251956 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK e�� t , ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO �OUN IL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the Y. M. C. A. be and hereby is granted a permit to ins�all and operate a 53-aar publie parking lot on property loaa�ed on the nor�heast eorner of East A1in�th and �Tabasha Stree�s, more partieularly desar3bed as follow� t Z,ots 7 and 8, Block 7, Bazil and Guerin�s Addi�ion �o Saint Pau1; all in aceardanc� wi�h plans dated Received Septernber 3�, 1970; sub�eat to the �o�adi�ion that �aid applicaan�-permi�tee, and i�s sucaessors and assigns, shall make due �omplianae with all appli- eable provi�3on� of munics3.pa1 ordinanc�s, state s�atutes and rules and regulation� of public authorities having cogni�ance. � N • C � O U W C > O O� " � `� a a a o Q U +: � � O d � JAN 1 � 19T1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Y�a Naya ,lAN 1 � 1971 Butler ---�'�so�. Ap ve 19—_ Levine n Favor � rafir� V A gainst Tedesco JaN a 3197i �t�Br�� -- Mr. Vice President Meredith � ; �OARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 r' ��a� ���.���� December 15, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Y. M. C. A. for a permit to install and operate a 53-car public parking lot on property located on the northeast corner of East Ninth and Wabasha Streets. This property is further described as: Lots 7 and 8, Block 7, Bazil and Guerin's Addition. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning on November 19, 1970. The staff� report noted that the plan meets design standards and has been approved by the Traffic Engineer and by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The staff noted that signs are needed at the exits indicating the one-way nature of the adjoining streets. The Board, in discussing this matter, noted that proposed street needs in this area are indefinite. Subsequently, the Board voted 4-O to recommend approval of the application. Very truly yours, n ;�. f ��`� � / `�t� PETER J.�IETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf PLR Z. F. ��7072 ���. , � ' � t .� a O ' �, � . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota , , APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) � TO THE IiONORABLE MAYOB AND CITY COIIN+CIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : - No. of tanks and capacity: -----��. � PAI;KING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parkin� lot _� 3 CA� S To be used ia connection with: �U �G l C P��Q/�1�{j(�-- � A�ISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in ltefreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3taLion, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location . �i �1 � �! D � � ��►5 H A Legal Description : Lot 'Ja.v.e� � Block ' Addition �AZ �� a' Applicant's Name . 5�, P A J � AR E f► /��J� �UrQ ��✓S y Home or Office Address: �f 7��".' �'E,pA2 Phone Number . 2 � �. Q''7� ,_. � � FOR✓BY THE APPLI , �l � � � !� � �i �� • 9— �g - 7 4 � SEP ��, 1��t� s��atu� (date CIT�Y�PCAi'V►yING �OqRD Address : t Pau1, M�Rnes�f� Phoae No.: Whea completed: �ile three copies of this application form and tbree prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Aoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.T. corner of �iain St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. ZONING �lL� - '�� , , BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION November 19, 1970 , ''13t '�i�7 ��2 , , ' Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 ��� --�� passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. ? 