252042 ° ORIO�NAL TO CITY CLBRK ('� A� CITY OF ST. P�UL couNCa " uci OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. LIC�1'SE C��II+IITTEE COUNCIL RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONE '� ATF J&AMf1�� �1� 1�7�. BESOLVED: That �,ppl3.csation fAr R�sta�rant, Ehs S�.le Malt Beverage �sd �3garette LicenBee ma,de by Fa1en F�md Ent�rprise�, Inc, at 11�1 �lareace Street, ti� asid th� �a�� are hereby grantoti oA the �aondition �ha.t r�ithin�days af thi.� date� said P'alen Food �n.terpx�3.s��, Inc, shall comply with a.11 reqt�3re�ent s of the Bureau� of Fire� Health,and Polic�, ead the License Tnspeetor pursuant �o the �t. P�.ul yegislative Code and a,11 other appliaable ordir�axicee ax�d l�.xa. JAN 2 1 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler 19�� Carlson P '�-19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � � Tedesco ABainat Mr. Preaident, McCarty JAN 2 31971 PUBLISHED,_„_ — �� . . . , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ��.����1 ,� C�"''��3 "�%�ad �e a�t�ne�2t o ub�Gc'c �a et � � ADMINI$TRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION po�c$ DEAN MEREDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH RALP'H G.MERRILL,Deputy Cammieetoner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inepeetor Januar.y 21, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Sa,int Paul, �"tinnesota Gentle�en and Madaa�: Falen P'oQd Enterp�isea� Inc. (registered office at 1500 �`�.rst Na,tional Bank Bu3lding) makes applica�ion for Restaurant� On Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette License� at 1161 Clarence 5treet where they will operat� under a franchise of Lt�mts, Ine. This is located �,t the aouthrre�t corner of Clarenee �tr�et and Rose Avent�e. Currently there is no buainea�s operating �,t thi� location. However� a,nother aorporation r�ho also wa.s to aper�.te as Lum's, Inc. secured informal approval from the City Coun�il on January 23, 1969 for Re�t�uran.t, On Sale Ma1.t Beverage (only) anci, Cigar�tte licenses but the bu�siness never materialized. There are no 3.2 eat�,blishments wi.thin two bloak�s, The elosest (hi Sale Liquor place i�s next door �nd the eloseat �ff Se,1e I�iquor plac� is �. bloek away. '1'Me neaxest chureh and sehool s�,re each about half a mile aw�y. �'h� corporation is owned by Julie Ann Huseby a�d Robert CU�hing and application is mad.e through their attorney, dame�a McGovern, Qery truly gours, c �� �� ` License Inspectar O � :` _� • . . • . �, � MICNAEL J.DOHERTY � PALPH K.MORRIB . • WI�FRIDE.RUMBI.E DOHERTY. RUMBLE S� BUTLER - eRUCEE,HANSON • . �t . ,�FRANCI$D.BUTLER BOYD H.RATCMYC ' • ' � • . .J.0.FOOTE � • ' � IRVINO CIARK DANIEL W.OBRICN , ATTORNEYS AT LAW RICHARD ACWILHOITYR� ~ • HAROLDJORDAN .. , TNEOPHIL RUSTERHOL2 BURTON O.ROS� FqAr+K C�AreouRNE 1000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILOtNO Roeear c.rox '•.� �� • .PIERCE BUTLER ' , JAME9 P.MCOOV[RN . • •• �:)OHN L.MANNAFORD JOMN O.NOE9CMLEq ' ' AADREW 9CCTT BAINT PAUL.MINNE80T/1 '5�101 PAULA.HIlSTAD ' • 'JOSEPH M.FINLEY WiLL�Aw J.COSORI/► � • • � ,, ' ' HENRV O.►LAeCN TELEPMONC 227-7dY1•AREA CODE 012 VANCE K.OPPERwAN ' ' ' CUOCNE M.WARLICM MAROLD 6.RUTTENOCRO ' ' � ,�OHN J.MGOIRL,JR. JOAEPM T.KCRNAN.JI�. . • . THOMABE.ROHItICMT January l�, 1971 MICHAELT.MGKIM • ••• • � ,'rENRY M.WII.SON,JR. , . � • , e �•' • . � . ' .' '. Mr. Daniel P. MeLa.ughlin �� . . , ', License Inspector � ' �' • . . , City of Saint Paul � � � lOth and Minnesota Streets ' �� ' � . � ..� • Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 � . . ,� ', Dear Mr. McLaughlin: . . • • As we discussed previously, we are attorneys for Fa�n Food ' ' • ���� � � • � �hterprises, Inc., the franehisee of Lum's Inc. Our client will •• • � ' •, • •� . operate the restaurant, under the trade nane pf Lvm's at 1161 Clarenae ' � .