251972 - 2519'72 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLQRK ., CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�Nca NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �/ COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has contracted with AA.A Leasing, Inc. , whereby the City leased certain vehicles to be operated by its police officers on condition that the City would assume responsibility for any liability resulting from such operation; and WHEREAS, on September 1'7, 196g, an accident occured between a vehicle driven by Vanita L. Johnson and a leased vehicle driven by police officer Harold J. Wifall on Shepard Road at its intersection with Sibley Street in St. Paul, Minnesota, and from said collision arose a certain law suit and claim for property damages and personal injuries commenced by Marvin K. Johnson and Vanita L. Johnson against Harold J. Wifall and Triple A Leasing and the parties are desirous of resolving their differences by settlement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that, pursuant to t�ie responsibilities assumed u�.der the contract and the terms of Minnesota Statutes s 466.07 the proper City officers are authorized and directed to pay, in settlement of the claim and action and the injuries resulting from the accident, �3,000.00 to Vanita L. Johnson and Marvin K. Johnson upon their execution of a dismi,ssal of their suits and a release in form approved by the Corporation Council, such payment to be made out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421. �' PPR VED Asst. Cor r io� Counsel JAN 14197J COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas xa�s JAN 1 4197�� Butler —�a��se�_.. d 19— Levine n Favor .S'nr--�----� V a�Or Tedesco A 8ainat Pu�Lj�.� �aN 2 3 t9T1 Mr. Vice President Meredith ' �� , 2519�2 DUrLICATS TO�RIN7�It � „ CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSIONEJ! ^K� WHEREA3, the City oi Saint Paul haa contracted with AAA Leaaing, Ino. , whereby the City leaeed c�rtain vebicles . to be operated by its poliae oiiioer� on condition that the City Mould a�.ure responsibility ior any lia�fility reeulting fro� auch operation; and WHEAEAS, on Septe�ber 1?, 1969, an aecident occured between a vehiele driven by Vaaita L. Johnsoa and a l.ased vebicle driven by poliee oi�icer Aarold J. Wiiall on Shepard Road at ite inter�eetion Mith Sibley Street in St. Paul, Minnesota, and irom said Qollision arose a oertain law �uit and olai■ ior property d8atase� and personal in�uries eomo►eneed by Marvin K. Johneon and Vanita L. Johnaon against Harold J. Wiiell and Triple A Leaeing and the parties are desirous ot resolving their difierenoee by set�lement; now, there�ore� be it RESOLVED, thet, pursuant to the rerponeibilitie• aseumed u�der the contract and the terms oi Mfnne�ota 3tatutes �i 466.0'� Lhe proper City oificers are authori$ed end directed to pay, ia eettle�ent of the claim and aetion and the in�uriee resulting trom tbe acoldent, �3,000.00 to Yanita L. Johneon and Marvin K. Johnson upon tbeir ezeeution oi a dismissal oi their suito and a relesee in lorm epproved by the Corporstion Couneil, such payment to be made out of the Tort Liability Fund 003�-421. CpUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Counc>>�AN i 41971 19_ Yeas Naya Butler JAN 1 41971 son Appro�l 19_ Levine .�n Favor �' �� � A nninwt �y�r Tedeaco ro �� �Ir. Vice'President MereditF� ��