251979 Orl�fasl to Cit�Clsrk i ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ��`��� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO� `T�� .A.n ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimuxn qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, �' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the speci.fications for the title Payroll and Audit Clerk, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following statement: (This title is abolished except as to present incumberEt. ) Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be_in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. . �; �� c c 0 U i�J c � O O �e � � �=. n ;�, � � U � �.; L' �.'7 y �� J Q iy Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� J�N 2 91971 Butler � _ / �' Tn Favor Levine L` �� �� �.� A gAlI18t SprafkA , e-, l� � Approved: � . 2nd Vic :+. sid �son ity Clerk Mayor Form approved Cor�or��ion Counael By � PUBLIS�IF.D • ' n.�.a raaar � � ORDINANCE � 519'79 2 covwca H� No PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� Aa or�inaae� aada�s� O:d�aaat� I�o. TiA�. �ttid: �11a v�rdla�ca �da� the dv�ss aaii �spaasib�ili#�ta aa�i t� m#�n �maii�icatiaas tor 1� a►a�s#a�ts elss�rsa of p0si�� is ttis Clsssiff�ri Ss�r�►ice t�i tL� Cit�r," sppsa�d Fa1►r+e�s� 13, 1935, �ts aa�i�. � . TH7� COTJI�tCiL OF TBE CITY Ol�' S� PAIIL �Q�S Qx1�lS�t: Sl�ti�► I. Thst Or+i�aa�f�T�s. 7689, a�ppro�nrd Feiss�►s� I3, x9l5. �►s �n�ei, 1� asd tlat ssm�r is lrer�r� i�t�sr sa�ai�i irT strl�� �t th+e spse�i+estia�s fo: tlu� titlt Pa�s+�1 a�d A�t Cl�sk, a�ai b� stEbs�tutdaf iu li�a#1�r�ot ti�s tail�nrb� s�sm�t: �1'bis t�kl� is sbolis�sd �e�raeq�t ss � p:ass�t l�m�.� �a 2. Tbis �rsd�aaae sha3i tak� �'fi�# aai i� ii �a�rc� v� th� f�rs� dai� of�e �ir� Pa7s�1�!!'�stod ta�lew�s,� f�dstj► ia►7's ai�as fb l�asssi'�. �P�'�►�• � ��• A,A JAN 2919T1 Yeas Councihnen Naya Paseed by the Counc>> Butler � Levine n Favor � ` � Avainat � ,�AN 291971 Attegt: Mr. 2nd Vice President Carlson Approved: City Clerk Mayor �►� Y; Form a�proved Corpor��i,on �auaeel By Is+ � F ' 2nd f � Laid over to 3rd and app � dopted l � Yeas Nays Y\ Nays Butler Bu+ler Carlson �{seR Levine ��1� J� �Levine Meredith �{— Meredi+h 1 \ � Sprafka �sprafka �� Tedesco T esco \� Mr. President McCarty . 2nd Vice Presiden# �arlson