252100 ,�
u 252��0
RE30LYED, Tha� upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal,
under the Zoning Code, by Ja��� Shelton, Jr. , owner of the
sub�ect real es�ate, ai�u�te in the City of Sain� Paul and
described ass
�.ot 8, Bloak 5, "Milton" Addition;
�hat the provisians of said Zonin� �ode hereby are de��rmined
and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor and the
frontage and area requirements for said premises are hex��by
relaxed so as to aceommodate a two-familg r�sidenae, aub�ectt to
th� condition that said appellant, and his sueaessora and aa�igns,
otherwise, �ha11 ma�ce due complia�ce with a11 applieable pro-
visions of rnuniQipal ordinanaes, state statutes and rules and
regulation� of publi� authorities having aognizance.
Q. U
w o
�-- � �
�. a
0. 0
d v
o ¢ 197� .
�. JAN 2�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19—
Yeas Nays ,�R N 2 6197��
Carlson A d 19—
Le�ine � rn Favor
Sprafka v r
A gainst
Mr. Vice President Meredith �t `i JA A� 3 � i�J�� tl-
, • • ' . . , , . .�
January 5, 1971
Mr. Harry E. Marshall �,��5 �
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the appeal of James Shelton, Jr. to
relax the frontage and area requirements on property located on the
south side of Fuller Avenue between Milton and Chatsworth Streets.
This property is further described as:
Lot 8, Block 5, Milton's Addition.
This matter was first heard at the November 5, 1970 Board of Zoning
meeting at which time the staff reported that the Comprehensive Plan
and the NDP plan of January, 1969 both recommended one and two family
use of this area. The staff noted the lack of a physical hardship
and summarized that the need for housing should not defeat the intent
and purpose of the Zoning Code and Renewal Plan. A letter from the
Model Cities Neighborhood Planning Council was noted which recommended
denial of the appeal. A letter from the Housing Authority was also
presented which recommended denial. After hearing the appellant and
discussing the matter, the Board recommended denial of the appeal by
a vote of 4 - 0.
On November 25, 1970, the Council returned this matter to the Board of
Zoning for reconsideration, in view of the fact that the Housing Authority
recommended denial of this appeal after being granted a similar appeal
At the December 17, 1970 Board of Zoning meeting, the staff read a
letter submitted by the Housing Authority to clarify its position as
questioned by the Council. The letter stated that the two cases in
question are not similar. The letter, a part of the file, presented
five items in which thetiao cases differed: Frontage, density, character
of the block, site conditions, and adjacent open space. The letter con-
cluded by stating that variance requests have been judged individually
on the basis of reasonableness and the effect on the itrnnediate neighborhood.
Mr. Hart appeared on behalf of the Housing Authority to answer questions
fram the Board. He reiterated the points presented in the letter.
� L.� '�{„�„.�.`�..
_1_ �
o ���
, � . •
- Mr. Harry E. Marshall (continued) January 5, 1971
Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to recommend denial because the
- � variances are too great and would be a detriment to the neighborhood.
The motion was seconded and carried by a 4 - 0 vote.
� Very truly yours,
�- -.
Secretary, oard of Zoning
Z. F. ��7057
` Harry E. Marshall � �,„- ,�, Albert B. Olsoe
City Clerk and o�' F t: Council Recorder
Com,nissioner of Registration �' ,_����y
. � ��=. .�
.;r = ��
S86 City Hall
St.Paul,Minnesota 5510�
Sept. 11, 197�
Zo�aing Board
Co�erce Bldg.
st. ra�
The City Cowicil referred to the Zoning Board %ar reoo�ndation
the attached zoning appeal -�� Jaae� Shelton, Jr. fbr relaxation
oP �'rontag� ar�d area reqniremeat �o as to permit hita to �►ov9e a
duplex to Lot 8, b�ilto�'s Addition, also deseribed aa 9�6 �'uller
�ve. ^ /� � 5
V 2'�f tTbtl.y �E�1Y'8�
City C rk �
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- � ' 55 East Fifth S�reet, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 O1. � ���� �� ��" " "��,��G�=�a„R �z.���„F,, ;�.. ,; �,l,,�n� 2;"" ���,' i,; �
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� � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY ��� � r�4- ��;Y ��I� �.���v � F�����, ;�,�� �,��� �;nj�;
� , . , .. . . .s,
,. � ..� . , �;
Dr. Noland Heiden
City of Saint Paul P2anning Board ���ber 17, 1970
1010 Cor�nterce $tiildin�
S t. Paul, Minr�esota 55101
Dear Dr. Heiden:
You requeated a ,jusCitication by the Housing AuChority of its recommendation that the
Zoning Bo�rd deny the appeal of .Jamee Shetton, .Tr, to relax Che fronCc��;e and density
t'�qt�iremente on property located on the south side of FUller Avenue between Mi.ltoci and
C.h.ztsworr.h Streete. The requeat for �uatification was raised in view of the density
wnivers �z-anted the Authority on August 22, 1970 to move two duplexes to the soUth side
o£ Iglehart Street between Oxford and Lexington Avenue.