7072 i w . � . ._��� ; , 1�,:�'1�; , Y, M. C, A. 3339 I � y ; � _ .. ,S':,? :'?.�;'.i�;'i , �._�� hmen�m�nt � ,�np��l 0 �'ermit LJ �) � ther X-975 � ''° ? ��`�"'}1i� a Install and operate a 53-car ublic !` P parking lot �� . L')C;i"I`��:�1. , Northeast corner of East Ninth and Wabasha Streets � • �. '�`�-�1;� ;iE;;�CC<.IPTiO:i ; Lots 7 and 8, Block 7, Bazil and Guerin's Addition �� P_<'�5L,d'i' ��:�'viN';; Commercial = !2:�'.;,1PdT T� �,oninr Code Chaptdr; 60 Secti.on: .23 F�ar��:rsnh: 4, 2 � 'i „ `�'i��,�'1 1�.rJVES'T'I;ATI�PJ & RCPORT; Date: 11/12/70 :�3ys ATB A. HISTORY: A parking lot pennit was granted for part of this site in December, 1955. The City Council granted informal approval of this application on 10/22/70. B. AREA ZONING: The area is zoned Commercial. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: The plan meets the established design standards for parking lots. Wheelstops and bumper-height fences are to be installed for protection of publfc and private property. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 150 feet along Wabasha Street and 140 feet along Ninth Street with an area of 21,000 square feet. �. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engi.neer recommended approval of the plan anc] noted that future city needs may require snme of this property. F. SiTE CONDITIONS: The site is vacant and graded, Some structures were recently removed and a new sidewalk was installed with curb returns in place. G. AREA CONDITIONS: The Y.M.C.A, is adjacent to the east; to the west is a retail store with apartments above. Eighth and Ninth Streets meet at Wabasha Street. A triangular sidewalk extension was constructed to divert Ninth Street traffic to i.ntersect with Eighth Street at right angles. This area is used as a bus stop. 9„ BOARD ACTION: To RecoMnend � �,pproval a Denial Counci.l Letter Dated: Moved by , Mansur Yeas Nays 12j15/70 x Gadler Seconded by: Rutzick x Gauger Date of Hearing Maietta 12/17/70 Secretary's remarks: x Mansur Ames - Ch. Council Action McPartlin (Alt.) Adkins (Alt.) Date x Rutzick (Alt.) x Doody (Alt.) KAS , . , 1-6=71 , RESOLVED, That Y. M. G. A, be and hereby 3.a granted a pe�nit to install and operate a 53-car public parking lot on property located on the northea�t eorner of East Ninth and Wabasha Streets, more particularly described as follo�rss Lots 7 and 8, Block 7, Bazil and �r�.erin�s Addition to Saint Pau1; all in accordanee with plans dated Received September 3�, 1970; sub�ect to the condition that said applican�-permittee, and it� su.cc�ssor� and assigns, sha11 mak� due co�pliance with all appli- cable provisions of municipal ordinances , state statutes and rules and regula�ions of public authorities having co�nizance. �-� � ��� �� � � �� v . � ' I ' . MINUTES OF TIiE P'tTBLI� REARING B�FORE TH� �(�E1.E�D OF 20NING ' ' on Thurad$y, November 19, 1970, aC ?_:OQ PoM, PRESENT: Measrs. Doody, Gadxer, Gauger,.Mansur, s�nd Rutzick of t�he Boarda and Mesarse Brow�ag Ra�etter, Ryanq anc? Sorenson, a�d Nlrs. Frantzen and Miss Sperr of the sta�f, Y, Mo C, Ao: An application far a� pextnit fo instali and opera�e a 53-car public parking lot on property located on the northeast corner of East Ninth and Wabasha S�reetso Mr, Rosetter summarized the s�aff r�pvrt, a parz of the file, stating that the plan meets the establisned design standarc�s for paxking lotsa Wheel- stops and bumper-height f�nces �re �:o be insta�.