252008 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ��/'1!�x . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N0, p`� � �v . • " OFFICE O� THE CITY CLERK UNCI E50LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF RESOI,VED, That the Council hereby apprrnres the awaxd of the Purchasing Co�ittee for ftizx•nishing and delivering TWO VANS to the Eity of Saint Paul (one - Department of Paxks, Recreation �nd Public Buildings; one - Department of Public Works) to WHITE BEAR DODGE, INC. for the total contract price of $7,2�+0.00 (P.R.P.B. $2,370.00; P.W. $4,870.00) , in aecordance with bid specifications and Formal Bid #�389, such bid being the lowest meeting specifications and sa.i.d bidder being a responsible one. F. B. #�+389 JAH 1919.7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas xaqs ��y 1 g 1971 Butler Carlson A ed 19— Levine �In Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco ASainat Mr. Preaident, McCarty ���D J A N 2 31971 1/15/71/lm/Stanton O . � - , �s,� � . ��� January 15, 1971 The Purchasing Com.r.:ittee has awardeci the followin� contract - F. B. H4389 - TC?: WHITE B�AR DODuh, IrIC. For furnishing ana deliverin� TWO VANS to the City of �aint Paul, .aint Paul, Minnesota - ITEb; N1 1 - Forward Control Van DEPARTMFN`I' UF PARKS, RECREATION ANL PL'BLIC BUILL�INGS . . . . . �2,370.00 IT�:D' �" � - Forward �'ontrol Van DF.PARTt�'�..d`�' CF FII�3LIC WORKS . . $� ,870.00 total amount. of contract approximately . . . . . . . . . . . �7,2�+0.00 � Dept. of P.R.&P.Bld�s. RFRN N0. O�iF3B � Dept of Public Works REQN rJo. 0489 CODE: 1220-35�+ �� � I1FPF:�VEL: TF�E PURCHASING COMMIT`i'EE ...-.--- CCih TR ,LF:R PUhCHASING A FP ���. � � lm Stanton