The justification for the Authority's position with respect to the Shelton appeal is that
the two cases are not sirailar. In this regard, the following points are made:
1) The Au�hority made no request for relaxation of the f3.fty foot
frontage requirement. Mr. Shelton is asking for relaxation to
a forty foot frontage.
2) The tiltA requested variance as to denaity of 4?.S feet Le.avinK
reaidual property of 5,575 square feet, while Shelton is
requesting a denaity waiver of 1,100 aquere feet leaving a
diiplex s3.t� 4,9(�J squAre feet.
3) The Authority moved two duplexes into the mixed-use block
which included an apartment tiouse immediately to the west of
the duplex sites. In Mr. Shelton's case, the block involved
contains primarily single family dwellings.
4) The Shelton proposal would result in the existence of three
buildings on two lota. The lot he awns innnediately abutti.ng
the lot on which he wiehes to move Lhe duplex now coneatna
two sin};le fami ly dwtsllin�a� one facin}� out onto the a11e.y.
`���� ��
i , . _ .. �
� . , .. �
Anthnny A. Danna, Henry R. Thomas, Rosalie L. F���rler, pivillt� F. Anderson, Donald P. Del Fiacro, Victor J, ���desco, Kenneth i. L�,�nch �
. ; ,
. �
" Dr. Noland Heiden
Page 2
Decrmber 17 , 1970
The placing of a duplex immediately adjacent would
create severe problems of denaity and overc�rcnading.
By comparison, note the site plans preaenCe�i by the
Authority to both the Zoning Boar.d and Council
showing the layout of the sites on which it moved
its duplexea. Adequate yard area ia available
together with off-street parking and adequate eide
arc_as are prwided for.
(5) The application by the Authority had the approval
of r_he Model Cities Committee which Committee indicated
that while it was opposed in general to density
waivers, it felt that the existence of the open area
and recreation facilities immediately across IgleharC
Street at Oxford Playground more than compensated for
any denaity conaiderationa that might arise on thP
AuthoriCy'e movt� of the two duplexee.
It is my understanding that the Zoning Board and Council in the past have granted
n�ttnerous variances, always �judging each case on its own merits with respect to the
reasonableness of the variance request and its consequences upon the immediate
nei�hborhood. Accordingly, the writer feels that the Shelton appeal must be considered
on its own merits.
Yours very trul.y,
F,dward N. tlelfeld
Execut ive lli rc�ctor
� . 1051-1053 I;;1,EHART
i , •
� . 2074 1G1.EftaliT (NEW SITE)
� DRAWINGS: PAGE 33 of 36
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� " ' November 5, 1��70
� '30AkU ��F LONING 1�t;PORT AND ACTION ' � December 17, 1970 � .;�� �q�� ��.22
� Actin�; under L��gislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 � ----- - i
p-j5sed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 7057 �
_.�...�_. �
� � 1 �, . '?;_; , .tames Shelton, Jr. +
� ,�.';l i'!�: '_ : i. ;;f � �._� i,rr�e�;�.im�nt � Appeal ❑ E'ermit � Other X-967
„ ' "„ i �}; Ilelax Ltte lrontage and area requirements �� �
" i� ��%'�T � -'i� . South side of Fuller Avenue between
Milton and Chatsworth Streets
,. . �.T.�'.�f1.� IJf�J�_�:'�.i.t'11J.J �
Lot 8, Block 5, Milton's Addition
. �<L�'.;:1T [,':;I1. �d�;; "B" Residence
- . ;��5._i�;!'1' 'i'^� ;',onin� Cuc:� Cha�ster; 64 Section: .03 F�arat?rap��: i �
3 - �"i::[ ; TP1V:;'I'I���l'I°ION � 'tC�ORT� Uate� 10/29/70 and 12/11/70 3y; ATB and PLR
A. IIISTORY: This appeal was first heard hy the B�ard of Zoning on 11/';/70, and
sent the appeal to the Ci.ty Council with a recoimmendation of denial. The
Council subsequently returned the matter to the Board for reconsideration in
view of the Housing Auttiority's appeal in August concerning sites on Iglehart Ave.
B. PROPOSAL: rlove a two-family structure onto this property.
C. NEED FOR APPEAL: The property does not have the required frontage and area for
a duplex in a "B" Residence District.
D. PRESENT STANDARDS : In a "B" Residence District, a duplex requires a site with
a 50-foot frontage and an area of 6,000 square feet.
F. VARIANCE: This property has a Fronta�;e of 40 feet, 10 feet short (20%) of r}lE'
required 50 feet, witt► a dc���tli ol t21.6 feet. The area of the site is 4,864
square �eet, 1,136 square C�et short (18.93%) of the required 6,000 square feet.
P. AREA ZONINC: The surroundin�; area is zoned "13" Residence. The Compr.ehensive
Plan recomn�ends 1 and 2-Family residential uses. The Summit-University NDP
P.enewal Plan oF January, 1969, recommends 1 and 2-family with a maximum of 20
dwelling units per acre.