�.es for prote�ction Af public and private prope�rtyo The Traffic Engineer re�aaa�3ended a�pproval of the plan and noted tha� ftsture �ity re.e�ds inay reqc�ire sofne of +this property� and thaC the appiic�nt s�au1�3 b� made �ware af th,iso A leCter was recexved by the staff from the Housing �nc� �er�eve�.c�pme�Y k�uChority t�tiich approaes the plany nr��ing Chat they ca�nx�o� se� any px�ob"cems con�erning t'his prpposal, In conclus�on, Mr. Roset�er_ no�ted that if tla�s is mc�ved fmr appro�✓a1f that a condition might be 3.nclu�;ed thsst a sign or signs be postecS o�i the sub�ect property at one or bo�h exir_� as deemed necessary by �he B��rd that would inform users that na left tu�rns ��e a13.owed at these �xits> Wabasha Stree� is one-way to th� north�, �nd t.ta� r��he� ���.�. is ��. E�ast Nintk� Stree�:, He rnoted that East Ninth isat't as wade n v�er�et as �7abasha �so There was no one preserat im o�position t� the applicat3.o�►� � representative of the applic�r�� w�s at thF �aubliG hearia� regdy to ax�awer any inquirieso Mra Mansur quest��ned what the City's ruture need mighC be at th�t pointo Mro Rosetter replied that it wov.ld irnv�l�re � eo�ner of Che �roperty, and other plans are that the en�ir� tit�roughfaxe system in that �rea be rearranged, Mr, Gauger noted that t�a£fic fLQ�a will be diffexent there, pert�aps, becausa� of the new Civic Cente�o Upon a question by Mr4 Doody r��;arciing the time �lement, �he representative of the �p�xlicant, Mr„ Leonsrd, sai�l that �� 5-IO years a building might be proposed on the site. Mr. l�ianav� said h� wond�rs if the �fty �s serious abo�t acquirfng this propert�, or wh�ther �I��y cai11 wait uneil a structure fs b�ilt there and then �xy to condemn i�, Mro Gadler fnc;uired About �a*�dsc.�p:��-�g; tnras, � site ���.�n was gresented to �he Bomrd by Mre Rose�tere Mro I�iansur v.oved fc�r spprovs�. �f �[�e �pg�l�catfor�.� The moLion was secande.d �y Mra Rutziclt, �nd car�i.ed un���,�.r�c+�sl�-; Submi.tted by: Paul Lo Resertex� I�c�ber* I,� Am�s, Ghairman �5_ . . . City C1er-k • CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Flouse 55102 December 4, 1970 File X975, Page You are hersby notified that. a public hearing will be held ia the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House ia the City of St. Paul, Minnesota at 10:00 a.m. on December 17, 1970 on the application of The Young Men's Christian Association for a permit to install and operate a 53-car public parking lot on the property described as follows: Lots T and 8, Block 7, Bazil and Guerin's Addition. The property is located on the Northeast coraer of Wabasha aad East Ninth Streets. For further informatioa, contact the Planning Board, Roo�a 1010 Ce�aerce �uflding, or telephone 223-4151. This notice of a public hearing has been sent out fran the AepastmeAt o�£ Finance in compliance with the City Charter. ROSALIE L. BtPPLER Ceaenissio+ner of Finance O ' City of Saint Paul, Ninnesota � , r APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT S'�/ (Please print or type) r TO THE HONORABLE MAY08 AND CITY COUNCIL �� �a % the City Clerk /�� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of i s lands and pumps : ��� �'"— No. of tanks and capacity: --�. � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot ,-�"'j � [���Q,S . To be used in conaection with: r U �L�C PgQ�/I�� � MISCELI.ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location �'F�t A�1 D w q Q As C-l�9 Legal Description : Lot '7it.v..