251983 Ori�Ec11 to City Clerk � , � ` ORDINANCE � 25���� COUNCIL FILE NO - . PRESENTED BY � ��`^^�� � „�..P ORDINANCE NO � An ordinancd amending Ordinance No. 13537, approved Janu- ary 31, 1967, pertaining to Truck Routes. TH� COUNCII �F THE CITY OF SAtNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tt�at Ordina�ce No. 13537, approved January 31, 1967, is hereby s�mend�d by adding the following fio Sec- tion 2, Subsection (3), thereof: Mar i on S t. f rom Como Avc. to Cc�ncc�rd i a Ave. Section 2. This ordinance shall not be pric�ted as part of the Saint Paul tegislativ� Code but shalt be incorporated tl�erein by refer�nce. ` Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in f�rce thirty (3�) _ days f rom ar�d after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays •� Passed by the Council FEB 21971 Carlson ��c Butler �� �- Tn Favor ��j �� l.ev i ne U a Agains 197� Tedeaco �E a Approved: A est: . Vice Pr � at�� ; 1 � .� ayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B PUBLISHED FEB 6 �97� :,� . _ � THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ���.�83 OF THE . CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION ' January 13, 1971 Honorable William E. Carlson Comnissioner of Pubtic Works Department , . Dear Cor�nission�r Carlson: � � �� The attached ordinance adds Marion St. as a truck route fro� Como Ave. to Concordia Ave. This street actuatly has been designated as a tr�ck route under authority of the Traf- fic Coordinating Unit for approzimately thrbe months since the new portio� was opened from University to Como. We have re- ceived no .compiaints and feel it is a necessary addition to ' the truck route system. Therefore, we a�e requesting that it be made a permanent ordinance. Yowrs very ruly � --___ Robert 6. Peterson City Traffic Engineer • . RGP:bjh ' Attached • Isf � � � � � 2nd � � � Laid over to 3rd and app �� _�4dopted ,olJ�� Yeas Nays as Nays Butler �Butler Carlson t� � �carlson Levine ������ �Levine Meredifih � �Meredi+h •.J Sprafka Spreflea (J Tedesco edesco Mr. President McCarfy 'den+-McEarty O