G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is level and at street grade. A garage is located on
this site adjacent to the alley. A chain link fence appears to connect the rear
part of this lot with the residential structure on the rear of the property
adjoining to the east and dividing it from the front portion of the lot.
H. AREA CONDITIONS : The area is developed with 1 and 2-family resi.dences. The
adjoining lot to the east is occupied by two residential structures. 'i'he
residence .�djacent to the street was constructed in 1914; rhe struct��re adjoini_n�,
tlle alley or► ttie same lot was constructed in 1922 prior to tlie enactn�ent ot tlie
7.,oning Code. Somc buildings in the area have been demolislied while c�thers have
been reliabilitated.
`+ . BOARD AGTION: To Keconunend � Approva 1 �X Denia 1 -
Council l.etrer
Moved by . Gadler Yeas Nays 1/5/71
X Gadler
Seconded by: Rutzick Gauger Date of Hear�ng
Maietta 1/7/71
Secretary's remarks : Mansur --
x Ames - Ch. Counc�il Actiun
McPartlin (A1t .)
Adkinti (Alt .) I>a� �'
x F:u*_�ick (Alt.) __
, x Doodv ln�r �
, . , _
, .. � � � , �
� ` �
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APPLICAI�T James Shelton, Jr. � LEGEND
PURPC�SE R�l�x t�„� fronta�;c� and �qND USE
ar�a re��uirc�ments
PPESER�T ZONIi�1G "B" Residence -O- TWO-FA�ILY
7 MULTI-���iv�ILY
FILE No. �05� � • 6 nCOMivI��`�CIAL
N°��" � n INDU�T�ti�iL
St. Pa��! Planninc� Bo�rd, Dade: 1��?�/��� � Property under consic��r���i�n
MIIdtJ�ES ��' T'Ii� �'lJBi.:��: ��A,�7I�tG L�FF�t� TFi.� 80�RI3 0�' ZONING
on �aursd�y� 3��ceza��t �7, 1Q7t�, a� Z:00 k',M,
�RSSEI�I�: �iessrs. Ames, Doody, Ga�`s.er, :znd Autzick of �he Board; Messr�. Bro�m,
Rosettex�, Ry�n, an.d Sar�nsc��., �t;cs. Fr�z�tze�, and Mra. Raa�torowicz o�'
the s�aff; �nd Mr. K�n Skriet� of the �ar�aration Ca:snsel's office.
Before tlie hea?�ireg begans Mr, G�adle� s��teci vhat he wanted �n go vn recoxd �s
c���apprnving th� del�y in sL����.x�g ti�e heara.z�g �n� �king tih� cieize�s wait.
Mx. Boody moved for a�3p7-oval of €:he minu�Les fron� t!�� December 3, 197�, B�ard of
Zoni�►g meet�.x�g. �t3e zno�ion e,ras secc��ded b� Mr. �iutz�ck, �nd caxLied unantmously. '
JAr1ES SHE�TOA1. .�I�o: �en �gpeal tto relas� �he frontage and ar�� r�qe�iremenCs 4n
property loca�ed or �.�e �ou�h s:.d� oY �tx�.Ier .�v�Fae�e lae�.we�n s�I�l�on arac� �hatswm��t�
Mr. Rase���r explain�d �ha� tF�z� �ppeal raas heard 1�3r ttge Bo�rs3 0� 2t�n�.ng o�
November S, A)70, �� which �xme tii� 3�af� rc�teri �ha� �dze v�ri�nces ?�equea�ced
are �YCess�ve, �nd �h�t e�e�^e is no I�eards�n�.p cl�:[tt�.�d o� �s�ab�.�.shed. Ttier� sr�
��+P����a�, nesn«coafo�ing e�sea o� an ad,�o�.�.ig�.g 1��. �'i�� s�aff feezs thi� propmsal
3s u�€accep�ab�2. Tne Housin� �nd Redev�lo�m�rc� Au�hc�r�.ty �r�d ��e Model NefgY�borhood
PIa��;�ng Coxanc3.3. di�a�ap�ov�d o� the t�ppea3.. �'�a.is z�t�er we�� before tEae �City '
Cour�cil ox� �dovesr.b�� 25, I970, �t whic� ��me � qc�esCfa� �ro�� �s �o �rhy tE�e Housitl.g
�ar�d Redeveao��en� A�thnri¢y cs�uld -r�cesaaza�a�d den�.�l o� �his �ppea�., wherc the
Au��.ordty h�d r.ec�x�zd ��px�,�.7�� for ��. appe�i co move Gwo s3up�.e:�es �o a sit�
on ZgY�h�rt �venue. Tka�re�are, �i�.e �ity t;au�.cil re�e�:x�al �he St�elto� appea3.
b�ck t� th� �a�ing �3oazd ro�r £urther r��;�ew. Z'?�e za�a�.n� ��aff sent s IeCt�r tc
�he Housing a�,d Redev�����aent Author3ty :i.a�fo�:ming ti�em crf the Caunc�.l.'� actiox�, '.
