D001116a�r�- c�r c�r� -:cT�ies; ' Fin. & Mgmt Services ' Pubiic Works ACCOUnting Engineer Corrtractor CITY OF SHIIITT PAUL - OFFICE OF TFIE • MAYOR ADMIIITISTRATNE ORDER for C011TTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1 No.:D �I{I� Date: � � r �' Y 1 ADMlNISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additbns which proved to be necessary to the tmprovemerrt descn'bed as HAMPDEN-UIVIVERSITY SEWER SEPARATION C94-2T627-0784-29196 Imown as activityy no. 29196 Arcon Construction Company , City Projed No. 94-S-8097 & 94-P-8081 Contrac[or, is Cor�posed of the folbwing: Add i�6Y1� �%Oia d;recieu �y the Engineer inciuding paving and walic construction on Raymond Avenue from University to Territorial Road. (See attached for listing of items.) TOTAL $124,251.33 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through rts Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordanee with the specificaYions in the sum of $ 124251.33 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideratbn named on the cor�rad, known as AcYnity No. 29196 , and which amount is to be financed from: CSSP funding available in the projeet. �' �,� � s-� � �a � 9 ?6 � msa;n�M�a�nagepr � 19 puu'�/ f�wL-- � � 1 � Diredor, partment of Publ'ic Works � OEPAATMENT FICEK%)U TE NNTU1tED /� Public WorksConsmtchion $�i2/96 GREEN SHEET i ��`d+4o. 34 615 �racraEasa+a ataNE xuruvwlE wrtu�wTe— `pr a�ana�rwaECroa � cmcouNCa Lazry H. L�th 2b6�6083 lJ �J ��" � cmr nnow�v � cm c�wc YUSTBEONCOUNGLKiEPqAgy(DA7� �� OGETDNiECTOfi ❑j FWd1AGT.SEfiVICE AUYOfl(OHASSISTANi) �t LartYLuelh dJV� TALiOFSIGNATIiREPAGES 2 1��u.i�oc�no�swaswt�unx� ��m[-�.� � z o�nmweeisacc�wir t� Q� acT� t�nt�sho Approvai of Adminis�rative Order f� Connxt Change Agreea�ent No. l A(!G 2 3 399� HAMPDEN-UNf VERSIT'Y SEWER SEPARATION: City Project No. 94-5-8097 & 94-P-8081 Contcact�: Arcon Constmction ComP�Y ro NEWM4BIWTqN3ACP�ae(Na Heja�t (FS PERSONAL SERYICE CONTFiACT3 YUST ANSWER 7FiE FOLLOW WG GUESTIONS: Puw�w� cowMissaN _crv� seRV� cae�e�ssaN �. t+as mis cersomm�n ever wonced under a contrx� mr mis deparrmem? GBCOYMRTEE , YES NO � STAFF 2. Hes thi3 person/km ever bBen a dry Bmployee? — — YES NO _ DISTRICiCWNCIL _ 3. Does tltia persorvfirm possess a skill no[ rrormalN P��ssed by any artent GItY emPbYee? sUPPOR73wHICHCOUNCitO&1EC7NE7 VES NO Sewer Separatan Exptain aN yas answan on aapanb sheat and aihdi to grean ahaN INRWTING PROBLEAI. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT. WHEN. WHEFE. WHh: Significant additionai woilc added w she contract Many small items of extra woilc encountereil during the project were necessary to complete the project in an appropriate manner. The maj� extra item was paving of Raymond Aven� from Universiry to Territorial Road, which was added as requested by local business owners. Those business ownus parnicipated in the cost ADVANTAGES IF MPROVED: Authorize payment for extra work performed at ihe direction of the Engineer. R�CEI��f� AUG 20 �� ������ DISADVANTAGES �F MPflOVED: N°"e RECE.pVED JAN 14199i �fTY CLERK WSADVANTAGES�FNOTAPPROVED: De1ay in fmal payment to the Contractor. ALA1dWNTOFTRAN3ACTI0Nf $124251.33 f03TlPEVENUEBUDGETED(dRCLEONE) ES � soUpcE CSSPFundin,� AC71VfTYNUMBEH C94-2Tb27-0784-29196 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPUIN) Available m project funding. „{ � ��l . �� Owner City,of SI: Rapl, 900. City Hall Aanex, S4. Faul, MN 55102 Contractor Arcon Construction, 903 East Forest, Mora, MN 55051 Bond Co. CHANG P� � R I10. 