252037 O�s�sl to Cit7 Aerk a ORDINANCE ���� COUNCIL FILE NO. v�� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �� ,���� AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF NORTHERN STATES POWER CO. ,' AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Northern States Power Company, the sum of �147.95, in £ull settlement of their claim of damages to property sustained on or about December 10, 1970, as more partic- ularly set out in a communication to the City Council on December 22� 1970. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon its execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form ta be approved by the Corpor- ation Counsel, for all damages sus�ained in the manner aforesaid. ,, Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publicatian. < �, F�g 41971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson `�` Tn Favor � Le�'vuie � �, � S�� A gainst Tedesco F�g 4197� �`=����� - Approved Attest: , G � C' ler ACt' r or �a Form approved Corpor�,tion Counsel By pUBLISHED F-___E�_6� ��p� � . 'ORDINI� NCE 252+�3'7 COUNCII HLE NO PRESdVTED BY ORDINANCE NO����� ` AI�i ORDINA�iCB SETTLING THE CLAIM OF �#ORTN�RRi!i S?AlE� PO11ER C0.� AGAIb�ST THE CITY {3F SAIN? PAUL ?HE CAONCIL 4F YHE CITY OF SAINT PAtJL QOES ORDAINt `Section 1. That tHa proper City officers are �ereb�► authorised to pay out of the Tort Liabi2itr Fund 0035•l31, to NortberA States Porer Co,pany, th� sw of ;147.95, i� fu11 settle�eHt of tbeir clsio of da,ag�s to propert�r sustainad on or abo�t Deceobear 1Q, 197Q! as 'ora partic- ulsrly s�t out in a con�unicstio� to the Citr Co�ntil oa Qecesbor 22, i970. Se�tion 2, That said sr� shall be paid to th� ssid �elai�ant �pon its ex�ecutioa and del3rory of a ralease in full to the Citr, iA a fore tc be appro��d b� the Corpor- stion Counsel, for all dara�es s�xstaieed i� tl�e wanner aforesaid. Section 3, T�at Lhis ordinanEe shali tate effect aed b• is forc• t�irtp days aftor its gassaae, appsoral a�d publication. F�g 4 t9T1 Yeaa Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the Coun�iL Butler Carlson ��e le Tn Favor � c� ��i,�at T� " g 41971 �p���a: F E Attest: �F• Vice Pr�si�ent �,�lered;th � City Clerg Mayor � �� Form sFproved Co�pc�rit�on Couneel By . ,.- ,, i ) � r � / I st � � � _ 2nd�'� Laid over to 3rd and app _�4dopted Yeas Nays eas Nays Butler �'� Butler 25 � � � Carlson �arlson Levine \Levine Meredith � M�eret�ith- Sprafka S�afka- �./ Tedesco Yedesco Mr. President McCarty ` ��� �r. Vice President Meredith