� � Block 7 Addition gA2�L a' �"-(l�R./Af S Applicant's Name . �"T', PA� l. A�Q�� �/'1��A Home or Office Address: �7� C��19� Phone Number . �� �,. d 77� FOR/BY TIiE APPLICANT, . Q_��7� ' (Signature (date) Address . Phone No,: When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Boom 386� City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Maia St. and First St. 2. South side of Maia St. between First and Second St. �---- ...�� . . .. _� ��.____ .�....�.. �, . ,\ •� � � , �,PF , � ` ,�'1 ' J�����0`aG . \ � `�- � �.' �. . ,�� Q �� . �� � ` � `� -� . �J � � , , , , `�`' \, \`• \� , ` �O ���� � � � � � ,� � \ � , � \� � ,�C � �` � �. �� � � � \ � � � � ��' � \� � \� �� � '� �1 � � `. `� � �� �`� �' , . � � �, , \�,. �� � ���� �� `� ,� �� �G !\�` . ZZ i' `�\\ ��\�\ � � �i , Q�d�' �� '�v �,I. ��� � •�► `' �� �� � ' � �� �\ i . � � ��� � Q � � �' � � Y �/ \� � � � ' � � i , \ \ \� � 7 "\ /���� ��'r�//� \ \ • � /, �\ � \ \\ C Q ,I� �` � � \ \ � � \ \ 9� � � � i � � � ' �l`j, ' ` , � I L� y� / ,\ /�, ,\ � ' � � .� \ , , �; '�sy ��, � � ��\; � ,� � � 9 � � \ � • ,� �� . � ' � �� � ` ��J � ' � �\ , � �� � � P, - �� � ��\ �� �� �\ � „ � _ \\ /��` �� 'V �� \ ` �� �� y• G�� �� �� ���� �� � ` � �i , �\ �k\, � � � � . . ` � , � � - . ` � � .� \ ` \ ` � � /X,;� � V� ` ` . � `,J � � � �, � �, � � � �/ � ` \ ,.'�\ � ' � '��� � � � \ � \ �\ /`� • �i / . � � � \ �,/ -„'�" � � \ Q5• �/♦ / � �� � � . ` . � / \\ � ` �� �`;• / � � � y� , / ��c. •. i i � � ,/ / _ .. ,i �� - • V /, i � � i� �� /. i � i , - S t ' `'� ,� � �`s �(t� N�Nry ��� �! �,�'. � �'�° 51 r ,i .' � �' � P� �� � " �• � �i. � � � Q.i � i f � pM i \`, r �a � ��� �\ , �� � � . ��-' c ' '\ `�\` ' \ • '. �P„+�` 1 � �� J .�. ,� S�-"� � � � �` �' I � A .�\� �\ - � ' �• � /� APPLICANT Y. M. �. A. LEGEND PURPO�E publiclparkingelote a 53-�sr LqND USE � ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING Commercial �O' TWO-FAMILY PETITION SIGNERS �� THREE-FAMILY FOUR- FAMILY , �' MULTI-FAMILY FILE No. 7072 NoRTH � � �C�����RCiAL INDUSTRIAL v VAC�4NT St. Paul Plonning Board, Date: li/io/�o �Z� Property under considerv+ �/ �� � � - � V 2'-G" � �� . . . . .. .. . . . . . . r'Y i . 'O�/�II .. � � . _._ _ p. ^f - �RELAST CUI`iC. \YHE�L. STOP � . 1i. . Q _. /, �I � I` � c (� C�'r-ic. SI�F.�AL� � -L- __ � � �" B�lururyoUS ��E,�RIr'u� suf��P�� - — �! �..y __ ���D11U("11M�U5 3ASE GO��c'S� � __ �i � ��� {�!, � � 1 -i�j�_-:_; � '� ,� ����_ CoMPAGTE� Su�S-C�RADE � , r --� , � � �� -� � I � ,i t •— ^.,�' �, --- _ .,,;TEEt, i'It'1 �����1 '__- � °�' � '�'� I� � /z P�E�As1 Cot-1G ���HE�L STOP �► , � 3�.i., = i' -o" � �"" � � G�::�F.F..'�I.. ST�1P:ilt`�S Ai•11) 5P1;GIT�`IC:A'1'i�s;i Invited co��truct�>rs st�ail �uumit aid proposals for this c;ork oa coar�,�ny le[terilead. Bid due datr, , � time aud {,iacc, will be de�t�nated by Uwner. , � Conrract agr�c=r�ent and General Canditions of the work shall be as ine3csded in the r'1IA AoCUmenC Al{�7� � "The Standarcf r"orm of �'��reement fietween thaner an� Car�tr�ctor, �h�►�t �'orm Ag�eement far Ssuali Coastxa�-- � tivn Con[ractr-_� 5tipulated �u�s," Forms available an request. � 'ii�e uwr2er� uncier separatc: contrac=t, tias direeted the e�eznc�liiiU�n c4f existing bui3ding and vaulted �id�� � „ w�lk areas itti:lu d iri�; cu t i�f f c�f services. $asec�nt and areae und�r sidewelk are to be filled with �---� r `�.