1 Hampden/University Sewer Separation Project Project No. 9458097 & 94-P-8081 File No. 21138 Descriniion of Work: �ao� � tb - ' Date°OctoBeP37; 19 Change Order No. 1 ,. . 6 .�4 ,', ;-; . � �: � � � � V �� i ✓ � ':,-.r _ e"- n,: ->; � h p �y i � � � �� 1.1 Compensate contractor for relocating private telephone pole near the intersection of Cromwell/Wabasfi. The pole was louated in a new easement and had to be moved to install storm sewer (grant eligible). 1.2 Compensate contractor tor excavating to verify elevation and location of existing storm line W. of. M.H. 16-27. The cost will be added to storm stub bill 2229 Territorial Rd. (grant ineligible). " 1.3 Compensate contractor for lowering storm sewer on Hampden Ave. between M.H. 28 and MH 30. The storm sewer had to be lowered to pick up existing storm line near MI-I 16-27. The cost will be added to storm stub bill 2229 Territorinl Rd. (grant ineligible). 1.4 Compensate contractor for installing 66" & 90" RCP vertical bends and construction joint at the drop shaFt connection near the intersection of Cromwell Ave./Wabash Ave. The bends and construction joint were used in place of junction structure #1 (grant eligible). 1.5 Compensatecontractor for excavatingto verify elevation and location of existingstorm line N. of MH 17-4. The cost will be added to storm stub bi112229 Charles Ave. (grant ineligible). 1.6 Compensatecontractor for removing and bullcheading4ld S4" R.C.P. near the interscction of Wabash Ave.ICromwellAve. This line was in conflict �vith new storm at drop shaft connection (grant eligible). 1.7 Compensate contractor for e�cavating to verify elevation and location of existing storm line N. of MH 11-1A.. The cost will be added to storm slub bill 662 Cromwell Ave. (grant ineligible). 1.8 Compensate cAntractor for moving storm stub out of MH 56 on Franklin Ave. The property owner requesied a new location after swb was installed.' The cost wili be added to storm stub bill ZS12 University Ave. (grant ineligi6le). 1.9 CorapensatecontractorforovertimeworkedonWabashAve.betweenRaymondAve.andLaSalleSt. Therailraadtracks which were removed and replaced on Wabash Ave. for stonn sewer construction could only be out of service for a short ' period of time (grant eligible). 1.10 Compensate contractor for.installing saFety chains in 90" RCP up stream from dropshaft near tfie intersection of Wabash Ave./Cromwell Ave. (grant eligible). „ . - 1:11 Compensate contracWr for using aggregate pipe bedding. The aggregate bedding was needed because of wet pipe sub- grade (grant eligible). 1.12 Compensatecontracior for relocating underground sprinkler and electriclines near drop shaft location at the intersection � of Ctomwell Ave./MyrUe Ave. (grant eligible). CO-1 � ' ` � �l 001 l l � 1.13 Compensate contractor for excavating to verify elevation and IocaGon of existing storm line N. of MH 11. The cost will be added to storm stub bill 2251 University qve. (grant ineligible). • 114 Compensate contractor for installing temgorary crossing for the blind on UniversiTy Ave. east of IIampden Ave. The crossing was needed duxing sewer conslruction because the Minnesota Society For tfie Blind was located neaz this intersection (grant eligible). 1.15 Compensate contractor for installing pier supports at watermain crossings between MH 45 & MH 46 and MH 48 & MH 49. (�;rant eligble). . 