252057 co�e� � xa.....���5� PROPOSAL FOR IMP�tOVEMENT and , . PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderaignedhereby propoeeethemslcingof thefollowingpubliaimprovemeat bq t6e City of 8aint Psul�vis.: ...».��&Rtti�.Xx1��.Z...tbt�...a�s�alk.�an...tba..sauLh..s3rde...nf..8ee�ch..St....fr.ami...Kenaard..S.t...x.o..�Cex�maia St.__abuttin�,Lot,_11,�_,B1k,4,..Wee,�i..�..#�B!���'..�..��....5?�rX..-.�4QS�At..A�s..�41�..��s���...�t . d... ....�� _ by doing all other work which is necessary.and�incidental to com�lete..said ,im�rove- ment. Dated this........_21st•...dsy og.....................January......... .......... ......ig.......�......................._.__..._.... ................ .... ......��- -�--...._...... ... Z".....`.......... �Couaoilmsn. PRELIMINARY O1tDEit. WHEBEA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, via.: reconatruct the sidewalk on the so�th_sic�e o�„���._.��,*,.,��4�_,$g���� ��� �� .���n ....................................................................................... ..... St. abuttin Lot 11 Blk 4 W d ....................•--.........�................x.-•---........�.....�€__.!�_.I�a.�.��.'.a..,l��.....Q�ix,X....�aQ�a..�..�.�l.�..���}a..S�.._.a,�ad.. � - � by doing all other �rk which is n�cessar�► and incidental to oomplete said improve- ti ...... ti..............��--................................_.... __..................... ............---•-•----.........._._.......... . ... ._. ......... . .. . ... ..... ..._.:�Rt,.._..---•---------•.......................................____....................................................._......_............---....._......._......__.....___......... 6sving been preeented to the �Council of the City of 3aint Paul--------------------------------------•--..............,......_............,----...... therefore, be it RDSOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: L To inveetigate the neceasity for� or deairability of, the minking of said improyemen8. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and ostimated cost of said improvement, and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furni�h a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. . 4. To stste whether or ao�eaid improveffient ie askedl iFor on tt,be petition� of three �ar more ownere. 6. To report upoa a1D of the foregoing mattea�e to the �C�ommieeioner of Finan�. Adopted by tbe Counail...................�!�N..�..�..�9��----._......._............. Ymss Counc i lman But l er ,A N � �} ���� Ca r 1 son Approvecfl.........._.............._......_.._..._......_...._................._._ Levine Meredith Sprafka Tedesco .._._ ........... ................. .....-----_. Mr. President McCarty ~yor. '� '�` � - a JAN 2 3 19T1 PL►EtI.ISHED