavit in Qonnection w ith applioation for " Sala" liquor license (" On-Off Sale" m�1t beverage lioense) in the City af S�int Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a residsnt of the State oP Minnesota and has resided therei.xl for �_� years, months, snd ia now and has been for the time above men�ionad a bona Pide resident of said State and that She no�r resides at �� �7 W. �_ �ddress S in Paul , Aqinneaota. C it y or ovun. , Subscribed and sworn to before m� this Lgth _ day Qf Januarv 1971 _r i�f �� �. i���-» 13otary�blic, ��County, Minneaota KRISTINE E. NEL50N, M� CO1TID7.18S1Ori exp12'es Notary Public, Dakota County, Minn.