02-91� ', '. � s� � �i 5 �i � ��... % i\.`�,s` ; i v f_ i_. �9 Green Sheet # 106817 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay for a new classification titled Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Bi-lingual) Councff File # O �, .. q� Committee Date RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Bi-lingual) classification be established at the rate set forth in Grade 029, Section ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall talce effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. �-� DEPARTMENT/OFt7CE/COUNCII.: DATE R'TiTATED GREEN SHEET NO.'�IOGHI�I Human Resources 1/11l02 ' � y—�\ CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: `1 �/�r� II.t17p.�.mA1'E John Shockl 266-6482 � �' - � nmaare.mar q C a arreovNC¢ Susan Moore - 266-6511 ^�G� NUMBERFOR iCtrlA7TOR2�R CRYC[ERx MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) pRpER G ' FINANCIAL SE0.V DIlt FAAPICIAL ffitV/ACCIG 3MAYORCORASSf.) TOTAL tE OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncizox neQvESrEn: Establish the rate of pay for new classification entided "Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Bi-lingual)" in Grade 029 of the Technical Standard Salary Ranges. RECOMIvIENDA7'fONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACf5 MUST ANSWF,R THE FOLIAWING QUES170N5: I. Hzs this pnsodtUm everwwked under a contract for ttis departmepY? _PLANNING COMI�.IlSSION Yes No CID COMI��fII7EE 2. Hac this persoo/fum ever been a tity employee7 CIVD.SERVICECOMI�.IISSION Yes No 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a sld➢ vot no�mally possessed by my cmrent ciry employee� , Yw No _ 4. Is this peson/firm a rargeted vmdor7 Yes No Ezplain su yes aoswers on sepante s6eet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[TNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): At the request of the Housing Rehabilitation unit of the department of Planning and Economic Development, a classification study was conducted of a proposed position. The position will provide bi-lingual skills to translate and interpret for non- English speaking homeowners. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Appropriate compensation will be established for a newly created position that wil] enable PED to effectively communicate and respond to homeowners regazding rehabilitation matters in their particulaz language. r,�.,�;�;Y �r^"t1 �. `= r��,2, ��� " DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None the department indicates funds have been budgeted for positions in this class. �� `�?�� � �p � �i � i 4'e�i. ? - - DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The �Iousing Re�abilitation unit may not be able to properly provide assistance to non-English speaking home o�vners and property owners. _ TOTAL AMOiTNT OF TRAN5ACTION: Non �� COST/REVENLJE BUDGETED: Yes FUNDINGSOURCE: .tt,�r L `� (��;1 ACTIVITYNUMBER: Fnvalvcrni. �o�TTON: �xrLanv> ���''( ��'i �i��iEl� G:�Shared�ClazsiflCLASS�Resolutions&UdinancesV3ousing Rehabilitation Advisor Traina-gs.wpd RECENED JAN 2 3 20D"Z MAYOR'S OFFICE o�-q� CLASSSTUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: CONTACTS: DATE STUDIED: AL OF H � � (Signature) CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT Housing Rehabilitation Trainee Vacant - Proposed New Position Michael F. Foley �l I�U Maribeth Aultman, PED Housing Cazole Otto, PED Personnel Liaison Gary Grabko, Housing Rehabilitation Advisor II December 27, 2000 MANAGEMENT: /Z Z Position OverviewBack�round /� This position is in Planning and Economic Development in the housing unit. PED believes that it needs people with diverse language skills to assist with application and administration of housing rehabilitation loans and housing contracts. This position is designed to deal with this issue. It will be a trainee position where the language skilis will be emphasized in selection but PED will provide training in housing construction, contract administration, and human relation skills. Studv Com on nents Review of Job Profile Interview with supervisor Interviews with staff inembers of PED Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis ai-q� Job Responsibilities General: The position is responsible for learning the skills necessary to become a Housing Rehabilitation Advisor I(Bi-Lingual). The incumbent must have considerable language skills in the language(s) specified in the announcement. The incumbent of the posirion will be in traiiung to leam housing code, contract admuiistration, interQersonal sldlls, and the application of this to a housing rehabilitation situation. The incumbent must become a Housing Rehabilitation Advisor I(Bi-lingual) within three years of the date of appointment as a Hous9ing Rehabilitation Trainee (Bi-Lingual). Suecific Responsibilities: 1. Initially aperates under close technical and administrative supervision but graduaTly works to the level of a Housing Rehabilitation Advisor I(Bi-Lingual). 