251974 . , ��1��� ORIGIMAL TO CITY CLERK �► - - CITY OF ST. PAUL �`E NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DA� WAE�fSA�, coaprehensive r�il passenqar system for the IInited Stat�s h be�n developed �ad propased t� tlze �ongress in a �tepc�rt by Seeretary of Traasportatiog, �ohn oolpe�, whi�M Report cmntemplate� C�A�lAM18IIC8 of rail pa�ssen�er �ervi�e metweem Chieago and �eattles �d i�ER�AS, aaid Repc�rt indi�ates that s�id rail pas�caager serviae between �hicago and Seattle wo�ld b� actc��aplished thro�ta�h mtili�ation of cae of two slterr�at� route�, o�e of whicl� alternmte rout�s wo�tld rmute traffic ar��and Mina���pc�lis - 5aimt l�nl; �nd t�RE�AS, the Misaesot� E�epartm�nt of Public �ervice, after a thorongl� stnd� and anal�si: of 3eeretmry Volp�•a ��port, has found thst any basic aetwcrk mf rsil pa�senger servi�s must bp �ecessity iaclmde the �tate oE l�inae:ota throngb de:igaa�tioa of th� metropolitaa area oE Minn�apolis - �aiat �aul a: as ead pmiatj now, th�r�far�, be it FtES�L�D, Th�t tMe cc�ncii of the eity af Saint Pa�i h�rmby adopts aad s�pports the finding: of the Bubli� S�rvice Co�mi�sioa aad strc�qly �argea the Secretary 0f Traaspmrtatian to desigaat� tbe �'wia Cities of Mian�apolis - Saigt Panl as as �A6� j�0].A'�� th�reby en- snriag that tlae Stmte of l�tinnesota will be a part of th� b�sic rail passeager syste� of thia natic�; a�a►d be it gt�RTH�R R�gpLVEID, That the �ity Clerk i: h�r�by directed ts sead copies of this Resolution to Se�retary of Traaspc>rtation, �'ohn Wolpe, aad ta all members of Coma�rea� fro�a the State of i�i.ar�esota. F,�'JRM APPROV-D, CORP_QRATION COUNSEi. ��` JAN � �191�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Butler �N 14� 1971 . G��se�t--_ APP e 19— Levine Favor ere i r j,�fkA ___�L—Against Tedeaco � PUBLISHEU �A N 2 31971 Mr. Vice President Meredith �� .. .•l��v,rry �. F"ers6a[1 c���_�-<. A6berE B. Olson t;it;/Clerb:n�zcZ E� �'��� Council Recorder Co�'�ntissioner of Reqistration �•,": 1 '^ <;S M1. OFFICE � P YWE CITY CLERK ���� �� 5��1\� �� U � BUREAU OF EtECORDS _ , 386 City Iiall St.Paul,Min�tesota 5510,2 � January 1�+, 1971 T0: ALL A'�]NBERS OF CONGRESS FROM TF� ST�TE OF MTNIVESOTA. ' Gentlemen: Enclosed for your consideration is a resoluta.on of the St. Paul City Council� Council File No. 25197�+� approved J�:.~�uary 14� 1�71� wherein the Council ad.opts ana supports the findings oi' the Public Service Comrnission and strongly urges the Secretary of Transportation to designate the T�vin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul as an end point in a network of rail passenger service of this nation. Very truly yours� Cit Clerk AO�ng �;=�0 ������ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � � . - . � CITY OF ST. PAUL HOENCIL NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF WHEREAS, comprehensive rail passenger system for the IInited States h been developed and proposed to the Congress in a Report by Secretary of Transportation, John Volpe, which Report contemplates continuance of rail passenger service between Chicago and Seattle; and • WHEREAS, said Report indicates that said rail passenger service between Chicago and Seattle would be accamplished through utilization of one of two aZternate routes, one of which alternate routes would route traffic around Minneapolis - Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Public