1.16 Compensate contractor for installing 30" arch pipe hetween MA 48 & MH 49 at the intetsection of Carleton SL/University ;;�_-: Ave. The arch pipe was used to avoid a 20" watermain offsei (grant eligible). � 1.17 Compensate contractor for increasing size of junction structure #9 at the intersection of Hampden Ave./UniversityAve. The length of the west wall was changed from original plans (grant eligible). '. 1.18 Compensate con[ractor for excavating to verify etevation and location of existing sanitary sewer liue on east side of s . ,- Vandalia St. north of University Ave. The cost will be added to storm stub bill 2147/2161 University Ave. (grant ineligible). , 1.19 Compensate contractor for installing S" PVC sanitary sewer in Vandalia St. north of University Ave. The sewer was needed to separate property at NE corner of University Ave./Vandafia St. The cost will be added to storm bill 2147/2161 Univecsity Ave. (grant ineligible). 1.20 Compensate contractor for installing curb islands on Myrtle Ave. between LaSc�le St.,and Raymond Ave. The original ,• plan called dor sewer trench to be res[ored with conc. pavement. It was changed to blacktop with curb islands (grant v i. inelipble). " 1.21 Compensate contractor for removing and replacingparkinglot ligh[s near drop shaft location at the intersectionof Myrtle Ave./Cromwell Ave. The lighls were removed during dtop shatt construclion (grant eligiblc)., 1.22 Compensate contractor for lowering storm sewer on Carlcton St. and Charles Ave. Uetween MH A9 and MH 68A. The sewer was lowered for a private storm stub. 1'he cost will be added to storm stuU bill 2363/2373 University Ave. (grant ineligible). 123 Compensate contractor for additional traffic control devices used on University Ave. The additional signs, bartels, aud Jersey barriers were ordered by Art'Steinheck Erom S.. Pau! Traffic Operations (grant eligible). , 1.24 Compensate contractor for lowering sturm sewer on Churles Ave. and Vandalia St. between MH 31 and MH 38. Pat Byrne from St. Paul Sewer Department requested that the sewer be lowered for future storm stub on east side of , Vandalia St. between Charles Ave. and Territorial Rd. {grant ineliable). , 1.25 Compensate contractor for remobilization on Raymond Ave. between UniversityAve, and Territorial Rd. This includes " changes from trench patch to total sireet reconsiruct, additionalsanitary sewer,water services, and traffic control. (grant . . ineligible). � " ' 1.2b Compensate contractor for remobilization to mill and overlay Hampden Ave, between University Ave. and Ellis Ave. - The original'p]an called for trench patch and seal coat. (grant eligible). 1.27 Compensate contractor for bituminous overlay on Charles Ave. east of Vandalia St. (grant ineligible). • • CO-2 � � l, ll��,� �_ 128 Compensate contractor for installingback flow device on storm stub between MH 40 aud CB 19-19. The property owner . requested that the backtlow devise be installed. The cost will be added to storm stuh bill 2210 Territorial Rd. (grant _ ineligible). 1.29 Compensate coniractar for repairing ceiling of electric vault located under City sidewalk at First Bank Midway on Raymond Ave. The vault was damaged during sidewalk removal. (grant ineligible). 1.30 Compensate conirac[or Eor restoring landscaped boulevard to original condition on east side of Vandalia St. between Charles Ave. and Territorial Rd. The edging and rock had to be removed for street reoonstruction (grant ineligble). 