252078 . �ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK r-� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � f S O F F I C E O F T H E C I T Y C L E R K � ���� ��� CO CIL RESOLUT ON—GENERAL FORM C MM SSIONE ` qTE JS]AffiE�V' �1��1 RES�LYE'Ds �'h.at applica�3on f�r �he tramef�r af Oa Sa.7.e I,iquor �icens� faaued tm Stons & �asosiat�a, Imc. a� 619 Selby lve�ue tc Harry W. and Williaffi H. �ta�haa at 45� No�� 8obert Stree� and th� �pplic�tioa af Harry W. andWillia.mm H. 5tath�..� for 8e$tar�ra�t and Cigaxette License� s�t the aa�me loe�tion� be and th� same a:rs hereby � �ratsted �n amnd3tion that xi�hin 7 6 d�,ys of this date said Harry W, and Willia� H. Sta�ha� e�hall a0mply with all req�ire�nente 0f the B�tre�,US of Fir�, Healtl�, �aad Palice, s�ad the 2,3cen�e Inspe�ator pt�rauaat to the St. Pa�l Legi�lative Cade and all other �pplio�,ble ardinance� �d l�.NS� JAN 2 1 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler � � �9�� Carlson e� JAN 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � Tedesco A8'��st Mr. President, McCarty JAN 2 3 1971 PUBLISI�D. �� CITY 0� SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �� �" �� �LJe aNt�ne�t o ub�C'c �a et /' � � ADMINI3TBATION T0nt11 aritl M1nne3otS St2'eetS FIBE PROTECTION POI.ICE DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH HAI.PH G.MERRILL,Deyuty Commiesioner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,License Inapeetor J�uary 21, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Ss�int Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madams HarryW, aad Wi113.am H. St�.tha,� are �oined by Stone & A��oQiates, Inc. in makin� appli�ation for the transfer of E)n Sa1e Liquor L3.aense No. 7?87, expirirlg January 31� 197i, .from Stone & la�ociates� Ine. �,t 619 Selby Aner�ue to Harry W. and William H. Stuthas at 450 Morth �ob�rt Street which ia an the Ea.st side of th� Street between Seventh and Eighth Street� ad�acent to the M�tro Square Building(Emporium�. This is a neW type of buriness for this laeatio�. ��rrently the place is wacant. It had been used by the Go�dwi.11 Industries fc� several ye�rs �,s su� Antique Shop. Priorto this it he,cl been �. food stor� since 1925, �,n.d Off Sa1e Ziquor busine�e �ras added in 1934. �'h.e Pritzker Family operated th� bus3.ness dnring that e�.tire ti�e. Th�re ar� no 3.2 ��tablltehu�ents �ithin t�ro blocks. The closest �� S ale Liquor place i� one bloek a�d the elose�t �ff Sale L3quor place 3s abc�ut two and a� haif blocks. �'he ne�arest chure�o and school are eaah about half a mile away. Harry and William Statha,� also make appliQatio� far 8es�aurant, and Cigarette licenses fmr this sag►e location. Harry Staths�.s is self«.employed and in the rest�,uran� business. William StAtha.� 13.kew3.ae is self-�mploy�d and in the restaurant bu�i�e ss. Pery truly yours, � ` c � GG�wt.li� �//�i /�i.GG+rv Licenae IMSpector O � c�a�tin �. .�'t�.c�en ATTORNEY AT LAW . 641 UNIVfiRSITY AVENUt PNONE� 226-0144 SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55104 rTa�1t��3t';�€ 3.