2. Inspects houses (up to six dwellings) where the owner lives to determine what repairs, maintenance, and/or rehabilitation should be undertaken. 3. Assists with securing financing. Advises homeowner throughout the process. 4. Assists with selection of a contractor and ad ministration of the contract ensuring quality and timely work by the contractor. 5. Makes reports as needed. 6. Negotiates with contractor as needed. 7. Progresses in knowledge of housing code and contract administration. Com�arison to Class Snecifications and Positions Pr�o'ect Manaeer Series This series deals with larger projects whereas the position in question is designed specifically to deal with individual residences or residential properties up to six units where the owner lives. This is h of both the class specifications and of the positions assigned to the series. The position in question is expected to have more detailed lrnowledge of construction issues at a "hands-on" level than the Proj ect Manager series. This series does not clearly define the responsibilities of the proposed position. Loan Series Positions in this series deal largely with lenders and do office work related to a variety of loans. Although some positions in this series will deal with small home loans the emphasis here is on financing and not on the execution of a particular small project. This applies to both the class specifications and to the positions assigned to the series. The position an question, on the other ��. -9� hand, is expected to be in the field and to work with homeowners and to work with the contractor. This series does not cleazly define the responsibilities of the proposed position. Housin¢ Rehabilitation Advisor I and HousinE Rehabilitation Advisor I Bi-Lin,�uall These two positions are not designed as trainee positions but assume that the incumbents of the positions will be fully funcrional immediately. This is not the case with the protected class population that we assume will apply. The training position is necessary. Housine Rehabilitation Trainee Bi-Lin�� This is a proposed new class specification that describes progress from an entryltrainee level to a fully qualified Housing Rehabilitation Specialist I(Bi-Lingual). This class spec best describes the responsibilities of the position in question. A draft of the proposed class spec is attached.. OES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies continued allocation of this position to the proposed new class of Housing Rehabilitation Trainee and justifies placing the position at the grade 26 in the AFSCME Technical Unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the position in quesrion remain allocated to the proposed new class of Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Bi-Lingual) and be compensated as described above.. PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 145B � 3.. 9� HOUSING REHABII.ITAITON ADVISOR BU: 02 TRAINEE BI-LINGUAL) Effective: DESCRIPT`ION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs entry-level technical work, as a trainee, in assisting owners with rehabilitation of residential property and progresses to the fully qualified advisor level; and performs related duties as assigned. Sunezvision Received: Works under the close and technical supervision of a senior level employee, but gradually receives less supervision as skills progress. Supervision Bxercised: None. TYPICAL DiJTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Works under close technical superoision; becomes more independent as inereasing job knowledge is demonstrated; completes a vaziety of on-the job training and college or vo-tech classes in the field of housing rehabilitation. Conducts inspections and energy audits of owner occupied dwellings (up to six units) and identifies building, housing, and related code deficiencies for the purpose of recommending needed rehabilitation appropriate to funding sources. Schedules and conducts meetings and acts as liaison between property owners, contractors, City inspectors, azchitects, appraisers, and outside agencies. Prepazes and submits documents for approval: inspection reports, specifications, cost