�nd reqezes�ed � res�ca�.se f��:n �Iaem. T� rep�.y, a l���er r,ras reeefve� from tche
A�th�rity r��tang fi-ve po�.�.�s: 1) �he �.u�t�QF�ty m�c�� no �equest for xel�a���ion mf
the SOpfocst f�or�ag� �ec{�aiaemex3t; th� Shel�cart appea� is �a rel�x �h� requs�reme��
in mx°der �o �a�r� � 40�-�aot S�o�,t�g�; �j C�r� Auttaori�y ,.c�q�e��ed � va�iar�ce as �o
den�ity o� 425 �eet, ����a€zg p�flperty a€ 5,5e� squa�:e r���; t�ic� �hei�� appeal is
requesting a dettaity wa�vex� of I,�t�O square fe�t, lesving a ciuple�e ��te �f 4,900
squsre feet; 3) tihe P►�thor�.ty c�ov�d �wo aup�.e�es int� � blocls o� mi.�ed uses,
incl�ading an apsrtme�� E?messe is�:�d�.a��ly Cc t�e �*ev�, ��e She�.tax� appeal d��ls
with a "vlocl� fnvo�vircg �sr�ma�i�y singl�-fa�a;�l� ha�n+�s< E°•y tE�+� :tt�ltr,n appea� wo�ald
res�clt in the ex3sr�€ac� of �ta�^ee t�c�i��ings �a�. re�ra �o�s. �tze ls�t iae a�ans im�ed�.�teL�
abu�t�ag the 7.ot an �rh�ch �� �ris�a�s �o m+a�re ��e du���x r�caur coa�tsin� two simgie-
family dwell�ngs, w�.�h ��p �aeinb ��e ��.�ey; �.Y�.� g�a��.ng o� � duplex i�di�te3.y
�dj�Gez�t cvoeald creta�e sever� grob�esrts c�� de�s��.�.y €�rad ��r�rc;�owdix�g. Ira ti�e Iglehar�
appesl i�y �he Autho�i�p, adequat� ;ar� �?•�� w�� avai��b��, aicax�g wf�h off-s`�e��
�s�rking ax��3 adequ�te si.d� ya�ds 9 a�zd 5) �4�� ����arLty's appeal h�d the apgroval c�f
the l��d�l. Cities Coam�it��e wh�.ch fe�.t zixa�. �:h.c� ex:�����►c� of opeta �rea ana re��e�Lic�a
fac�,�.i�i�s i�ediately acrass �gi�h�b�: ss�rene�e �t �F�ard �b�yg�oun�l �rore tht�r�
compet�s�Ced for any dea�s�ty caaas�.de�a�3_esns �t�C my�h� aris+e can �h;� moviag of t�±e ;
two c�up�.exes. �� �tx� Ze�:t��'s c�,x�c�_us:i.�r�, ��?�U �����:�� E,��,,� ���;�t �he Z�*afr�g Bo��d
aAt� �1C}� �6L3YiC�1 I1331►{�' g�°�vissu�Iy ����a��d ntzrnez�ous agp��al.;, �u� i�ave a�caaya rev�ewed
�nd judged �ac�t �ase o�. a.ts o�axa raezi�c4 �a��h re�p�ct C� ��e re�soai�hL�ness of t�e '
v�ri�nceg ax�d co�seqaae�tc�s �su �tt� �.�ned9ai:e r��i�ta�o�rh�vd. '
-�.'" i
� J.Ar�S SH�LTON, J'tta (1'r��.7J7L�� ���antinue:��:
� Mr, Ames questioned why th� Honskng and P�edeve�opm�at Au�hori�y is ogposed to th�
Shelton �ppe3l, 2�Ix� Jim Hart, attcs�n�y £or �he �.e��horit`, �.o�ecl t�a�: �he let�er
. frorn �I�o Hel£eld �s �j�ast r�ac3 .�Lr��es L-t-�eir re�asons quit� �xp?ici�l}r.� He �oted
r.haL- the Ru�h¢��ity isngt 1.Ot� gerce�.t op�osed to vsr�.ances, bu� feels effi�:ii or�e
should be haudled ind3vid�s��.ly. In re�ard to �fi�.e �rontage relaxation, the
Authority°s approved appe�p on Igl�hart Avet��e caas for 7 p�rcert�, wlaile the
Shei�an a�peal fs reques�in� an 18 percez�t va�i��.ice. 'The ��lthority f.eels it ;.s
unfavoxaUle to mave a duplex into an ar�� �iYa� vnly t�as a ��-foot fronCagee
Msc. Hart said that mext to the AgZehaxt �ite i� an lI-uait �pa�tment be�ildings
and other mu3.t�-family residen�es are slso neariay. In �he ease of th� Shelton
a�ape�l, it is primarily a s3.ng3.e-:�nui:�ly nea.�;�T�o�hou� in ch�x�actexe �?� s�id tt�at
the Auttamrity �oved the two dup�.exes �nto �;ee X��e�►srt Ave�aue si�:e rather tha�a
demolisn�t�a� them.