�� Z,9�1 Honorab�.a �a�y�r �rrd C�.�� C�u��. �a�' t�re G3,t� c�� �a�.nt P,�t��, ����� �r�t�t� �xar�t �tou�e S�MP�tai�, T��rine�ota Gen��a �.��� � �.a�:,��a ��t �� �. ��� �a ��� �. s�A'�s are �'����i,�►� t2�s e1�,�3�3.�r R�t�.1 Lf.q�r �ic��ta no�a in �he t�� o�' �� .A� A:��CT.�"d'.�, 1��. �nd Wh�.cla lics+�n�� wa� f�rr��r�y lat�#;,e�I a� 619 ��1� Av+�a�er�; �t. P�.� �inra��afi�„ ,a� �� ie re��pea��� r�c��s�t�d t,�►a� ths �it� Ca�il QY t�e ��.t�r s�� �t, l�a� �r8n�'er sai.d t�a:••��,1� Reta3.`l. �i�w�:��#.c��a�s� fa� S�cr� �rt� As�+�ciat�es, ;'C�. � k��t' 3d. S'�1�5 +�d '�t3�:� �. S�'!1'� Th�r ��u. R�s��tf't�,� �ours,� ��+TE � li,�`34��'rPiT�y �N'C. � Byt ea � .;����161920�j� .;���' �' `'��' � ., ,1AN i97� `� �.' �� :�..1:'-`-y N � c �: r � ED �; ,�� 'r,�,;t:,�Sa ety � -��� � ����1' ���Z� . �a¢tin. �. �'t�.c�z ATTORNEY AT LAW 641 UNIVfiRSiTY AVfiNYE PHONe� 226-0144 SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 'rJ51O4 J'ariU�ry' 1.9* ],,�7�. �tcm+arabl.e �'�rr �n.ci ��,ty c�►�� o� th� �3.�,y' o�' ��.3.r�t P�,i�. �an��y ��auxr� Co�t Hou� ��,Pau1,N �`�iea�o�a Gentlsm��ns :�e hs�v� ner�,ro'��.��a� :��tr t�� pureha�e of �Me On-�� l�a�.l Lir�ar bit�� no�r ow��ed ar� ;#� �� ta� c�' ��'�+1E Ai�l3 A��C�,�TB�, I��,, ���i 1�.e�r��a �as ta�e��,r lcrtsa:��d �� �� ��.�r �ve�ue, �t. ra�., M�,�e��a, ��r�r is r�ow !�a't�v�. Th�rQf�+re,�: w�� �e�pe�tfa�,�p r�q�,st the �it�r �r���.�, af` t�a� C3.�� at' ��,3.nt Pau1 ta tr��asfe�r �he �'�.id ��+�� �r,r i.n �h� rtsane q� �Ti�iE .�T.n ,��"iSC��A';��a, 3�dC. to t ��C �f'« �T.�'� �tnd 6�ZLLIAI� �„ a'"�AT� Th�nk ��a. R�r��et�u�i yc��s .--� �' "�� �/�, � � �.���',6111��p��� � .� ��N �9j1 � :r e�IV�D � -, . - oi l''St��� V �t;;r Sef�y, �� � S�G 4 . ' C TTY OF SAINT PAUL DEPART�NT OF PUBLIC S�'ETY LICENSE DN�SION ' _ _ Da te f A A/ / rP l 9� 1, gppliaatiori for I �-��.-� Licex�ee �--��' /' � , 2. Nams of applican,t __��,� 3. Business addres� a �,.�z� Residencte______L_ D �' '�/A//' O Ii!//� � ��� F • w �� - . . 4. Trade name, i.f any /,� � '2c� . =� G�-c 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Re�ai1 L3quor �'ederal Tax Stamp���r3.11 b� u�ed. 6. Cbi what floor looated � ,,�.�� Number of roam�s used f . ^ ---�—� 7. Bet�reen wha►t aro8s street� 7�-�L�y. �'�� 1Nhich sidp �f street �� 8. Are prami.ses now oacupied�'Yihat busineas Hov�r long , 9. Are premises now unocsaupied j/�S I�aw long vacsant Previous Use r--=- 10. Are �rou a new o�mer . � Have you baen, in a aimilar bezsineas before w�,�;'Q� V7�is re ti�..� � U N l Y. /.�-,1/,�,r 9�hen-- - - - 1}S�.� � � 9 �� 11, Are you going to operate thia business peraon�ally ,��_S -.�� If not, v�o wi�,l operate i� 12. Are you ix� ax�y o�her business at the present ti�ee ��J/C - _.,...,.,�.....�.. 13. Have thsre beQn any aomplaints against your operation of �hia type of p].a�e�p When 1Nhere I4, }iave �rou sver had an�r licanse revoked Na �PPhat reaeon and date 15, 9re you a aitizen of �he United' Statea �ES Native`��Naturalized 16. VPYi.ere w�ere you born _ �1� j� � � Ae,te of birth / � ,_..�1,,� , ,.. �,....,,. 