252065 �o� � No.252�`65 PROPOSAL FOR YMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovemeat by the City oi 8sint Psul��is.: Improve BURNS AVENUE fra� Johnson Pkwy. to White Bear Ave. (City Pro�ect P-0505) � as follows: Johnson Pkwy. to Claxence St. - construct curb; construct street, a11ey and driveway returns; construct a bituminous overlay; construct storm water � draina.�e facilities; construct sewer, water and gas service connections; construct a traffic crossover between Point Douglas Rd. and Clarence St. north of Burns Ave; and do all other work which is necessaxy and incidental to complete said improvement. Clarence St. to White Bear Ave. - widen, grade and pave; construct curb arid gutter; construct street, alley and driveway returns; construct storm water drainage facilities; plant tree�s; construct sewer, water and gas service connections; reconstruct a traffic control system at T. H. 61; and do a11 ather xork which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. Improve BURN3 AVENUE fra� Johnson Pkwy. to Whi�e Bear Ave. (City Pro�ect P-0505) as follaws: �Tohnson Pkwy. to Clarenee St. - cons�ruct curb; construct street, alley artd driveway returns; construct a bituminous overlay; construct storm water / drainage facilities; construct sewer, water and gas service connections; construct a traffic crossover between Point Douglas Rd. and Clarence St. north of Burns Ave; and do all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. Clarence St. to White Bear Ave. - widen, grade and pave; construct curb arid gutter; construct street, alley and driveway returns; construct storm water drainage facilities; plant trees; conatruct sewer, water and gas service connectiona; reconstruct a traffic control aystem at T. H. 61; and do all ather work Nhich ie necessary and incidental to caanplete said improvement. Adopted by the Counoil..................�'��"�'.�,...�-��•---••-----....---.......... Yssa Councilman Butle� T' Ca r 1 son APProved.........�:A......... .... _.....--•--...._......._...._._._... Levine Meredith S praf ka `� Tedesco . �................................ . . Mr. Preaident McCarty �Ma br. w �000 �.sa � 7' ° PuB�� JAN 2 319 71