251916 ��1g16 co�e� � xo.....w�.�. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderaignedhereby propoeeetbemal�ingof thefollowingpubliaimprrovement by tha City oi 8aint Paul,v�ia.: reconstruct the sidewalk on_the..south side�of E 5th. St� fram ...........____.............. .................. ...�... .... .. ... .... ....Gotzian St. to Atlantic St.�sad_by..dofng all.other_work.which .is necessary_ and._incidental t . o._com�lete _said improvement. ������ ........____..._.... Dsted thie.......12th.......daq of....................Janua?7'....._......---........... S ?1.. ........................5�`--••- • ......... �.....................---..._...... �. ......... amdn. -..� / PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: recons truct the sidewalk on the south side of E. 5th. St. from Gotzian St. to Atlantic . .. ................................................•-----....................__..........._...........•--....---....................----.............---............_............_ St. and by doing all other work which is necessar� and incidental_ to_ com�lete.said . _iniprove�nt. ....................••--...-•---..........._....___..---•--..................................._.__.........._........_.._...._._.........................._..........._. _..........-•---------------•-------..._..__........._....-•--•---•--...-•-----.............................._............................._.........._..---...._.._..-----•-..._................_ 6sving been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul................................................................................:..... 86erefore, be it RE80LVED, That the Commisaioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: l. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To iaveetigate the nature� extent and oatimated cost of said improvement� and the tot$1 ooet t6ereof. 3. To furnieh a plsn� profile or aketch of said improvement. . 4. To etste whether or ao�eaid improveaient ie aeked �'or on +t,he petition of three ar more� ownare. !S. To report upon a1D of the foregoing matters to the �Cnmm�eeioner of Finanoe. eaopt�a �y tbe �,�ou.........................................�AN :i L .197�..... Y�es �ounc t lman But l er JAN 121971 Car 1 enn ApptOVe($......................................................................._._ Levine Mer.�th— , Sprafka Tedes co .............._. .. .---•--•-- _..- - a . � ��c. Vice President Meredith �� � PUBLISHED JA N 1 6 1971