Service, after a thorough study and analysis of Secretary Volpe's Report, has tound that any basic network of rail passenger service must by necessity include the State of Minnesota through designation of the metropolitan area of Minneapolis - Saint Paul as an end pointj now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts and supports the findings o� the Public Service Commission and strongly urges the Secretary of Transportation to designate the � Twin Cities of Minneapolis - Saint Paul as an end point, thereby en- suring that the State of Minnesota will be a part oE the basic rail passenger system of this nation; and be it � FURTHEx RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to send copies of this Resolution to Secretary of Transportation, John Volpe, and to all members of Congress from the State of Minnesota. EORM-APPROV D, � � , � �ORPORATIUtv CGUNSEL '��' ,�Ay 14197r1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler c�� � 41971 ,-Ga��s�=�---_ APP e 19— Levine n Favor ` ere i r ��afka Tedesco � —�—Against �._ ��.���� ' Lv:n�!I����� Mr. Vice President Merediih �� ;�'��.���`� � 0�161NAL TO GITY CLCRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER{C FILE `��r,. . '°����(�!"`�CGUi��IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �„ •,_.�. �,. f=�_�..,,� pRCSENTED BY �,,,..�� �t• , '�� GOMMISSIONER �::,,`' DATF '\ i� ."�+.. �- _____�-,--� ��iEREAS, ��comprehensive rail passcnger system for the United States h�,�s been developed and propo�ed to the Cangress in a Report by Secretary of Transportation, John Volpe, which Report contemplates continuance of rail passenger service between Chieago and Seattle; and ' WfiEREAS, said Report indicates that said rail passen�er service between Chicago and Seattle would be a�camplished through utilization of one of two alternate routes, oneof which al.ternate routes would route traffic arou�nd Minneapolis - Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Public Service, after a thorough study and analysis of Secretary Volpe's Report, has �ound that any basic network of rail passenger service must by necessity include the State of Minnesota through designation of the metropolitan area of Minneapolis - Saint Paul as an end pointj now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts and supports the findings ot- the Public Service Commission and strongly urges the Secretary of Transportation to designate the � Twin Cities of Aiinneapolis - Saint Paul as an end point, thereby en- suring that the State of Minnesota will be a part of the basic rail passenger system of this nation; and be it � ' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to send copies oE this Resolution to Secretary of Transportation, John Volpe, and to all m�mbers of Congress from the State of Minnesota. F�F�M Af'PROV D, ' ,/g .st/-_��,._ - �ORP,O�ATIU�v COUNSEL "' JA� 1 �197.1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeae Naye • . Butler � �a� � `�` Sg�$ r-Gar�eo.--..._ App e 19_ Levine n Favor s. � ere i . �pr �uafka—. --�1--ASainst Tedesco � ' �1c1� _,�,�Il��'�C�� • �• i •ut � :iY Mr. Vice President Meredith ��� ' � 2519`74 qurL�cw�rs vo rinN'rsn . • � CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� CO1riMI5510N� DATE �i18, a co�Ps�2su��iv� rai.l -�ur��r sy�� !or tk� D�it�d St.at+�a b�u b�� dw�lopad snd p�copoNd to tlz� Co�r�s� ia a �port by S�v�c�tasy o! �sa:uportation. Jc� Yolp�►, v'hich �por� cont�piat�ee oontinna�� of rail pa,r�gsr ��cvic�� bstw�n �hiaaqo �ad B�atfi.l�� and 1�iRi�1�„ �al.i �port iadioa�a� that said rail pa�s�u�q�t s�rvia� b�t�nr�a �hioaq� a�d s�attl� Moald b� aacza�lish�d thrc�uqh �tilisatioa o� on� o! tMO alt.