251975 . �����5 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK . � CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, The Civic Center Authority and the City of Saint Paul entered into an Agreement, dated August 25, 1967, with Convention Center Architects and Engineers, Inc. , relating to services to be performed on the Civic Center Complex; and WHEREAS� Pursua.nt to Addendum D� to said Agreement, Convention Center Architects and Engineers, Inc. , ha.ve completed re-siting services and have submitted billing for said services; and WHEREAS, The Civic Center Authority ha.s agreed to a modification of said billing as more fully set forth in an Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS� Laws of Minnesota 1969, Cha.pter 1138, necessitate ��ia.t the City of Saint Paul execute 'said Agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED? Tha.t the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City of Sa�.nt Paul. FORM APFROVED: . Asst. Co�p�rai�c•r C�unse; JAN 1 � 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays .�A N 1 '� �97� Butler Ap 19` Levine Favor ere it � ,�� � yor A gainst Tedesco � �s�,�, JAN 2 31971 Mr, Vice President Meredith �� � r � � • . :.:. _ . _ _ _ _ _ �_, � ' CIVIC CENTE}Z AUTHORITY � _�^ ; `�`� ��- OF TI�I; . � CITY OF SA:INT PAUL. � � � � ' � � AUTHORITY R�SOLUTION � ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . � CCA 265 LJHER�AS , The Civic Center Authority, through the City of Saint Pau1, has entered irito an Agreement, dated August 25, 1967, with Convention Center l�rchitects and �ngir.eers, Inc. , rel.ating to services i�o be perf-ormed on the Civic Center Complex; and WHEREl�S , PursUant Lo Addendum D to said l�greement, Convention Center l�rchzL�cts a_zzd Engineers, Inc. q have performed and compl.eted . resiting � services and have submitted billing for sazd servicess and � �ti7HEPEAS , The Civic Center Authority and Convention Cen�er Architeccs and Engineers, Inc. , have� agreed to a modification of said billing, as more fu'11y set forth in the Agreement attached herei�o as �xhibi�L A, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT �RESOLVED BY THE CIVTC CENTER AUTHORIT�'o - 'rhat the Chaixman of sa�.d Authority is hereby authorized and . directed to execute said Agreement in the form attached hereto. � . � . , _ � , � . � � o' �� � - . '� c W ��, �� . _ � �� . p ���3 � � ��;.. o . Q.. � n Q cj � � N � .. . . . . . . . . . . , . ..� � ¢ . � � . � � . � ' lL 'eas Nays �arr_e11 �ePlzarL udd � i �eider � In ravor Approved �,���. /r��^-, 19.� ex�dith 'esek �� � Radman .�CTedesco llgai�.ist �1---_.__� ,�:.z°��:_.....��� �--- ---�....-...... U..�...,�..,.-. (��n-i rni�'n - . ! < • , ' A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this day of , 1971, by and between CONVEN " ER EERS , INC. , a Minnesota corporation hereinafter referred to as "Associate Architect" and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, and the CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a body politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota hereina.fter referred to as "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Associate Architect and City have entered into an Agreement, dated August 25, 1967, relative to services to be per- formed on the Civic Center Complex; and WHEREAS, Under Addendum B to said Agreement, Associate Architect was authorized to proceed with fina.l plans for Sub-project (2), known as the New Aren.a for Civic Center; and WHEREAS , The City determined that a change of site of the Arena. necessitated the performa.nce of services in addition to those con- tracted for by Associate Architect, as more fu11y set forth in . Addendum D thereto; and WHEREAS , Associate Architect ha.s performed and completed said additional reciting services and has submitted billing for said services, and WHEREAS , Associate Architect and City have agreed to a modifi- cation of said billing; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Notwithstanding any provisions in Addendum D to the con- trary, Associate Architect hereby agrees that compensation for all services rendered with regard to the reciting of the Civic Center Arena, identified as Sub-project (2) above, will be limited to and not exceed the sum of $ 2. Payment for the foregoing shall be made by the City upon receipt of a billing for services indicating the above agreed-upon sum. 3. Except as herein modified, all of the terms and conditions of tha.t certain Agreement dated the 25th day of August, 1967, and Addendums B and D thereto shall rema.in in full force and effect. , In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Form Approved: By� Mayor R. Scott Davies City Clerk Assistant Corporation Counsel Countersigned: City Comptroller Approved as to Form and Execution . this day of CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY OF 1971. THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL R. Scott Davies By; Assistant Corporation Counsel Chairma.n CONVENTION CENTER ARCHITECTS In the Presence of: AND ENGINEERS, INC. By 2. ' - • i,. . STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this day of , 1971, before me, a Notary Public w—itTin and for sai ounty, personally appeared Charles P. McCarty, Harry E. Marshall, and Lou McKenna, to me persona.11y known, who, being each by me duly sworn, did say that they are respectively the Mayor, the City Clerk and the City Comp- troller of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, named in the fore- going instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of the City of Saint Paul, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in beha.lf of said City of Saint Paul by authority granted pursuant to formal resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Council File No. , passed and approved the day of , , and the said Mayor, City erc, and City Comptro er ac nowleaged said instru.ment to be the act and deed of said City of Saint Paul, pursuant to said resolution. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires . STATE OF MINNESOTA � ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this day of , 1971, before me, a Notary Public w—itTi n and for sai ounty, personally appeared Reuel D. Harmon, who, being by me duly s�aorn, did say that he is the Chairman of the Civic Center Authority, na.med in the foregoing instrument, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on beha.lf of the said Civic Center Authority by authority granted pursua.nt to Civic Center Resolution No. 265, passed and approved the day of , 19 , and the said Chairma.n ackno—w�ec'�ged said instrument to e the act and deed of said Authority pursuant to said resolution. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires 3. � ... _ STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this day of , 1971, before me, a Notary Public witTin and for amsey ounty, Minnesota, appeared and , to me persona y nown, w o, eing eac y me u y sworn, i say that they are respectively the and the of onvention enter rc itects and ngineers, nc. , a innesota corporation, named in the foregoing instru.ment, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said and ac now e ge sai instrument to be the ree act an ee o sai corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires 4. . qUAC. �ICATB TO D6PA1lTM6NT �j/51g�5 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF t�11�� "�t t�r� �s iM��"�'�r' # �16 �l �M� M� � � � � �� �� �R� � � � � ��►� � �w��!+��M �► � ar� � +�►� ��r�r +�w� c���A�a����r►�rrw� :� ,��1irr�� 1�r +�i � ��r�rrll��r �M �irNr ����d ' �rc�i�! � � 1�fd1# '�r +�t� P�� lrlr � s t��'�rM �" +�i �1���+� �r �r�► sw� �aM► � �l�r�rr�d � � � � � i�4'�li,� � 1'��, r l�� �M t�c � ��r ��� � +M����'�Mr�� sirr►������ �,�.�� ,.�.�..:_ ..: ���t3 � � �� �'��* � ��� ���rlt �► +�+s ��A�� �► �� �d�c�t�r �' �+i� i�. �� JAN 141971 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas xaq$ JAN 1 41971 Butler _- Approve� 19—. Levine Favor rA�ered�t�[—' � Maqor � A gainst Tedesco Mr. Vice'"president Meredith ��