131 Compensate contractor for paving temporary 6lacktop ramps azound MH's and edges on streets which did not get the Gnal lift of blacktop paved in 1994. This includes removsl of ramps in 1995 prior to paving Gnai lift (grant eligible). 1.32 Compensate contractor for changing 12" RCP CB lead to 12" DIP CB lead. The 12" DIP was used to avoid contlicts with existing utilities (grant eligible). 133 Compensate contractor for changing 15" RCP CB lead to 14" DIP CB lead. The 14" DTP was used to avoid conflicts with existing utilities (grant eligible), ,, 134 Compensatecontractor for changing 15" RCP CB lead to 16" DIP CB lead. The 16" DTP was used to avoid conflicts with existing utilities (grant eligble). � 135 Compensate contractor for changing 18" RCP CL V to 18" DIP between MH 23A and MH 23B at intersection of - Vandalia St./University Ave. The 18" DIP was used to avoid watermain conilict (Csrant eligible). 1.36 Compensate contractor for changing 21" RCP CL III to hvin 16" DIP between MH 66 and MH 67 at the intersection of Cromwell Avejt'eiritorial Rd. The change was made to avoid gas main conflict (grant eligible). `' • 1.37 Compensate coatractor"fo; insialling 36" arch pipe between MH 19 and Mfi 19A at the intersection of Wabash Ave./Vandalia St. The arch pipe was used to avoid electric duct offset (grant eligble), 1.38 Compensate contractor for repairingexistingsanitary sewcr'on the south side of University Ave. between,Hampden Ave. ' .- and LaSalle St. Pat Byrne from St: Paul Sewer DepartmenT iequested that ihe sewer be repaired (grant ineli�ible}. 139 Compensate contractor for milling existingpavement and paving blacktop palches between ruilroad tracks at intersections of Vandalia St./Charles Ave. "and Wabash Ave./Raymond Ave. This includes temp. patches placed in the'winter of . 1994/1995 (grant ineligible). 1.40 Compensate wntractnr for reaxinbilizatio� (o seal coai Myrtle Ave. between Cromwell Ave. and PeSham BIvd. and , Vandalia St. between LSniversity Ave. and Charles Ave. The original plans did not ca31 for seal coating at these locations (grant ineligible). • CO-3 No. I4m --- • Cfiange Order No.1 ,,. 1.1 Relocate tele. pole @ W.abash/Cromwell ' 1.2 Verify elev, of esisting storm line °° on I3ampden W. of MH 16-27 ` 13 I.ower storm sewer on Hampden ". between Mfi 28 & MH 30 �<aa_ 1.4 66" & 90" vertical bends and ���,. construction joint @ shaft connection �° 1.5 Verify elev. of existing storm line ;.. on Charles N. of MH 17-4 -' 1.6 Remove & bull;head existing 54" R.C.P. , at WabashlCromwelI , 1.7 Verity elev. of exisling storm line N. of MH 11-1A ' 1.8 Move storm stub on Franklin at MH-56 1.9 Overtime work on Wabash between ' lt:+ymond and LaSalle !, �110 Install safety chains in 90" R.C.P. upstream &om drop shaft 1.11 Aggregate bedding 1.12 Offset sprinkler and elec: line _ ` at ckopshaft locaGon 1.13 Verify elevation of e�sting storm line N. of M.H. 11 1.14 I�stall temp. ped, aossing for • the blind at Hampden/CJniversity 1.15 Install pier supports at � � watei main crossings � 1.16 Install 30" Arc& pipe at � ' Carleton/University 1.17 Increase size of Junction struct: #9 " 1.18 Verify elevation of ex. san. sewer line on Vandalia N. of University . �OOi ( I� . con��t u� T Unit QuautitY Price . h�od � 1 5,46250 $5,46250 � 1 15634 15634 � 1 3,107.70 3,10730 � 1 8,7fl(}.00 8,700.00 LS 1 426.78 426.78 I.S 1 2,248.76 2,2A8.76 LS 1 214.70 214.70 LS 1 712A6 712.06 LS . 