�caat.� ro�t�s, o;r o! v�ie� s�,t�rssat� so��� rroW.d rout� tralria aico�ud lti�ttapoli� - �aiat panit snd �, th� Mi�t�iwta D�pastMnt o! labiio S�svia�r. �i�r � t�YOnqh stnQ� a�d aAalysia ot 8�r�tca�ry Volp�'� A+epos�t, bau to�d that ae� ba�iv n��O.rk oi rail Qa�tas� Ns�rieH aw,�t by n+��i�i�y inalnd� thi Bt•ai� o! lti�ww�a I�rov� ds�iqaation o! th� s�!►�opc>litau aru o! Mian�spoli� - aaint �►a�l as an �d paiu�� �r, �►r�t�►r�, b� it lt�OLVSD. T'hat th� Conaail of tha City o! Saiat Paul h�r�bp ad�opt� aa�d •aPpert� �h� tiadiaq� of tl� pnblic ��rvic� Co�i�aioa and •tr+a�qly usqa� t� 8eer�tasy of Sraasportation to d�oiqaal.� iz3�u Twii► Citi�s o! l�tin��lis - saint Bad7. as a,t� �nd poiut, thar� �- �niriaq �at t�u� 8k.at� o! Ninn��ota piii b� a p�►st o! lchi ba�ia saii pa��nq�s �yat�era of thi� nat�.iant aAd b� it !� A�OLViD. �hat th� City Cl*rk is h�reby dis�cat�d to ��d a�opi�a o! �his �aolntiou to B�os�tasy o! Tsaa��rt�tion, �'o2�n t�0].p�. aad to all a�b�ss of CaAqr��• lrow � ii�.ats o! xiAA�Wt�►. JAN 1419T� COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Counc� 19_ Y� xa� JAN 141971 But�� � Approved 19— Levine � Tn Favor �t�dith—� —BPr�" Q �syor Tedeaco AS�St � Mr. Vice"President Meredith �� ANCHER NELSEN COMMI7TEES: HUTCHINSON,ININNESOTA INTERSTATE AND FOREI6N COMMERGE � DISTRIC[OF COWMBIA 2o D�sraicr Courirt¢s: BLUEEARTH MURRAY �o�gre�� ot t�je �rtfte� �tate� R M'2329 BROWN NICOLLET CARVER NOBLES RAYBURN OPFICE BUILDINO COTTONWOOD PIPESTONE FARIBAULT ROCK �DUge of�.te�re�etttatibeg TELfiPXONE:22S-2472 JACKSON SCOTT L.ESUEUR SIBLEY MCLEOD WASECA �er��iftry}Ay�'�•�• 20515 MARTIN WATONWAN liA i��Wa� January 22, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: I appreciate your sending me a copy of the resolution � adopted by the Saint Paul City Council on January 14 sup- porting the findings of the Minnesota Public Service Commis- sion and urging the Secretary of Transportation to designate Minneapolis and Saint Paul as end points in his final recom- mendations of a National Railroad Passenger System. I azn sure the resolution will be of valuable help in getting before the Secretary the continuing interest and needs of the citizens of Minnesota for rail passenger ser- vice. It is my understanding that a week from today the Secretary will make his final recommendations so your re- solution is very timely. Sincerely yo rs Anc er elsen Member of Congress AN:pw ALBERT H: QUIE ' couNT�es: 1sT DISTRICT,M�NNESOTw DAKOTA MOWER DODGE OLMSTED FILLMORE RICE COMMITI'EE: FREEBORN STEELE EDUCATION AND LABOR �ot�gre�� o� t�je �r�iteb �tate� HOU TON WINONAA �ou�e of �te�re�entatibe� ROCHESTER OFFICE: ASB FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDIN6 SU7-28b-2884 �s�jf�gtott,�.�. 