.lr� regard to the rehearing Qn this spg�a9., Mr. o ���ller moved far �eniaL, statimg
that the variances �re �an great a�d i� w�u3.r3 be � de�riment to the neigi�borhood,
The motion coas seconried by Air. R�z�z�cic, and c�zraed un�nimoe�sl�o
Sutsffi�.i:ted by: Pe�sL T�o Ros��te�• ��c�bert �„ Aa�es� Chairmtsn
City Clerk .
113 Court House 55102
December 24, 1970
File X967, Page
You are hereby aotified that a public hearing will be held in the
Council Channbers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m.
oA .tanuary 7, 1971 on the appeal of James Shelton, Jr. to relax
t�e f�routage and area requirearenta on the property described as
follows: I,Qt 8, Block 5, Milton's Addition. The property i� located
on the South side of Fu1Zer Avenue between Milton and Chatsworth
S treets.
For further information, contact the Plenning Board, Room 1010
Carmerce Building, or telephone 223-4151.
This notice of a public hearing has been sent out from the
Department of Finance in compliance with the City Charter.
Comaaissiaaer of Finance
sv�s+s�r�af. �:�� ,,�
�' ,...-�--.. .
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J�iatie�e'�is here that n gublic µ��� �!�
�� � pe . before t.tYe Citv -�i A t#!
��nc� a} � A.�on Navember 46 , �,
'1�'►Q. in thrt�itY Counctl- Ch�amb� ia• y, ,. •,
th! City arid IEourt'FlgnWa' 1�n'th¢ �. ' ' r.t .�i
taa,�ter o# ;e�D . 1 ot iTs�ee�•�h�e2ton: R ., �
� to
�`r,.,under e�fi � #o �4"iac2lisive� i .:'
'3L: Paul tive , Code; �oning
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an��aiT1ea mta!#a'on t 6, iqe k ,
�'t� ton���� looa o:k Ebe
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ton`and C3►atsworth'$te. � , �•
�I�d�'b+rt'�-tl1�1.; 1
Datad l�ove�ber lil 1i70. � ,��,��
�Z.l[A888AI�� � ►
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� BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1�`_-<����.� �".�
November 24, 1970
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the appeal of James Shelton, Jr: to
relax the frontage and area requirements on property located ot� `the south
side of Fuller Avenue between Milton and Chatsworth Streets:`'F�PThis property
is further described as:
Lot 8, Block 5, Milton's Addition.
This matter was considered at the November 5, 1970, Board of Zoning
meeting. The staff report was presented which pointed out that the proposal
is to move a two-family structure onto this property. In a "B" Residence
District, a duplex requires a site with a minimum frontage of 50 feet and a
minimum area of 6,000 square feet. This property has a frontage of 40 feet,
10 feet short (20%) of the required minimum and a depth of 121.6 feet,
resulting in an area of 4,864 square feet, which is 1,136 square feet, or
19% less than the minimum area. The staff reported that the surrounding
area is developed with 1 and 2-family residences. The adjoining lot to the
east is occupied by two residential structures, a single-family and a duplex
owned by the same party as the subject lot. The staff also noted that the
Comprehensive Plan and the NDP Renewal Plan of January, 1969, both recommend
1 and 2-family use of this area. The staff noted the lack of a physical
hardship and summarized that the need for housing should not defeat the intent
and purpose of the Zoning Code and Renewal Plan.
A letter from the Model Cities Neighborhood Planning Council was noted
which expressed sympathy with the desire for new housing in the area, but
which pointed out the degree of variance requested and the unusual arrangement
of the houses on the adjoining lot which .compels that special consideration be
given to the situation. The Model Cities letter, therefore, recommended denial
of the appeal.
A letter from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was also noted which
expressed the opinion that issuance of this appeal will change the character of
the block and that such change would be detrimental to a major renewal objective--
the elimination of over-crowding and blighting influences. The HRA letter,
therefore, transmitted a recommendation of denial for this appeal.
'�,�,, "'� �
-1- �� ��
O �`� �
J� �
. , . .
Mr. Harry E. Marshall (continued) November 24, 1970
Mr. James Shelton, Jr. appeared for the appeal and stated that the
area is not predominantly single-family. He said he owns the house on
the adjoining lot next to the alley and would tear it down if required
as a condition. He said that the Housing Authority had approved the
moving of the replacement structure.
The Board, in discussing this matter, noted that an effort is being
made to upgrade the Summit-University area and also noted the negative
reports from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Model Cities
Agency. The Board of Zoning, therefore, by a 4-0 vote, recommends denial
of this appeal.