17. I am �Smarried. My (wife's) (husband's� name and address is ���r� ���; � , G� s . - 18. (If msrried female� my rr�iden name is . 19. Sc�w long have you lived in St. Paul �`�j ����' 20. Have you ever been arre�ted � � Xiolation of what criminal ].aw or o�d�nanoe ...�..� 21. Are you a rsgiatered voter 3.n the City of S�, Paul .r� Yes Np. (�n.s�er fu11y and aomplete�. Theae a ].ications are thorou hl ohecked e►nd et� Palsification wi11 be aause for enia . (OVx;R) . , _ � 22, Number af 3.2 lacea within two blooks p �,�... , ._.., 23. C�.osest intoxicati.ng liquor place. �n Sa1e�A� ou�3, S �'f Sale 24, Nearest Church Nearast Sohool 25. RTumber of baoths �� Tables`_� Chair��_��Stao�s ,3 D __-_��.... 26. What occupatirm have you follo�ued f or the past f'ive y+aars, (Give name� of employe#�� and date s s o employ�ed.) U �1� LF= �� _ u 27. Give names and s�ddresses of two peraone, reaidents of St, paul, �$3.z�.,, �rho cax� g�.v�t inforn�tion concerning you, Name � � _� ) (� �j Address ! / � g C /� UI�Gy / L� ----.,..,.�— ,.�..�..�. Name ��A IY K____�.'L���_1"►.�= L ,�9�ddre s s �d �i'� E - �' ' � i�nature of App can Sta te of �[inne s ota? �Ss County of Ramsey j (iv, being fa.rst duly sworn, deposea and �eqs upon oath ha he has rea t e foregoing statement bearing his signature at�d lrn.ows the contents thereo�', and that the sam� is true of his otnm lrn.owledge except as tu those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those ma��ex$ he bel:�aves �hem to be trv�. / � ! ..e�%������--f't.�� Sigr�ture of Ap icsant Subacribed and sy�orn to bef'ore me this �y� day of ' 19 7 / Notary Publ' , Ramsey County, M' sota �y Co�niss' expires ,� -�J—�y 7 Z� (Note s These statement forins are in duplicate. Both copies must be fully fiiled ou�, natarized, and returned to the License Divisian.�� L���R^`HY �l. h:1U�!i�E.l.'PIlTZ hdot���� F' . .. � i ._.;;Ty, ;l;;nn: My Comrn�ssi3r Ex�;�r.�� U�2. �::i, iS7f� ! AFFIDAVYT BY �,PPLICANT FDR RETAIL BEER OR LT�IIflR LTCENSS .� � � ��Sa e �� �U�,,�, Liesnse Name of applicant -� � ���� � '�� I ` ji Business address —G� � !�-�–c�"�-t' Are you �he sole owner of' this business? . If not, is it a partnership? 2`` corporation? , uther? �thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, prop�rty or otherwises ��� .� � � �� D Name !!�'/.!/u�.•..� ���kO�GV Addres s �f3�P�. t.m- •1�eQ, sl�,� HO'����+G� If a corporation, give its name. 6re you interested in any way in any other retail beer ar liquor business? ,�2� As sole c�raerZ Partner? Stookholder? C>therwiseY (Through loan of money, etc. Explain) Address of such business and nature of interest in same ,- Signature of applican Sta�e of B�Iinne s ota� )ss County of Ramsey � � being first duly s�r�rn, deposes and says upon oath that he h s read the foregoin�; affid�vit bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his ovm l�.ovrledge, except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to tho�e ma ers he believes m to be true. %�i, , -- ignature of appl�.cant Subscribe and sw to before me this�day o 19 �/ otary ub ic ey Coun.ty, esota b2y commission expires �� -�`� 19� DOROT!