20515 January 22, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Office of the City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for sending me a copy of the Resolution passed by your City Council in support of designating the Twin Cities as an end point on the new rail passenger service network. Your Congressional Delegation already has contacted the Secretary of Transportation in support of that view. It would be unthinkable to leave such an important public center without passenger service to Chicago or the West Coast. The comments of the Interstate Commerce Commission were a good deal more encouraging than Secretary Volpe's recommendations. The ICC pointed out that the new network should give consideration to servicing geographical areas and not just metropolitan centers. If the southern route from Chicago were chosen, the entire Lpper Midwest would be left without passenger service. You may be sure that your Congressional Delegation is determined to prevent that from happening. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, i'�/2�/ L� H. QUIE Member of Congress A�iQ:vj b DONALD M. FRASER' FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE STH DISTRICI'.MINNESOTA S��pMMITTEES: 111832 HOUSE OFRICfi BUILDINCi STATE DEPARTMENT ORfiANIZATION AND FOREI6N OPERATIONS ��754 �or�gre�� ot t�je �t�iteb �tate� INTERNATIONAL ORdANIZAT10N8 AND MOVEMENTB DALE MACIVER ADMINI3TRATIVE ASSISTAM' �ou�e of �e�re�entatibeg NATIONAL$ECURITY POLICY AND $CIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENTS ���f�gW���•�• 20515 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COM M ITTEE January 21, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Ma.rshall: Thank you for your copy of the St. Paul City Council resolution dealing with the rail passenger service system. I certainly agree that Secretary of Transportation Volpe has made a great error in issuing a plan that so badly reduces needed passenger service throughout the Midwest. I hope we can convince him to change his mind. With best wishes. �,-----"""'.� Sinc y yours, .- /F'! `. . _. / '�'�... ��� onald M. Fraser BOB BERGLAND , Wl15NINfiTON OFFIGE: 7TH DISTRIC7, MINNESOTA IOOB LON6WORTN HOB WASHIrmTON, D.C. 20515 �Co�gre�� ot t�je �r�fte� �tate� �ouge of �e�regetttatibe� �a��jfr�gtott,�.�. 20515 January 25, 1971 ' Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Office of the City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 14 concerning your desire to designate the Ttain Cities as an end point in rail passenger service. This matter was previously brought to my attention and I have been in touch with the Department of Transportation. I will keep you advised of further developments. With best wishes, I am Since ly yours, �,�.-._._......__.. �� BB:bes , RALPH YARlOROU6H,TEX.,CHAIRMAN JENNINGS RANDOLPH.W.VA. JACOB K.JAVITS.N.Y. HARRISON A.WILLIAMS.JR..N.J. WINSTON L.PROU7"!.VT. CLAIBORNE PELL,R.1. PETER H.DOMINICK.COLO, EDWARD M.KENNEDY.MASS. GEOR6E MURPHY,CALIF. 6AYLORD NELSON,WIS. RICHARD 3.SCNWEIKER,PA. �C�rf eb .�if af e� ,�ie�af e WALTER R.MONDALE.MINN. WILLIAM B.SAXBE,OXIO THOMAS F.EA6LETON,MO. RALPH T.SMITH.ILL. ALAN CRANSTON.CALIF. HAROLD E.XU6HE5,IOWA COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE ROBERT O.HARR13,STAFP DIRECTOR JOHN S.FORSYTHE.6ENERAL CWNSEL WASHINGTON,D.C. 20510 January 27, 1971 The City Council The City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: Thank you for sending me a copy of the Resolution that you adopted on January 14, 1971 regarding the basic National Rail Passenger System and the necessity of including the Twin Cities in the Chicago-Seattle run. I agree with you that Secretary of Transportation Volpe' s prelima.nary report raises many serioas questions. I, as well as many other members of Congress, were very surprised with the limited number of routes that are provided and the possibility that many areas will have no rail passenger service. I have contacted Secretary Volpe earlier to point out the necessity of having the Chicac�o to Seattle route pass through the Twin Cities and to have the Twin Cities designated as an end point. I am taking this opportunity to, again, contact Secretary Volpe to renew my interest in this most important matter. 