estimates, bid documents, and conslruction budgets. Assists property owners in managing the bidding process including reviewing bids and awarding the conlract. Provides technical advice to property owners involved in building-moving, accessibility, and energy projects. Monitors the construction process, prepares documents, and performs interim and fmal inspections for the purpose of authorizing progress and final payments to contractors. Assists with loan applications and closing processes. Translates and interprets for non-English speaking persons regarding housing rehabilitation matters in the particular language(s) specified. �HOUSING REHABILITATION ADVISOR TRAINEE BI-LINGUALII Page 1 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: HOUSING REHABILITATION ADVISOR TRAINEE BI-LINGUALI KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILI"I'IES, AND COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an abiliTy to learn City building and housing codes. Code: 145B BU: 02 Effective: � Demonstrates an ability to learn and identify appropriate construction methods, materials, and worlmzanship. Demonstrates an ability to leam existing rules and regulations conceming rehabilitation and clearance progams. Demonstrates and ability to learn energy conservarion methods and materials. Demonstrates an abiliTy to leam sezvices offered by other community housing and fmancial agencies. Demonstrates an ability to learn how to read and understand plans, blueprints, and specifications for dwellings. Demonstrates an ability to write cleaz and concise reports. Demonstrates an ability to learn how to deal effectively with homeowners and contractors. Demonstrates a considerable ability to speak, write, interpret, and translate beriveen English and one or more other languages. (These will be specified on the announcement.) MINIMLTM QUALIFICATIONS High School Degree and four years of work experience; or high school degree and two yeazs of college training; or one year of work experience in construction. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class "D" drivers license or out-of-state equivalent with no suspensions or revocations within the rivo yeaz period prior to the date of the e�minarion (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). Atl candidates must be bi- lingual and be able to fluently read, write, and speak both English and one or more of the languages specified in the announcement. (HOUSING REHABILITATION ADVISOR TRAINEE BI-LINGUAL� Page 2 OFF[CE OF HOMAN RESOURCES John Hmnilton, Di�edor crrY oF san�rr ravL, Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 400 Ciry HdlAnnes Telephone: 25 West Fmntk Sveet 1DD/1TY. Sa'vetPaut, M"uveesota 55 7 02-1 634 Jobline: Facsimile: 1°Oprion. 2`�Option: 3^' Optian: Brian Sweeney Planning and Economic Development Susan Moore Hwnan Resources Consultant December 3, 2001 Twenty Day I3otice oa-�� 651-166-6500 651-266-650I 651-266-6502 651-192-64I4 651-292-6415 657-292-7656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) tlus letter is to inform you that the title of Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Biiingual) will be created. A resolution wiil be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade 029, Section ID2, of the Technical Standard 12anges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. A copy oPthe class specification is attached. cc: Maribeth Hulrinan G'VShared�ClasmfiCL9SS�10 daynoticesiHavsmgRrJwbditm�an Tramee deptwpd OFFICE OF HC7MAN RESOURCES Joive Hmnikon, D"vectar CTTY OF SAIN'f PAUL Nosm CoIeman, Mayor December 3, 2001 Kurt Errickson, Business Representarive AFSCME District Council #14 - Technical #1842 300 Hazdman Avenue South, Suite 2 5outh Saint Paul, Minnesota 55075-2469 Dear Mr. Leihier: Facsimile: 1° Option: 651-292-6414 2 Option: 657-292-6475 3"� Oprion: 65I d 92-7656 Pursuant to Ciry of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this letter is to inform you that the tiUe of Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Bilingual) will be created. A resolution will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade 029, Section ID2, of the Technical Staudazd Ranges in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation. A copy of the ciass specification is attached. Sincerely, Susan Moore Human Resources Consuitant Office of Human Resources G:iFmeTO fGAS'30C%'mttaslFlamigRehaD�llmnm]Yamee.mlar.wp oa.-�� 400CfryHal[Armex Te7ephone: 651-266-6500 25 West Forvlk Street 77JDlI7Y: 657-266-6501 SaintPaul M'nmesota 55102-7634 Joblixe: 657d66-6501 � ', '. � s� � �i 5 �i � ��... % i\.