1 q,763.54 4,76350. LS 1 274.02 274A2 Ton 786.51 7.08 5,568.49 LS 1 590.29 59029 ,_ I.S LS LS LS I.S I.S 1 i 1 1 1 1 585.81 1,799.78 1,000.00 3,519.12 1,650.00 487.11 585.81 1,799.78 1,000.00 3,519.12 . - 1,650.00 487.11 W-4 ' � -: 1.19 Install 8" PVC sanitary sewer in • Va¢daiia N. of University 1.20 Install curb islands on Myrtle between LaSalle and Raymond � 1.21 Remove and reset parking lot lights at dropshaft location '" 122 Lower storm sewer on Carleton & `, ' Charles between MH 49 & MH 68A 1.23 Addiiional traf6c control on University . L2A I,ower storm sewer on Charles & �s�. � Vandalia between MH 31 &&IH 38 1.25 Remobilization for additiona] work on Raymond Avenue �'�� E 1,26 � Remobili�ationfor additional . avlling on Hampden Avenue 1.27 Bituminous overlay on Charles E. of Vandalia %i. •1.28 Ins[all backflow device on 8" line , " between MH 40 and CB 19-19 1.24 Repair electricalvault at First a:,.;.. I3ank Midwayoa Raymond 1.30 Restore landscaged bouievard to original condition on Vandalia 131 Temp. blacktop ramps on streets which , did not get final lift paved in 1994 1.32 Change 12" RCP CB lead to 12" DIP CB lead 1.33 Change 15" RCP CB lead to 14" DJP CB lead , 134 Change 15" RCP CB lead to 16" ` DIP CB lead ' 1.35 Change 18" RCP Cl V storm to 18" � - DIP"storm � � 36 Change2l"RCP Cl III to twin 16"DIP � CO-5 I,F LS I.S LS I.S I.S LS I.S LS I.S LS I.S LS LF I.F LF LF I.S 186 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 699.5 44 107 17.5 1 ��� ��U. , 20.00 14,264.00 678.96 907.56 3,165.57 2,645.04 IS,775.00 300.00 3,437.75 138.00 2,950,00 . 808.99 3,743.01 6.62 9.88 13.76 15.57 1,853.86 > � ti. .. .. _.,. .�. . . .. , _. . . . . . _ .. . . ' 137 Ins[all 36" azch pipe at ,. � intersectionof Wabash/Vandatiy 138 Repair sanitary sewet on University ' between Hampden and LaSalle 139 Patch between railroad tracks on . Wabash and Vandalia ,.,,. ., 1.40 Remobilizafion far additional . sealcoating '`" Total Changa Order No. 1 p 1 :* I.S LS LS I.S . . � . .._. . � . � , ����:.�:�U 1 55836 " 1 11,483.41. 1 5,143.05 1 932.4 CHAN6E ORDER NO. }, Part 2 Hampden/University Sewer Separation Project 55836 11,483.41 5,143.05 93240 $12D,582.17 Project No. 94-5-8097 & 94-P-8081 File No. 21138, Descrintion of R'ork: '� 2:1 Compensate Contractor for removing a seciion of concrete gutter and patching it back with blacktop at the intersection f Wabash Avenue/Pelham Boulevard. The gutter was removed to make the ride through the intersection smoother. (G� 2.2 Compensate Contractor for storing salvaged paving brick from 12-1-94 through 7-31-96. The bricks will be used on a City of St.,Paul street paving project in the summer of 199b. (G� 2.3 Compensate Contractor for removing topsoil and pouring sidewalk at 791 Raymond (Mill City Cafe). Tiie sidewalkwas „ added to the project after the Contractor subcut boulevard and placed topsoil. (Gn , � Contract � Unit Totai ,' Na Item � IInit . � Qnantity Piitt tann 2.1 2,2 2.3 �� Change Order No. 1, Par 2 Remove conaete gutter and gatch @ WabashJPenham (Gn Store salvaged paving bricics -(Gn Sidewalk at 791 Raymond (Ivfill City Cafe) (Gn Total Change Order No. 1- �D Part Z TOTAL CHANGE ORDER N0, 1 I.S I.S I.S 1 1 1 1,08532 1,08532 2,000.00 2,000.00 583.84 5� � $3,669.16 $124,251.33