2 am disappointed in the limited effect of Railpax but I will continue to work in an effort to expand, improve and up- grade rail passenger service. With warmest regards, Sincerely, �i*�� 1 • ��t Walter F. Mondale .� t ��os . �� '"� DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATEON `'� � 9 � • " FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATtON � Gi�jF� �''t� WASHINCiTO[�, Q.C.20590 s�ATES a` F�$ 8 ��� Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 - Dear Mr. Marshall: This will acknowledge and thank you for your recent letter transmitting the City Council 's resolution requesting that St. Paul - Minneapolis be designated � an "end point" in the Basic System over which the National Rail Passenger Corporation will provide railroad passenger services. I want to assure you that the constructive comments and recommendations of your City Council were given full consideration in the development of the final system that was announced by Sscretary John A. Volpe on January 28 , 1971. Although the Twin Cities were not designated as an "end point" , the Basic System does require direct through car service between Chicago and Seattle via St. Paul - Minneapolis . � We appreciate having the views of your City Council and hope you will give full suppoxt to the Corporation as it begins its operations. Sincerely, �� � ���� J. H. MacAnanny Director Office of Policy and Planning �4 -��< .�;; & f : t ���L: �''�.t.> +���*i.t '}�o'�` •=v 4. c�i,� 4�i�-::w ♦�s�v` -„E �'4#y,�!},.! �."��+ aT: k ti.. �Fe�' �':�' 1�3GL; . A�. ,.�v 3 1ti.� ..� '�� i �� � F � � 1� �'t. :.:'�j y. �, 1 y 1 .G,#�`t�t;� �'��:"�- � �,��,,,«.g.R�;F � .�'c * 'a .�� it�� ,� .-. � 4. °�i„r�' �_���'y��":�S'� tr W��;,��x .. �a s�'. -eA4' �aF��'�y�+�'P �"��s a� �`��'e+ ,C•���. � ��t�'�y� `�-i'�� � t'.w s { :�'v�w �; r w ''`t^ ai.� ♦ 'C�' a ��'� ��a� s��"" gA�`.l�� 5^'�` � �� r -. s. .� A �-�,����#r ": '� +. �'� -• �s�`'r 't''� • ,� y���.�,x '� �.�[�;-t }� j,� .,�,-, � z � -.y.�r� ,��'� K5�'. . '�` +. .� x�7�� r i� S�. �3�;�: '� 5��,. A �• �V� '{ , .� �F� ` Y l � �' �j �� ''�� a�F�,. +� ��`y T f `HV' '���� !�{�; �.��h'� #,�f,��,�.r�„ �x y�;.� a� -.,s S a. 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JOHN A.BLATNIK CoMMirrEES: BTti DISTRICT,MINNESOTA PUBLIC WORKS GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS Roorot 2449 RAIBURN HOUSE OFFICE BLD6. �o�gre�� o� t�je �r�ite� �tate� �� �ou�e of �epregetttati�e� - ���fngro�, �.�. 20515 February 2, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: I appreciated receiving the St. Paul City Council' s resolution on DOT' s "Railpax" proposal. In talking to Secretary Volpe in my new capacity as Chairman of the House Public Works Committee, I raised this point and received his assurance that action would be forth- coming to include Minneapolis-St. Paul. I am sure you are as delighted as I that the Secretary' s recent announcement on plans for Railpax include a link for the Twin Cities, which means that northeastern Minnesota will be a part of the system. With every good wish. Sincerely, �� °� �.