252075 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK 252�'�5 • - ° CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Wi],],iA� $. CA�1"1.8013 COMMISSIONE q WHBREAS, By authority of the Laws of �Sinnesota for the year 1959� Chapter 3�, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, aplroved i�tay 2, 1g59, '��e City of Saint Pa.ul, ms�y pay a portion of the assessable eosts of Sidewalk Constrta.ct- ion when such costs �ceed the tienefits to the praperty awner, W�REAS, It has been determined tl�at the follawing described parcels of property be relieved of the follt�ring amaunt: Description �t � (Ex No. 50 ft.� Lot 7 & (�ac. Ao. �0 ft. �ast � of ' Lot 8, Blk. 4, St. Antho�y Park North �131.95 Lot 15, Blk. �+, st. Anthoay Park No. $2�tg.18 All of Lot 1 & th�,t part of Lot 2, lying No. oP a line drawri frc�n the NS cor. of �d. lot to a paint on � the W/I, 25 ft. from the SW cor. Lots 1 80 2 Blk. 13, St. Antho r�y Park ftorth $2h1},l�3 o � Lot 12, Blk. 12, Midway Heights $216.78 Ex. 30. 3 Pt. for Mir�nehaha Ave. v S�ot 23, B1k. 16, Midway Heights �221+.06 Fx. So 3 f"t• for Minnehaha St. & ex No. 40 ft.; Lot 28, Blk. 17, Midwatiy Heights $168.49 � W�PiS, The total am�ount of assessable costs the City �ay pay is $1,25�+.89, now therefore be it, R�4I�VED, T9�t the Cc�anmissioner of Public Works be aad he i� here'by authorized to pay f'ra� the Permanent Improvenaeat R�volving Fund, Code 6004 the a�nt of $1,25�+.89, �, portiott of the asaessable costs of Sidewalk Construct- iou uader the 196g Sidexalk Contraet 69-M-�79, District l�o. l, Levy No. 11, I,-7156, in the amovmt of $1,254.89, said Permanent Z�provement Revolving Fnad to be re3ffibursed from the City's Share of Loea1 Improvcment Aid Fund, 0920-461. (197�� ���'� JAN 21 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler .��� Z 1 19� Caxlson Ap ve 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka J Tedeaco A8'au►at Mr. President, McCarty JAN 2 319T1 PUBLISHED.� � DYN.ICATB TO rRIN'RR �52��� t - - � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO �r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coM�O� Wi11ia� f• Crr1�Mt „�,� Nl�t�s �j► �D�o�iqr ot tb L�r� � l[ia�ao�a i'+o� � riaar 1939, � 3�s E.?. 817 �d r�titi�d 'Y�r Q.�. �o. 19�'16, �'�d M4► 2, 1959, 1�ur Cit� �! Ssist l�aAtl, a�,T pq • loar'�ias e>t t�a� aq�rN�l� dolrt� et s�t C'�stsr�et- Loa� riw s�olt a�s�s �ao�d �I�t 1�ar�'it� � �la� �ara�ar�,jr aral�r, 11�� Tt A� ►�a� ��ce�tia�d � tl�t fosl�+ris� d�r�r#i�t �ars�rl.a o!' �arop�tt> >ri sa�li�+rrd e! t�t trolLatla� a�e�: D�sQrl�Sa� ��t� (�tt xi. �1'! f't.j t.o� 7 +� E�ot. �lei. 38 !'C. �se! � c�' Lati 8, �it. 1►, st. A�ioa�r l�n� xeartb �].3]..g� iro� ls, �lic. �, d�. Aas�lfvn� lar1� �. �g.18 All OE' Lvt 1 � �►t, �at#� 0� 1r�fi Z, �if�ls �. o! a lia� as�wa lfna� ti►e � �eor. ot aa. Lrt t,a� a �oisl� es t�. Nfi, � t'�. tri. �r sN soar. s.ots i a � �tc. 3,3, et. l�ro �q► ?'at�lc �ti �liM.43 L� lst, �11t• 12, 1[id� Ift3�et►s �i•T8 is. N. 3 !"t. l�eis ltis�a Ar�. LaC 13a �11t. lb, �titl�q �eishts �►.06 bt. M 3 !"C. !mr lfi�a �t. i rr�c �a►. �0 !'6.; � �8, �3.t. 17� �► A�i�s �•49 1i�tR�Al,� �!r tv�i a�ast at �+t�ss�lh �a t�► Citl► a�' !� ia �1,9�•8�, se�► �l�rtb�� w it, �� '1'� tiN a0�iasioalrs a? lq�lia N�lat 1� a�lt �! is �e+�1�I,� a1��is+�d !� � !!!'Ar t�t � ��tC ��lii�1� l+�i, CeM it�f t�► �o�st � �.s�•�9f • l�t3�at o� �iwt v�� �s ud' si� Co��tr�- !�a �oedwz t� 196�9 i1�11t t�+o��raett 69-1�-�T9, Dis'�riot xi►. 1, Lhrr ir. L1, L-7}3'6� 3a t�M rIC�111� dl!' �,��.�'9, ssid �� �'IVr+�11�at �i11M0i1Ti3� 11��d t01Nt l�iail�trNd t!l�Mt t1M �i1r�'• iLss� od' Lolat �ot+onew��l�t Al,d lrfd, a��r6i. (19?1) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�aaa>> �A N Z 1 �9 7� 19— Yesa Nays 1971 Butler J A N 2 1 Carlson � Appmv� 19_. �°�e T*+ Favor Meredith � �or Sprafka Aoos►ingt Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��