`�,s` ; i v f_ i_. �9 Green Sheet # 106817 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay for a new classification titled Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Bi-lingual) Councff File # O �, .. q� Committee Date RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Bi-lingual) classification be established at the rate set forth in Grade 029, Section ID2, of the Technical Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall talce effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. �-� DEPARTMENT/OFt7CE/COUNCII.: DATE R'TiTATED GREEN SHEET NO.'�IOGHI�I Human Resources 1/11l02 ' � y—�\ CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: `1 �/�r� II.t17p.�.mA1'E John Shockl 266-6482 � �' - � nmaare.mar q C a arreovNC¢ Susan Moore - 266-6511 ^�G� NUMBERFOR iCtrlA7TOR2�R CRYC[ERx MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) pRpER G ' FINANCIAL SE0.V DIlt FAAPICIAL ffitV/ACCIG 3MAYORCORASSf.) TOTAL tE OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncizox neQvESrEn: Establish the rate of pay for new classification entided "Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Bi-lingual)" in Grade 029 of the Technical Standard Salary Ranges. RECOMIvIENDA7'fONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACf5 MUST ANSWF,R THE FOLIAWING QUES170N5: I. Hzs this pnsodtUm everwwked under a contract for ttis departmepY? _PLANNING COMI�.IlSSION Yes No CID COMI��fII7EE 2. Hac this persoo/fum ever been a tity employee7 CIVD.SERVICECOMI�.IISSION Yes No 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a sld➢ vot no�mally possessed by my cmrent ciry employee� , Yw No _ 4. Is this peson/firm a rargeted vmdor7 Yes No Ezplain su yes aoswers on sepante s6eet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[TNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): At the request of the Housing Rehabilitation unit of the department of Planning and Economic Development, a classification study was conducted of a proposed position. The position will provide bi-lingual skills to translate and interpret for non- English speaking homeowners. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Appropriate compensation will be established for a newly created position that wil] enable PED to effectively communicate and respond to homeowners regazding rehabilitation matters in their particulaz language. r,�.,�;�;Y �r^"t1 �. `= r��,2, ��� " DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None the department indicates funds have been budgeted for positions in this class. �� `�?�� � �p � �i � i 4'e�i. ? - - DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The �Iousing Re�abilitation unit may not be able to properly provide assistance to non-English speaking home o�vners and property owners. _ TOTAL AMOiTNT OF TRAN5ACTION: Non �� COST/REVENLJE BUDGETED: Yes FUNDINGSOURCE: .tt,�r L `� (��;1 ACTIVITYNUMBER: Fnvalvcrni. �o�TTON: �xrLanv> ���''( ��'i �i��iEl� G:�Shared�ClazsiflCLASS�Resolutions&UdinancesV3ousing Rehabilitation Advisor Traina-gs.wpd RECENED JAN 2 3 20D"Z MAYOR'S OFFICE o�-q� CLASSSTUDIED: INCUMBENT: STUDIED BY: CONTACTS: DATE STUDIED: AL OF H � � (Signature) CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT Housing Rehabilitation Trainee Vacant - Proposed New Position Michael F. Foley �l I�U Maribeth Aultman, PED Housing Cazole Otto, PED Personnel Liaison Gary Grabko, Housing Rehabilitation Advisor II December 27, 2000 MANAGEMENT: /Z Z Position OverviewBack�round /� This position is in Planning and Economic Development in the housing unit. PED believes that it needs people with diverse language skills to assist with application and administration of housing rehabilitation loans and housing contracts. This position is designed to deal with this issue. It will be a trainee position where the language skilis will be emphasized in selection but PED will provide training in housing construction, contract administration, and human relation skills. Studv Com on nents Review of Job Profile Interview with supervisor Interviews with staff inembers of PED Comparison to class specifications Comparison with other job studies QES Evaluation and Analysis ai-q� Job Responsibilities General: The position is responsible for learning the skills necessary to become a Housing Rehabilitation Advisor I(Bi-Lingual). The incumbent must have considerable language skills in the language(s) specified in the announcement. The incumbent of the posirion will be in traiiung to leam housing code, contract admuiistration, interQersonal sldlls, and the application of this to a housing rehabilitation situation. The incumbent must become a Housing Rehabilitation Advisor I(Bi-lingual) within three years of the date of appointment as a Hous9ing Rehabilitation Trainee (Bi-Lingual). Suecific Responsibilities: 1. Initially aperates under close technical and administrative supervision but graduaTly works to the level of a Housing Rehabilitation Advisor I(Bi-Lingual). 