-I'f J. P:'�i^:%CE(_!NITZ PJct � �,:-,�< <�-��,�;-�'-�, [J(in:t. hil)' � '1!:::� � ...�:. .�J� �� s�,�� � ��rnrESO�,) )ss C�3UNTY �' RAMSEY � � �, � �� - �-��-� � ,�� °� �- bein firat du1 �worn doth de oae g Y � P and say that he makes thia affidavit in oonnection with �pplioation Por "_�� Sale" liquor liQense (" Sale" mslt beverage lioense) in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affian� is a resident of the State of Minr�esota and has resided th�rein. f'or _�,���- years, mon�ha, and is now and has been for the tim�e abava mentioned a bona Pide resident of said State and that he naw resides at �' � A dress � , Minnasota. it y or ov�. . �/`���" .. x� 3ubseribed,and �worn �o before me this / � day of ' - 19� / 0 -...._.. ,' �� otary c, Ramaey County, nesota My c or�nnis ' on expire s / D - �,5�- /J 7 ' C,��O��'.,� �. ,P.'.i?r'�'.`�;'lIT� PdC , :� i: . i. "�n: f�;y G";�;��tis.,e:.�7 i�:, , ,. i;:;�. � , iSit� CITY t7F 3AIN`P PAUL DEPART�ENT fJF PUBLIC S�AF'ETY LICTNSE DTYISZON ;'"") �'be � 19� � ;� • , 1. �,ppliaation for � — L3cemse 2. N�ms of m ppl�.cant ,{� ' ��� �..;pJ 3. Businesa addres� �/.SO � ,,.,��W�_ esidence_ /��a' � (� ���. � 4, Trade r�me, if any 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Rstail Ziquor F'ederal Tax St�mp���w3.�.1 be used. � . 6. Cai what floor located Number of roaans u$ed � -��.._,-.,... 7. Betvueen what• aro�a atree�a /� _ 7 � � � °� Whiah aide of street � � 8. Are premisea nav�r oacupied�'V�hat business Haav lung 9. A,re premises novr unoQOUpied f,/t?,nI�ow long vacant Previou� Uae .�.��. 10. Are yau a new o�o.or^[����,�,� �►ve you been i�. a aimilar business befare� -��-�-- �iere �Ifhen 11. Are qou go3.ng to opexste this business personally � If not, v�o will operate it 12. Are yDU in any other business at the preaent t�.�e � 13. Ha�ve there been any oomplaints against your opsration of this type oP place^--�� �Yhen 1llhere 14, a�'ave you sver had any license revoked�What reaaon and date 15. k�re you a citizen �f �the United Statee^��JNative��Naturala.zed �..w..... 16. . il�he re wa re you b orn � ��c,�c�� Da te of bi�rth ,,� , � ... T.�_._.._.� 17. I amJ��l--married. My (wife 's) (husband's) name and addresa is ' �z.�.�C�. -�-�---� ��� � - �. 18. (If ma rrie d Pema le� my ira idex� riame is 19. �avr long have you lived it1 S"�. Paul ,(� 20. Have you ever bean arrested �p Xiol.atior�. of wh t orim.ina�, 1aw or ordinanoe -���--- - -�-+�--- 21, .�ro you a regiatered voter in the City of St. Paul Yea �� Ro• —�.._... .....,�. (Ana�uer fully and aomplete].�. Theae a lications �re thorou hl aheokad az�d �n f'alsificsation v�3.7.1 be cauae for denia . (OVER) 22, Number of 3.2 places within two blocka . ;�� 23. Closest a.ntoxicating liquor p7ace. �}n. Sale ! �i' Sale 24, Nearest Church Nearest School 25o Number of �booths Tables���C�ir� �� � Stoo].a �O 26. YYhat occupation have vou follo�ed f or �he pe�st f�.ve years, (Give names af employera and date s s o employed.) f — �— 27. Give names and addresses of two �raons, residents of St. Pau1, �inn., �io c�&n give informa�ion eoncerning you. � A1ame l,(�L ��J Address J� 1 [� �� .Z' 2�� N�ms � ,Address �? , � ,�/�� .:_._ _ � % Signature o App ica Sta te of Ma.nne s�ta� )ss County of Ramsey ) W�/,�.