252071 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�2p�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �°NC1L NO. ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �iil C O ,�,rF WHBREAS, Addition� which might prove to be neces�ary in the Improvee�ent described as Faving WACOUTA STREET from Kellogg Boulevard to Tenth Street, Co�ptroller's Contract L-7252, Bituesimous Surface Treating Company, Contractor, City Project No. 69-P-450, have been pravided for in the Specifications, and WHBRBAS, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS Remove existing conc. wall � tree stump� f ro� blvd. �rea on east side of Wacouta between 9th & lOth Streets Ford backlwe 5 hours @ $ 16.U0 = $80.00 Dump truck 2 hours @ $ 10.00 = 20.00 $100.00 Const. 5" �no. walk at N.E. corner of 9th � Wacouta and at 440 �iacouta St. 190 sq. ft. @ $ .85 161.50 Cc�nst. one course conc. driveway at Sta. 23+70, Rt. 22.6 sq. yd. � $ 8.00 18U.8� Remove existing C.B. at N.$. corner of lOth � Nacouts Sts. < < 1 each Q $ 25.00 25.00 Const. Type 3A C.B. st N.B. corner of lUth & Wacouta Sts. 1 structure @ $300.00 300.00 TOTAL ADDIT IONS = $767.30 and WHEREAS, The total addition is $767.30, and the Coeomiss3oner of �tzblic 6lorks has agreed With the Contractor tha�� the amount of $767.30 is the correct suen to be added to said contract, therefore b� it � RBSOLVED, That the City of St. Paul tl�rough its City Council approves the fore- going additions made in accordar�ee with the Specifications in the su� of $767.30, said a�ount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contraet L-7252, and which amount will be offset by the esti�eated qua�tities; therefore no additional funds will be necessary. FORM P!-'^�! D As rpora' � G ���?I JAN 21 19?1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays Butler � Jp►N � � �� Carlson pprov 19— Levine n Favor Meredith / Sprafka U � Tedesco ASainat � Mr. President, McCarty JA N 2 3 19 71 PUBLISHED. � ou�ucnTe ro ne�wme �V���� , � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM AMMI�uIONHI Y�11�� Z. L'tt'11On DATE M6��, �ditio�u M6t�h �i�t psrr�� to b� n�a�su� ia th� L�sowNnt d�sarib�a u lsvia� NA�7Gi1T�A 8?RElT �ro� 1C�llo� Sonlrr�rd to T�ath �trNt. Co�troll�s�•• Gwtraat L•7lSZ, Dita�inous Snri� Tr�atie+= Co�pa4y. Centsaator, City Yroj�at No. 6!•Y•430, iia�n b��a prerid�d !or i� tiw� Sp�itieatioas, sei fi/�iAS. it lisa �n louad u��asar,�r to �alc� tb� t•11e�rtAa �ditian�ss ADDI?IO11S R�o�� �sistias e�a. wli i trN atu�ps it+o� blvd. aru an uat si� ot Na�onta b�t�n 9tr 6 lOtb 8tsr�ts iord baai�bo� S haura ! ; 16.00 • �0.00 D�p tsrrk Z l�rs � ; 10.00 = 30.00 =lOt#.00 Cosat. �« �s�r. wik at 11.E. oosa�s ot !tb i Naeouta rnd at �ao We.hea ae, i�o sq. �Et. • � .as i6i.so Coast. oa� coasa� e�nc. driwwy at Sta. Z3+70, Rt. Z2.6 �q. yd. ! ; 6.00 i�.d0 t�o�n �siatin; C.a. at lf.E. cosn�r ef lOtl� i Waemoata Sts. 1 ucti ! _ ��.00 ZS.00 Const. T�rpa 3A C.D. at N.E. cos�ar ot lOth i ii�aorea �ta. 1 strnctgr� ! a300.00 �� T'0?AL �DDTT� • =T67.30 aed �, Tla total additior i� =767.30, �i tla Corissiee�r �f lntilic Msrks has agra�d vitti tL� CoAtsaator tl�at tb� a�ouAt o! $767.30 is th� cerr�ct se trs � , ada�d te s�id centract. tLes�tor� M it 1tESOLYED. T1�at tL� City oi St. !ml throa�h its Cit� CoaAail apprews t1y l�oH- pin� additiona �ad� ir aeesosdana� vitl� t� Sp�eilicatisn� in th� su� ot �i7.30. s�ia aMUnC to �b� a��d to tlw lu�p a� c�o�sid�xation a�d ie t1N aoatraet, kno�m u Co�ptroll�r's Conts�at L-72SZ, and rbi�h �wat Mili b� �tt�tt Dy eM �sti�at�d qwatiti�s; tL�r�fors ns ad�itional lhsnds aill b� �a�c�aaas�r. JAN 2 � 1971 COUNCILMEN �Adopted by the Coun�� 19_ Yeas Nays 19,�' Butler JAN 21 Carlson � Appro� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka d � Tedesco A8'ainst Mr. President, McCarty ��8