Very truly yours,
`,�' -, c�� `i
��� :� j������
Secreta y, oard of Zoning
Z. F. ��7057
. . . , , ' k : �c 9 J
,� - ;, � . ' �� o
3ep�;�::,bcr �, 1.970
�'Ire �i�ric�ra:;l•� I�;,ro.r. atid Cit� {:,o1:�ric�.a_
- !� ��t;; l;�e�^l,
n� ";.`.., Fi&11 & COl.iY'�:n1.�SG'
ii�oiJ 3uJ ,,__„y
Jai,�es Shelton Jr. � �; ,
v45—�250 � ��,;c
T�ot L3�lit {�j oP T�:i]�rti�e�Ai�dit�.an
;'�F6 Nu].ler �,vern:e; x��A �1�e,t;sF�ort�,
1 tC'ri"t;.i.�.
`.�'o x�elax t:�e front�;a, and area reauireii;en� i'o�:°° �� ;�-ie��;.:'��l
u.e. 1^0 ,riov� a duplex on fi,Y:is Jc+t. Cha��er �'', _,. -•t;=�,i n'.
Par��raph I. � ` .
Z w�Rz7_d appre�3.a.#i�'.� �f �ou woulcl �:.ve L �'.s arpea7.
" � '
L.77tiL C'�Il.^�:�(��2•a�ion, be�'s�a�Q, -?± WQI1�C� CT'Ec:.�:C �'.Wp ��� S;�iL',:C'�:.Y'.�
. r '
K F 1�
�it�Tel.li:�;: for the ruue}�n!"e$�d heu��n„ in ti:e Su-,n��;-Ur:i�rer�ity
r�.�e a. �
� � � �� � � � � ��'��,_ � � ,
�. � �
J��mes Shelto:z Jr.
� +� �,
ZOfdl l l�� �I�.� '�� �
. , . '
� !t���l;l� (ll� %ONINt, fttsP(llt'I' ANI) AC'l'I�ON __ Novemb�r ', 1'�IU ___ „1,at I1.,;� ��21
" Acticlg under Lt�gi_slative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 --� - -'
pas�ed August 22, 192:' , as amended to April 6, 1970. 7057 �
- - �. ,,1�.. .'!'�'`; �i^,'91� , James Shelton, Jr. �
., .,.,",'»i�`iCr�'1'IQ;J . Amendment � Appeal ❑ r'ermit � ')ther X-y67 I
- ��• ���`��"�`>>- . Relax the frontage and area requirements
�+ - „')Ck;i�"it� , South side of Tuller Avenue between
Milton and Chatsworth Streets
.. . '.i;���1;, ;�I:�CZiPTI�;1 :
Lot 8, Block 5, Milton's Addition
� - . ..�;:;'.'i' :»?IItJ(,: "B" Residence
� - '.,:t;;_;;1:d'I' '1'� Ioninp, Code Chapter: 64 Section: .03 Parat�raph: i
_. , .�'1'r`�i'�' It�V�5TI;ATI�N � R�PORT: Date; 10/29/70 By; ATB
B. HISTORY: None for this site which is within the Summit-University Renewal Area
and Model Cities Community Council.
C. PROPOSAL: Move a two-family structure onto ttiis property.
D. NEED FOR APPFAL: Tlie proPerty duc�5 nat heve the requir��d fronta�;�� anc] .irE�a Lur
a c]uplex in a "t3" Residence District.
E. PRF.SENT STANDAItDS: In a "B" Residence District, a duplex requires a site with a
50-foot frontage and an area of 6,000 square feet.
F. VARIANCE: This property has a frontage of 40 feet, 10 feet short (20%) o£ the
required 50 feet, with a depth of 121.6 feet. The area of the site is 4,864
square feet, 1, 136 feet short (18.93%) of the required 6,000 square feet.
G. AREA ZONING: The surrounding area is •r,oned "B" Residence. The Comprehensive
Plan recommends 1 and 2-family residential uses . The Summit-University NDP
Renewal Plan of January, 1969, recocrunends 1 and 2-family with a maximum of
20 dwelli.n� units per acre.
1{. SITE CONDIT70NS : The site is level and at street grade. A gara�e is located
on this site adjacent to the alley. A chain link fence appears to connect the
rear part of ttiis lot with the residential structure on the rear of the property
adjoining to the E:ast and dividing it from the front porti.on of tYle lot.
I. AREA CONDITIONS: The area is developed with 1 and 2-family residences . '1'he
adjoining lot to the east is occupied by two residenti_al structures. 'I'he
residence adjacent to the street was constructed in 1914; the structure adjoining
the alley on the same lot was constructed in 1922 prior to the enactment of the
Zoning Code. Some buildings in the area have been demolished while others have
been re?ial.�ili tat:ed .
9 ROARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval �X Denial Couiicil I_ett�r
D2�red :
Moved by . McPartlin Yeas Nays l�t/24/70
x (;a d 1 e r ------—
Secon<ied by: Maietta Cau�er Date ��( fleai-ii����,
x riaietta 11/25/70
� Secretar_y's remarks : Mansur —
x Ames - Ch. Council Action
x McPartlin (Alt.)
Adkins (Alt . ) Date
Rutzick (�Alt.)