2. Inspects houses (up to six dwellings) where the owner lives to determine what repairs, maintenance, and/or rehabilitation should be undertaken. 3. Assists with securing financing. Advises homeowner throughout the process. 4. Assists with selection of a contractor and ad ministration of the contract ensuring quality and timely work by the contractor. 5. Makes reports as needed. 6. Negotiates with contractor as needed. 7. Progresses in knowledge of housing code and contract administration. Com�arison to Class Snecifications and Positions Pr�o'ect Manaeer Series This series deals with larger projects whereas the position in question is designed specifically to deal with individual residences or residential properties up to six units where the owner lives. This is h of both the class specifications and of the positions assigned to the series. The position in question is expected to have more detailed lrnowledge of construction issues at a "hands-on" level than the Proj ect Manager series. This series does not clearly define the responsibilities of the proposed position. Loan Series Positions in this series deal largely with lenders and do office work related to a variety of loans. Although some positions in this series will deal with small home loans the emphasis here is on financing and not on the execution of a particular small project. This applies to both the class specifications and to the positions assigned to the series. The position an question, on the other ��. -9� hand, is expected to be in the field and to work with homeowners and to work with the contractor. This series does not cleazly define the responsibilities of the proposed position. Housin¢ Rehabilitation Advisor I and HousinE Rehabilitation Advisor I Bi-Lin,�uall These two positions are not designed as trainee positions but assume that the incumbents of the positions will be fully funcrional immediately. This is not the case with the protected class population that we assume will apply. The training position is necessary. Housine Rehabilitation Trainee Bi-Lin�� This is a proposed new class specification that describes progress from an entryltrainee level to a fully qualified Housing Rehabilitation Specialist I(Bi-Lingual). This class spec best describes the responsibilities of the position in question. A draft of the proposed class spec is attached.. OES Evaluation and Analysis The QES evaluation and analysis justifies continued allocation of this position to the proposed new class of Housing Rehabilitation Trainee and justifies placing the position at the grade 26 in the AFSCME Technical Unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the position in quesrion remain allocated to the proposed new class of Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Bi-Lingual) and be compensated as described above.. PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 145B � 3.. 9� HOUSING REHABII.ITAITON ADVISOR BU: 02 TRAINEE BI-LINGUAL) Effective: DESCRIPT`ION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs entry-level technical work, as a trainee, in assisting owners with rehabilitation of residential property and progresses to the fully qualified advisor level; and performs related duties as assigned. Sunezvision Received: Works under the close and technical supervision of a senior level employee, but gradually receives less supervision as skills progress. Supervision Bxercised: None. TYPICAL DiJTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Works under close technical superoision; becomes more independent as inereasing job knowledge is demonstrated; completes a vaziety of on-the job training and college or vo-tech classes in the field of housing rehabilitation. Conducts inspections and energy audits of owner occupied dwellings (up to six units) and identifies building, housing, and related code deficiencies for the purpose of recommending needed rehabilitation appropriate to funding sources. Schedules and conducts meetings and acts as liaison between property owners, contractors, City inspectors, azchitects, appraisers, and outside agencies. Prepazes and submits documents for approval: inspection