�� clean rubCle ��:�d Ieft within approximately 2 feet of cuxb elevation. Bidders for tt►is uotk sliall examine si[e to acquaint tliemselves iirith �rzuuading properties, �s�8 �i� approacii and exit to site, results of denu�lition of bu3lding and public eitieva�i:s� apace facilitfe� '�"—'�"' for cieliverin�;� storing, placin�, and liandling uf materials and equipm�ent. Biddets shall acce�t a11 • conditivns of che site at Che> start of this �or4:. � J �. This work to include: (A) 5[ripping, (�1) General Fi2ling, {C) Subg�rade Preparation. (D) Bitumina�� � Base Coarse, i,E.�) f3ituminoug Wea�ing Surface� (F) Painted Parking Lit�eg. (C) PreCaat Gonctet� �ittee�. Staps� (t�) Grushed Rock Snrfac�ri Areas, (I) Concrete Sidewalks, Curbe aad Aprons� in accordanee with ��� the folkowing requiretnents: (A) Area t�eyond dem�alitian to be surfaced shall heve asty exi�tin:g material.s atripped frone tbe surfac;e to wi[hin 1 fao[ of finish grade. Material sha2l be wasted from the site. (B) Areg v€ de�liri.on shall have rubbie areas filled vith m�esdiu� fine bank run graauJ�ar �ratetial, M�ter�.al shall �e washed-in to f ill alI voida in zubble, F'��2 to tctp of rubble litte. (C) Sub-gr.ade over d�m�litic�n and stripged are�s ahall he �rell gradec3 sand and grevel se3eeted embank.rnent borraw macerial. ;faterial sUall bE ��ati�ed and comPacted tn 95' Standard Ptoc�or �ensity with final elevation� 6 inches belov finiah bituminous z�urfacing and 4 inches belaw concrt�te and gravel surfacing. , z (D) Base c.ourse st2a11 be � inch thick plant mixed '�ituminous surfacfn� on apptoved sabgrade. �, Aggre�,ate ancl materials :�hall be typical to :�iy Specif icatian 2.31. Leyin� and cc�aapactton r' shall be in accordance with the '4iD Ordinary Co�acti�n tiethc�c#. � ^' "' " ��de�--4wd SJearin Surface shall be hot plant crtix asphalt mixture typical to P�4iD 5ptcification � 6 (E) 8 '� o 2341. Finiah rollir►�g �hall start as soon as matetial can be coc�pacted withnut displacenae�nt p u and a;tiall continue intermittently until all roller mat'k� have disappeared. Surf�ce shall � � i�ave f�ositive drai�tage with not more than 1/4 inch deviation under n 10 foot straight edge, � i (F) P�intad parking li.nes shall be white and equal to Tneu�ec Co. , Traffic Paint, rubber base C/9�. � � � ,.�� (G) Prec�:t concrete wheel atops shall be equal to Mo3,tn !Ca�crete Products Co., Type 2, ptecat�t curb3ng. S�ops shall be set in glace with 24 inch loag s�teel pfns. (t�) Grusi��:d R€�ck aur£acfng ir+ areas indicated shall be +s�ll co�aeC�d erushed li�sCone eqwti Lc� i�iD 5£4ecif i.cazfon 313�.i, Clas� 2. (i) Concr+�t+� Sidewalks and Curbs shall have sub-ba�e, concrete �aix, thicknesses* s�eclffcatf.ot�s and tatal c3esign in accordance �ith the require�ment of Che C1Cy af St. Pau1, Departmeat of Yublic Wark.s. Thia eantractor sha11 obtain all re�qix�saents for ths.e tirork t'hrou$� t��s �`�r��r�� ment .f�cluding af$n b�ses� parking meter�s, aemephot� a�� a��:�"��».:��. f'rczvide �arricad�s and crobsings necessary to +:��;, tr�xffic off ne�r �idewalks snd sarfacing durin$ cuzing Perioci. :rast� and �ur�►lus asaterials of everp character resulting from �roxl: shall be reanved from site. Can^ cr��c�� bitumi.nc�us aubst�nce and other materiale spilled on pave�uent, wslks or structures sha12 be comw �..�..�, ;�lat�2.y c�c�vc�ci und repaired as disected. �� ".�. � ,... �. L� L�J I Li i � � �,����: � ^ 0���� ���� . "' �1 �"'" ` a 5�.� ED�� I� �� Z � � y •�,•, �..\ _. h ��t� �e,a'������.�� �u�:�l� Sainf Pa«�� Minr,act� , _ �% ' � EX15T. 6Lt r�-rtR- �/' . W � °IS.�G — 3x i 2 GortT. 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