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on Thuxsday, Navember 5, 1970, at 2:00 FaMa
PR�S�i3T: Messrsa Ames, Gad�c�r., �IcPa�t�.in, �nd �1aie�ta of che Board, a�ad
Dr, Heiden, Messrs. �,osetter, iZyan, and Sorenson, M�so F�antzen,
and Miss Sperr of the staf.f.
JAA4�S SH�3,Tt�1�, 3Rs : An appe�? �o r�la� th� fxontage and ar�a �equirements
on �roperty located on the s�uih side of Ful.l�r Avenue between Milton and
Chatswor�h Streetso
Mre Rose_ter su�nari�ed th� staff r�port, a part of the file, no�i.ng that
tteere is �xo history for this site which is wig3aira the Summit-University
Renewal Area anci Model �ities ��mcnur�ity �o�a�.ciZ, The proposal �is to mmve
� two-f�mi.Zy strescture ar�to this property, Tta� prat��zty does noe h�ve
tk�e requYred frontage and �rea for a duplex in � "B" Residence �7istirict,
�n a "B" Resi�es�ce District, a de�n�I�x r.e�tsires a Fite ;aith a �0-foot front�ge
and sn �re� of 6,OU(1 squa�e feec, th�.v pio�sexty� has a fro�atage of 40 feet,
LQ feet short (2070) of the �ec�ua?~�:d a�rt�ux�+t, with a depth of 121,6 feat. Ti�e
area of �he ��t�e is k,364 squs�-e i'eet, �,13� €�et sho�� CI8o93%} of the
requiExen arns�ua�t. The surround�!�ng �rea �.s zan�d "B" Recid�nce, The Cc3mpxehensive
P�.aa recrnrm�e:xds I and ��fami�5= �esa.d�rti�1 uses< The Sezmmit-Univ�rs3.tq I�iI��
l�enewal �'lsa of �"sne:ary, 1969, r�camme�xc�s I sncl ?.-faanily uaes with a maximum
of 20 dwellin�s per r�cree �he �ite is l�v�� :mnd a� street gr�de� A gar��e
is located c�n thgs site �d�acezat t¢� tt�e al�ey. A ch�in link fence appears ta
conreecC �hE Y���r part of this lot wI.tt� �hr� r�si�fe�tial sCructure on the resr
Qf the �roperty a�j�aining �o �taP �aat auci dividi�ag i�t from the f�ont portiAn
of the l.+�tn The �s�e� is de��eLop�d wit�. �. and 2-�am�.�._y residences< The
�djoining Lot rc, r�a� east A� c�ccupi�a by two �esid€*.ntial �tru��ur.e�� The
cesidence ad�jacen� �o .h� sL-r.eet w3s ca�ns�r:ic�ed i.n L9L4; the st�uctur�
ad jrs:�ning the aliey on the 3r�me lot c��a� con,structed i�. 1922 prior to the
�tu�c�Cmen� of the Zonfa�g Gode.� �c�me buil,�ings in the are�e havP �ee�a demollshed
while others h��r� b�en reha�:ilit�t�d,
The Model Cities Ne�gfiborhood �:�anning ��asncil was notified by ietter on
September 1.7, 197b, thae this appeal hsd been fiied. A reply wss zeceived
tod�ay, and Mro Rosetter read �Eais �€a the Zon�L�ag Bom�d. I�. sumznaxyg thi� aoted
that the i�tade� C3tie� is aw�re �f �nd in sympathy with �he desire for new
housing in �he area, but �urist�ed �o g�i�at out �hat the square taotag� would be
1,2�0 �eet under �h� �ainin�um al�.owed �cr a ur�plexx. �nd tY�e f��nt�ge is lt3 feet
less +�han th�t �equirede It no�ed �Zsa ��x�� the ��nusua�. �rrangQment of th�
two hauaes to the ��sti seems �o c�mpel spec��al c�nsiderati�n �s to the
�ppropri�te�ess �+nd des�rabilx�y c�� s;,ich � prc�gosala They9 P_here�c�re�
��co�aneraded ��aaz the a;�pea1. E�ae�t b� �r.�n���3„
Mra Rase�t�r nat�d a �.ett�r Yecei�ved f�� Aqx�4 ���.���ld o� �.he Housing a�.rl
Redeuelupmeaxt Au�hca�rity dat:ad �1���mbe� S, L9i45, Thzs letter x�ot�:d th.�t HR�.
is of the opi�ai�r� tha� assu���e �a� Lh�, app��i hVi��. ch�ar+ae the character of
th� b�oc�C fYom that of pred�ra�.�s.�zx�3.y s��:�g1e-�<�mi.�.y lsomeso �'h�y no��d this
woulci be detriment�I �ro s ux�,�or �e�eca�I ob�ective ror �he ar�a--elimination
at ��rer-c�°awc�ed c�ndi�ions and �lighting �nf�.���n��s� They fur�Y��ez� ��ted t�.at
this sppeal �rould pertnit s da�.pl�x on a lot of insuffic�e�a� frontage anci areay
� �
y � . , .