�w:... r� , ��G�.�. being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oa�h tha� hg has rea the foregoing statement bearing his signature and knows the contents thereot', and that the same is true of his ov,m, l�.owledge except as to those matters therein sta�ed upon information and belief and as to tF�ose matters he bel-�.e�es them to b� lir�t��. !��!�f��� Si�na�ure of Applio nt Subscx°ibed and sworn to before me this � day o 19 �/ .` , w�- Notary Pu�li , msey County, Minn a My Co�nissian expires �� '��� � �� (Note s 2hese sta�ement forms are in duplicate, Both cop�as must be fl.tlly filled out, notarized, and returned to the License Division.�� � � n;J^S�LFLWITZ ` ;.:, / G�unty, Minn; �i�,, �..,'�c�<<„��v�t t..M�,'es OCt,2a�� AFFIAAV�T BY aPPLIC�,RT FOR RETAIL BEER �R LTQUflR LTCENSE , Re s �-ht� Sale vf License Name of applicant ,L.,�. � ' Business address �.Sp � � Are you �he sole ownar of this businessB yf„ . If no�, is it a par�nership? _,.�... corporationB , �ther? athers interested a.n business, include those by loan of mone�r, p�operty or otherwisea Name !�,l�_Address l�o.l LlJ, (�CS.a....ct How � If a corporation, give its name. bre �ou interestad in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business?, __t_'_"' As sole c�mer? Partner? Stoakholder4 Qtherwise? (Through loan of money, etc. Exp],airi) ; Address of sueh business and nature of interes� in same /��� ; ignature of app icant State of Minne s ota� �ss County of Ramsey � �,/� � /� � being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he �as read the foregoin� affid�vit bearin� his signatura and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his awn knovrled�e, ea�cept as to those matters therein statsd upon information and belief and as to �thoss matters he believes them to be true. /� � � �� igna-ture of appliaant SubaoribeSll and swo to before me this / �f day o 19 7/ otary u i , ey Coun.ty, innesota � b4y ccmnniesion expires /o =�s 19� [�,^,.r•nr':'..._: � ��...'_�!'J!TZ .'J I'.. , � p,^��n: r,.,� ; -:; ', rry c�� �_�:. �:,� � ���, i���! � STA,TE OF MINNESOTA) �SS C�UNTY �F' RAMSEY .� eing first duly sworn, do�h depoae and say that he makeg � ia affidavit in csonnection �rith a pplication for " G'�'!ti S�le" liquor lioense (" Sale" malt beverage licenae) in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resic�ed therain for .�G, years, (� months, � and ie now and has been for the time above mentionsd e� bona Pide resident of said State and that he naw rasides at .� � L� _ ;:_� ~ ��.� dre s a _ �i �ss�.Q ��/! 7 , Minn.e a ota. —�C it y or�� � � _ Subscribed and sworn to bef ore � this 1 y� day of �' 19 7 / � � o�ary b c, ey County, M neaota M�r copunission expirea �a ��.1�—l/�77 DOROTHY J. �v1UNKELWiTZ Not�ry P�°I�!ic, �:.,, ,.�� .�...�ry, P.�ii�n. hiy Commission c�:��i;es ��f. 25,197