•;� , � in St. Pau7.. = . � �• . Accordingly, we enclose an original and one copy of the � � . . Application for a Retail Beer License,which I have executed as �� ' • , • Secretary of the corporation. As Secretary, and as a resident of � + �� +•� St. Paul, I will be happy to appear before the Licensing Committee �. • • . , . ' to discuss the application and the people involved. : , . ��•�•�. � � As you know, informal approval by the City Council for a � ' • ���• � license of this type at this location was granted in October, 1969. � r�. ; . The applicant at that time was Kendon No. 11 Corporation whose officers . were out-of-state residents. That corporation applied for the license � . � �,�� � '.• • under an option from Lvm's, Inc., but that option was not exercised . ' ,' because Kendon encountered serious financial difficulties with its other '�� ' . � � operations. ' '�:: • , . • . � , � Subsequently, the franchise wa.s offered to, and accepted by, . • ��.` • our client. • .� • • � I trust this information will be sufficient to place our application . •, on the agenda for the next bicensing Committee hearing. Please advise me � .' , , of the tinne and place, and please feel free to call me if you need a�rthing ' . : '�•, ' � further. ' • . . , , .. '. • � , .°. . : . Very tru7y yours, � ; DOI�RTY, RUA�[BLE & BUTLER ' : .. .. .. (��`� ' • . .: : . ames F. Mecov�ern . . � " . ' JFMcG dt '� � � ' �• enclosure � �. � . . ._ .__ ._ _,. . ,.,.,_ „ . � . . , _> , . . � .: _ ,.. .. .. .� � �, � . . . . ., ._ . CITY OF SATNT PAUL DEPART�ENT OF PUBLIC SAFE�Y LICFNSE DNISION . Aate Jarn�ars 11. �.�71 , .��� 1. �,pplication for On SaLe Nc�x�-ln'to�dcatin�g l�lalt H�vrrage L�.ceaee 2. Nams of appl3.cant F11�1� FOOd BtiitOi'p�iA�s Ina. Regia�r�d ae: 3. Businesa address 1161 Clau'wen�t � �pp gY� ���1 � �g��� 3 . 4. TrQde uame, if an.y I�tm'd 5. Retail Bser Federal Tax Stamp x Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp��3.�.� be used. 6. tAi v+rhat floor loeated 6:'�� Number of roomis used �M 7. Betvueen what aross� str�eta ROM & Cl�]� yPhich eide of street ���� �r 8. A,re premises now ocaupied l�o '9ihat busineas Hvw long 9. Are premisss now unocsoupied yA�i3o�v long vacant O�t yetr Prevj.ous U�e �► �� 10. Are you a new o�vner��Have you been in a sim:ilar busix�ess before no Whe re " �Vhen 11. Are you gaing to operate thia business peraona].ly YOa� "t�i'ot�gh OttiolTe ot oOTpOra�i+0�i. �_.__,.. r will b� hired tioai. 12. Are yo� in any other busineas at the present t3me �O 13. Have there been any aomplaints a�ainat your operation of thia typa of p�,aae ]�b �...__.. �hen Where 14. Iiave you aver had any license revoked n0 �hat reason and date spp aa 15. Are you a citizen of the United Statas � Native Natura�.ized Applica�x� 38 s ltinm�rTo�'a'-aorpor5�3�'n"" 16. 1Nhere �rere yoa born I�j/A DatQ �f bir�h K/A .... 17. I �m married. My (wife 's) (husband's) name and address is _ . A 18. (I#' ma rrie d fema le) my ms iden name is I�(/A ].9. �ow long have you lived in St. Paul �A ._.___..� 20. Have you ever been arrested ]�o Xiolation of' what orimin�l la�r or ordipanae �.