reports, specifications, cost estimates, bid documents, and conslruction budgets. Assists property owners in managing the bidding process including reviewing bids and awarding the conlract. Provides technical advice to property owners involved in building-moving, accessibility, and energy projects. Monitors the construction process, prepares documents, and performs interim and fmal inspections for the purpose of authorizing progress and final payments to contractors. Assists with loan applications and closing processes. Translates and interprets for non-English speaking persons regarding housing rehabilitation matters in the particular language(s) specified. �HOUSING REHABILITATION ADVISOR TRAINEE BI-LINGUALII Page 1 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: HOUSING REHABILITATION ADVISOR TRAINEE BI-LINGUALI KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILI"I'IES, AND COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an abiliTy to learn City building and housing codes. Code: 145B BU: 02 Effective: � Demonstrates an ability to learn and identify appropriate construction methods, materials, and worlmzanship. Demonstrates an ability to leam existing rules and regulations conceming rehabilitation and clearance progams. Demonstrates and ability to learn energy conservarion methods and materials. Demonstrates an abiliTy to leam sezvices offered by other community housing and fmancial agencies. Demonstrates an ability to learn how to read and understand plans, blueprints, and specifications for dwellings. Demonstrates an ability to write cleaz and concise reports. Demonstrates an ability to learn how to deal effectively with homeowners and contractors. Demonstrates a considerable ability to speak, write, interpret, and translate beriveen English and one or more other languages. (These will be specified on the announcement.) MINIMLTM QUALIFICATIONS High School Degree and four years of work experience; or high school degree and two yeazs of college training; or one year of work experience in construction. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class "D" drivers license or out-of-state equivalent with no suspensions or revocations within the rivo yeaz period prior to the date of the e�minarion (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). Atl candidates must be bi- lingual and be able to fluently read, write, and speak both English and one or more of the languages specified in the announcement. (HOUSING REHABILITATION ADVISOR TRAINEE BI-LINGUAL� Page 2 OFF[CE OF HOMAN RESOURCES John Hmnilton, Di�edor crrY oF san�rr ravL, Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 400 Ciry HdlAnnes Telephone: 25 West Fmntk Sveet 1DD/1TY. Sa'vetPaut, M"uveesota 55 7 02-1 634 Jobline: Facsimile: 1°Oprion. 2`�Option: 3^' Optian: Brian Sweeney Planning and Economic Development Susan Moore Hwnan Resources Consultant December 3, 2001 Twenty Day I3otice oa-�� 651-166-6500 651-266-650I 651-266-6502 651-192-64I4 651-292-6415 657-292-7656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) tlus letter is to inform you that the title of Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Biiingual) will be created. A resolution wiil be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade 029, Section ID2, of the Technical Standard 12anges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. A copy oPthe class specification is attached. cc: Maribeth Hulrinan G'VShared�ClasmfiCL9SS�10 daynoticesiHavsmgRrJwbditm�an Tramee deptwpd OFFICE OF HC7MAN RESOURCES Joive Hmnikon, D"vectar CTTY OF SAIN'f PAUL Nosm CoIeman, Mayor December 3, 2001 Kurt Errickson, Business Representarive AFSCME District Council #14 - Technical #1842 300 Hazdman Avenue South, Suite 2 5outh Saint Paul, Minnesota 55075-2469 Dear Mr. Leihier: Facsimile: 1° Option: 651-292-6414 2 Option: 657-292-6475 3"� Oprion: 65I d 92-7656 Pursuant to Ciry of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this letter is to inform you that the tiUe of Housing Rehabilitation Advisor Trainee (Bilingual) will be created. A resolution will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade 029, Section ID2, of the Technical Staudazd Ranges in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation. A copy of the ciass specification is attached. Sincerely, Susan Moore Human Resources Consuitant Office of Human Resources G:iFmeTO fGAS'30C%'mttaslFlamigRehaD�llmnm]Yamee.mlar.wp oa.-�� 400CfryHal[Armex Te7ephone: 651-266-6500 25 West Forvlk Street 77JDlI7Y: 657-266-6501 SaintPaul M'nmesota 55102-7634 Joblixe: 657d66-6501