J'l�.MES SHEL'�ON4 JR, (�1/5/70) {�o�ri�i�.��d):
wtsich would produce f�ux C�WP_�.J:Cl�tg units eaitla net densities of aoproximately
2,400 square feet per unLt ic� a "B" Res:��d��x�e area. Tt�erefcs�e, HRA recommends
ag�fnst passage of thfs appeas_<
rlr. I�osetter pxesented pictures of the s�.te �o the Board which depicted the
chafn link fenc�. Reading from tihe Housing Atsthorfty's Redevelapment Plan of
J�nuary, 1969, �ir. l�oset�er po�.�t�s3 ou� i.hat tih�e szated nb�ec�ives of �he
plan are to be�in the ret��isilita�ic�n of g1.1 �emainfn� properties in accordance
with the codes �nd ordivances c� the �ity of St. �'auX, or in accarcian�ce wiLth
the rehabilitatfon s�and�exds o� this Flan �nd �o carry out a comprehensive
plan of rehabillitatiox�, �onsesvatinn, snd redevelapment which will ca�eate ana
meintain a sound residential co�uunityo He noted thst the Pl�an states that
all properties ir� the Sen�it-UnivE�rg�.ty �.�newal Area sha11 comply with �he
atandards set fortkt in a��. app�',cgt�le s���utes, codes, snd ordi�.�nces, as
amended from ��tz:e ta tf�sey r.�1��3ng t�,� e�e us�, mair���nance, facilities, and
occuga�acy of existing prrsp�xtyn
;� coaaclusio�, Mz. $�se�te� �o�nt�d c�taL tkiat the ��qnestesi v�riances are 20%
on the f�on�:age and aimos� 19; on the a�-�a; the Zonin� Board migh�t consider
that the adjofning proper�y i�s R aon�-con�o�ming �se bu� tne d�nsity is
unaccept�bl�; ao evidence is es�abli����3 as provided for in the zoning Code;
�nd �he need fa� taoasing in �ta� ��ea sho�s.l� �aot ci�feati the inteat and purpose
of the Zo�.ing Code and LTrba� R�ed eve lopsnent FL�x►s.
Mr. J�a�es S1x�It�an, Jx., the rpp��l�nt, ��in�ed au� �ha� the srea is not pria�rily
�ingle-family�. He saia �hat hY� awrn,.ed one of �he h4use� adjacent to thia
property and that !�e escauld ��ar �Zc� if tha� �s necessary. Mr, Ames asked
wha� assurance woul.d be mad� of this; l�iro She3ton replied th�t �he only
guarantee is hi� wcsrd �1�a�„
2�ire Ames inquired wf�ee'��r the du�n�.ex h�d be�n approved for mowin.� by the
Building Departmeasto �n anstirers �1ro Sha�ton s�id L•he Ho�:sing and Reclevei�opment
Authorit� ha� g�ven thegx appao�al., an�d �Ixa Asnes noted eh$t a building inspector
saoald have to c�S�eelt �t�e h�e fx�st.
Mr> McPsrtlin not�d that the Suu�.t-�iniv��sity area is trying to be updated>
Mr, McPsrtlin moved fosr denial of ��a� ap�pe�l. fihe moi:i.on was sr�conded by
Mro Nt�iettas who noted he va�ed ttYis way beca��sse di ttee reports from Model
Cf��.�s �nd the ktoax��a� an:i R�:r3e;�e�c�p��;:�r �ait�.�ar�.tya 7't�ae mao�iox� csrri�d
una�a�imou�ly 4
Submitted bys �'�aul �a Rosett;:�x �toh�rt Lo A�es, (at�airn�an
City C'lerk �
� r
� 113 Court House 55102
Noveinber 13, 1�70
File X967, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in
the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court �iouse in the
City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. oa November 25, 1970 on the
appeal of 3ames Shelton, Jr. to relax the frontage and area
requir�eAts on the property described ss follows: Lot 8,
Block 5, Milton's Addition. The property is located on the
South side of Fuller Avenue beCween Milton and Chatsworth
S treets.
For further infonaatfon, contact the Planning Board, Room
1010 Conmerce Building, or telephone 223-4151.
This notice of a public hearing has been aent out fran the
Departmeat__,�of_Ffnance in coa�liance with the Citv Gharter.
Commissfoner of Finance
� No . 25, 1970
,-------.�.�3 '
�----,,� �
Zoning Board /'✓ � '� i
Commerce Bldg. /�
St. Paul ' �" ,�
``�� �,./�
Geri't1eIC1�X1: ��..`\/��
�_.._._ •,. �,
The City Council today�Yi�-Yc"C-a "p�bl�ic h�e;l��`.n� on the appeal of James
Shelt�n, Jr. to relax � ontage an \area �quirements on pronert,y �n
the sauth side of Fu r Ave. bet n Milto� and Chatsworth Sts.
The C�uncil referred Y matter b to the 7,,oning Board Por fur�ther
consideration .��or xpla�on �f the �ustification of the
H�using Au y s ob�ec��.�n.,- n view of the�.r recently-approved
similar z ng ap�e�,l.
Very truly youxs�
City Cle rk