���,���f John A. Blatnik, M. C. JAB:gr i, �. J,,, �.j /} o�.« / � i� I J�It]Rk1.�.'Sr a.1�� 1.g"�']. T0: .AIaL I�ERS OF CCN'GRESS FROM 'T� S7ATE 0� Ml'1�VESOTA G�ntlemen; �nclosed for yc7w^ con�ideratior� is a resolutiort of the Sto Paul C�,�y Cc�une3l� Cr»ttneil F31,e No. 25]-97�+: �PP�ved Jarniaxy 14� 19?1: wh�re3n the Counc3l. �,ciopts and siapports the find3�� oP the Publi.c S�rvice Cc�,Beion and atrongl,y urg�� thc: �ecrefiary of Transparta�tio�a. to deai�n�te the Twitt Citi��e af Minnespelis ei,nd 3a3nt Pau1 se an end paint in a netv�rork of' rail passen�ez� ��ervice oP this nation. Yery txuly ;,►►ours� C�.ty C1.erk ao/�� Jan.uary 1�, 1g71 Han. John Valpe Secretary ot' Z`xYYanaportat3on Washin�ton� D. C, �- .�ear Sir: Enalossd for yoUr coneiderati�an ia a resolutiau of th� St. Pau1 City C�uncilr Council Fite No. 25197�+ approved J�numry l�, 1971, wlxrcin the Cc�uncil a.dapt� and supporta the f3ud3nga of th� Pub�.ic S�rvice Ccxianission and dtrongly urgem that you designa,te the Twin Citi�a vP Mi�neapr�li� and 3aint P�u'], �as � end point in a aetw�ork of' ra.it paeseng�ar �ez�vice oF thi.�s natiaa�. Very tru7.y your�s� City Cl�rk AO�ng JOSEPH E.KARTFI CpMM17TEE ON �rx Disrqici,MixxesoiA SCIENCE AND ASTRONAUTICS TA$E RAYBURN HOUSE OFF�E SUBCOMMIT7EE ON B�i�i� NASA OVERSIGHT CArtta 5-6631 �Cottgregg of t�e �niteb �ta�teg CHAIRMAN,SUBCOMMITfEE ON SPACE SCIENCE AND ROBERT E HESS �ou�e of �epre.�entatibe� �P��CATIONS ADtlIXISTWTIVE ASSISTRNf �as'�ington,�.�. 20515 COMMRTEE ON MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES SUBCOMMITTEE OX FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE Januar 21 19�1 CONSERVATION Y � SUBCOMMITTEE ON OCEANOGRAPHY SUBCOMMIttEE ON PANAMA CANAL Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � �/ Dear�'1�,/��s�'i�l: G,; I appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending me a copy of the resolution adopted by the City Council wherein the Council urges the Secretary of Transportation to designate the Twin Cities as an end point in a network of rail passenger service. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, , � f�� JoSeph E. Karth �g����/�� M ber of Congress 1 . ',�1 , l.-� Q� � r,l�-. � �.s����� �'��. JEK/bl �-.- i,!��C,Z���� �� � �"�` '�� �,"( ;,,�' ;� � � ,�E�',��' �'" �- � �� ����� ( C;��, , ,�%� ,r� ,� ��,?t� �,� � ,�j,;C�- � . �� ry ��'� ��' / (k � � �) ,�� �_ �' � --� �. � �T.�,,�� � -��.�.�.-�= conx�rreES� �H�M�ZW�H AGRICULTURE SI DIfTRICT.MltinEs SUBCONMITTEES: LIVESTOCK AND FEED 6RAINS 1502 L.OxcrOrtfx Bun.otxs DAIRY AND POULiRY �Congreg� of t�je �niteb �tate� TF1epxOxe:202-225-2332 VETERANS'AFFAIRS DIST0.1C7 OFFICE: ���m�s: �ou�e o� �te�re�etttatfbe� Z1S FEDEIGL BUILDING ST.CLOU0.MINNESOTA EDUCATION AND TRAINQ�G �g�jit�gtpri��,�� 20515 Ta¢rxaxe:612-251-2120 HOSPITALS January 21, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall Office of the City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: For your information, I would like to state that I have already contacted the proper officials regarding the efforts to make the Twin Cities end points in the proposed rail transportation system for our nation. With kindest regards, I remain S ' cerely, � i r �� n . wa Member of ngress