�.. n�or bav�e of ot'tiaere of o tio� 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City of S�. Paul �� Yea No. (Ansv�er fully and, oompletel�r. These a lications are �horou hl aheoked e►nd an falsifioation will be cauae for denia . ��'��''R) 22. Number of 3.2 places within. two blocks � �t Pt�eMIIt t3ID! 23, Closes� intoxicating liquor p7aoe. On Sale 2Q0 leet U£f Sale 24, Nea re s t Chur ch 1,�2 mti3at Nea ra s t Sch o ol ,�tpt y�et det��nirrd — rs�tat� �ril7. a�at 1?A �p�3e 25. Number of booths / Tables Chaix� St�o1s 26. What occup�tion have you follavoed for the past five y�ears. (Give xlames of em�loyers and dates so employsd.) Appltaant i: a iwr Minaesota rat3oa onrned Julie Aan H�cse e�d �obert Cn�hiaa rrbo are fr�anahi�ses of I�'e a x�ttfc�aal r�etaurant a2�ain. 27. Gige namea and addreases of tvvo peraons, reaidents of St. Paul, M.inrt,, v�ho csa�, g3.ve infox�a,tion concerning you. Plame William� �sgrilY Add re s s 1St�0 Fi�'Bt Naticu�l. Ba111C Bailding Name T21Cm�te �toht ,Address 130Q First lirtiomal Ha�'ilt Btlildi�g � � . i Sa na ture o App icsan S�a te o f' �inn.e s ota) cre�arjr oP �lren Fcad B'a�trpria�i Zna. )�� ' County of Ramsey ) Je�mes F. 1�tlotiies'n being first duly sworn, deposes and saqs upon oath tha he has rea the foregoing atatement bearing his sigr��ure and l�nows tha cont@nts thereo�, and that the same is true of his o�m l�.owledge except as to �hose ma�ters therein stated upon information and belie� and as to tho�e ��ters he belie�res them to be triae. /� ��-�.— , �natu.�e �f App],iesan� Subscribed and sw�rri to bef�re me this j�,�; da�r �f �t�:•y 19� � U �rn, Cleo M. Boyum I�otar ublic, ey County, Minneaota My Caannisaion expirea August 26, 1975 (Note s These atatement forme are in duplicate. Both copies must be fully �i1�.ed aut, notarizad, and returned to the Licenss Division.�r ' ' AFFIDAVIT'BY �,PPLIC�AT FDR RFTAIL BF�R DR L��UOR LTCENSE Nooa-Int�o]cictit3x�g Re: � Sale Il�.t Blv�lrage Liesnse _._______ Name of applicant Ft1AtII I�bod Biitll"g�iae8, I21C. Business address llbl Cla2�enae Are you the sole owner of this business? . If not, is it a partnership? corporation? Yee , other? Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, proper�y or otherwise: 691A — �4tti A�ne. Nc>., Apt. �`203 Name Jtxlie Ami Heleeby Address Mianeapc�li�, 1�tl.na. SSl,�How Stociclblder Robert Cushing Rcute �`2 3toalcbolder eon, If a corporation, give its name. Fe1N�II P'OOd $lt,e3�p�ie�a, IriC. Are you interested in any �y iu any other retail beer or liquor busine�g? Ct�ppl�atiO�t�Np Individvals—No • As sole c�vsmer2 Partner? S�qakholder? pp �herwi.se? (Through loan of money, etcs. Explain� No Address of such business and nature of interest in same I�io�e i ture of app S.Qan retary o� Fs1en F'ooe E�terprieee, I�c. State of Minnesota� �ss County of Ramsey � J�IRS F. ]iCGOVelII being firat dul�r sworn, deposes and says upon oath �hat he has read the forego�.n� a fi �vit bearing his signature and kno�s 'bhe contenta thereof; that the same is true �f his av�rn l�ovrledge, exeept as to thosa matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thosa mattera he believes them to be true. �,r i nature oP applicant ' 3ubscribed and swox�z�. to before me this u'� day of J�y 19 71 a r,,�Cleo M. Boyum No y ublic ay Coun.ty, innesota D4y corc�ission expires Augu,et 26 19'15 . . . . STATE OF �SINNESOTA� �SS CQUNTY OF RAMSEY James F. N�ltTitt>v�lTn being firat duly s�worn, doth depoas and say that he mskes thia aff�.davit in oonnection w ith a pplication Por (" � S�le" mslt beverage lieense� in the City of S�a.nt Paul, idirinesota; that your affiant is a re�ident af the State of �dinnesota and has resided therein for 2 years, 6 months, and is naw and has been for the tim�e above mentioned a bona Pide resident of said State and that he naw resides at 22 L1tid1,o1► A dress St. Pavl , �I�nnesota. C it y or ov�. 'e` r` J � � Subsaribed and sworn to bef�re m� this 11th day of Jtutiss'y 1�11 ,_ � Cleo M. Boyum Notar bli , ey Coun�y, Minneaota Mq coaunission expires AugUSt 26� 1975