251899 251899 co�a� � xa.....�....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereigaed heceby propaeeethema�ingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of�eint Psul�v�s.: recoastruct .the�sidewalk.on the,south side of Alton St. frc�m Stewart . .............. ...... ........ ........ . .........................Ave. to W. 7th. Street_and b�.doing.all other_�rk which .is necessar�.and._i�cideatal to complete said .. im rovement. Dsted this.......7th:........dsq oi...............JanuarY................... .......... 71 ...................____..._.... ............... ....:�....,........ ..._ .... ..._._..... �Counuilmsn. PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHEREA$, A wri�ten propoeal for the meking of the following improvemeat, vis.: recunatruct the sidewalk on the south side of Alton St, frem Stewart Ave. to W. 7th. . ..................................................__........_........---..._......._................................._....._........_................._ _Street and bq.doing all ot6er work �ich is c��cessary anct incidental e said . _ .. _ • - - - ..... to cam�let..,..... _ ._....... improveme at.............................................___..-•-•--...................................................._......_.........-•-•-...._................._............. .................................................•--•-......_.............____........._......_........_......................_...----•--•---............._......_......_......._.._...�......... 6svjng been preeented to the Council of the City of 3aint P'aul.....................•-•-•-•--....----.._....._.................._...._....,.......... therefore, be it RE80LVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: l. To inveetigate the neceeaity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of eaid improvement� snd the total ooat thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. . 4. To stste whether or ao�eaid improveffient ie asked i�or oa �l,he petition of three ar mord owner�. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �C�nmmieeioner of Finsnoe. JAN � 1�75 Adoptedby the Counoil.---...................»................................................. Yase Councilman Butler $ �97� Ca�1 son �P�,���.........._J A N................................................__._ Levine ��� Sprafka Tedes co .................... .----- .--_. ._...._.._..._._ � eyor. �000 t.$�t'. Vice President Mer � � � edith � PUELISHED �A� 1 6 1971