251931 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � 25193� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM � ��C MMIS�IONE � ATF 96 S vyrban District Engineerin� 2 West County Road. B2 s . Pa,il., �esota 55�.3 � Resolved that pex��ission be and is hereby grant�l to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Ccmpany to make neceasar� excavation� for anci to maintain under• l� o,w' grauad and aerial cable plant with assoeiated laterals tc intersectiag �p� streets an�d alleys. Y" On Front Avenue at intersection o� Virgin3a Street 'biork to be done under the directioa of the Cmmnissioner of Pablic Works. The Telephone Company to pay cost of publicatic�n hereto. �OR A �T C S f. O O/7 Q1; �� JAN 12 197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Y� xa�s JAN 121g71 Butler �c„�.,,,,,� A rov 19— Levine �J In Favor Sprafka �' A g'A1218t Tedesco M�,WiCe'�"resident Meredith PUBLISHED �AN � � �97r ��